Leave Letter for School - Format, Samples - Getmyuni (2024)

A student can request a leave of absence for various reasons by writing a leave letter for school. Elements such as reason for leave and providing correct dates on the days the student will be absent are essential while writing a school leave letter.

A leave letter for school can be written both by students or parents. It is customarily recommended that the parents compose and sign the leave letter before handing it over to the appropriate person. A school leave letter is written when a student cannot attend school for any reason.

Table of Contents

  • What is Leave Letter for School?
  • Leave Letter Sample for School
    • Leave Letter Sample for Students
    • Leave Letter Sample from Parents
  • Leave Letter Format for School
  • Tips to Write Leave Letter for School

What is Leave Letter for School?

Leave letters for school are given to inform teachers of a student's temporary absence from school. This letter can be addressed to either the Principal or the class teacher.

Parents can also write a leave letter to the school that their child will not be attending school due to a personal reason.

Types of Leave Letters for School

Some of the reasons why students might request a leave of absence are listed below:

  1. Sick leave
  2. Relative marriage leave
  3. For family holidays
  4. Personal family matters
  5. Going to an outstation

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Leave Letter Sample for School

In most cases, students must submit a leave application to their class instructor or the principal to be excused from class. For younger children, though, their parents may submit a leave letter for school on their behalf later.

Listed below is a sample of leave applications that can be altered depending upon the reason. The format of the application, however, remains the same.

1. Leave Letter Sample for Students

The Sample below is the leave application format for students.

Leave Application



The Principal,

(School Name),

(School Address)

Subject: Application For Leave

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am (Your Name), a student of (Class And Section). I want to bring to your kind attention that due to (Mention your reason), I will be unable to come to school from (date) to (date).

I request you to kindly provide me with leave for the dates mentioned above.

I assure you that I will catch up with my studies after returning. I shall be grateful.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,

(Your Name)

Leave Letter for School - Format, Samples - Getmyuni (1)

2. Leave Letter Sample from Parents

The Sample below is the leave application format from parents.

Leave Application



The Principal,

(School Name),

(School Address).

Subject: Application For Leave

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am (Parent name), father/mother of (Student name), studying in (Class & Section). I am writing this application to tell you that my son/daughter has not been feeling well for the past few days. Medical tests are going on, and doctors have advised him/her to bed rest for the next (Number of days).

I request you to please grant (Number of days) of leave to my son/daughter so that he/she can recover quickly. A prescription from the doctor has been attached to the application for your reference, and I shall be very grateful.

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely,

(Parent’s name)

(Parent’s signature)

Leave Letter for School - Format, Samples - Getmyuni (2)

3. Leave Letter Format for School

Students need to bear in mind that the format of the letter also matters as much as its content. While writing a leave application for school, students need to follow a standard format, regardless of the reason.

The format of writing a leave letter for school of absence is listed below:

  • Salutation
  • The subject of the application
  • Reason for leave
  • Number of leaves needed (particular dates)
  • Contact information of guardians
  • Signature of Guardian

Also Read:

Tips to Write Leave Letter for School

Students are advised to understand the structure and its major components to write it down clearly and concisely. It should be sincere, brief, and offer acceptable justifications for your absence. It's critical to include dates, days, and durations to keep the entire process transparent.

Listed below are a few tips for writing a leave letter for school.

  • Make sure that the intent of the application is straightforward.
  • The subject in the application for leave should be concise.
  • The body of the application should not be very long. It should state the reason and the dates for leave.
  • The tone of the application should be formal.
  • The reason stated for leave should be real and honest.
  • The language should be grammatically correct.
Leave Letter for School - Format, Samples - Getmyuni (2024)
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