11 Emotional Advertising Examples Most Used by Brands - Creatopy (2024)

7 minutes read

Everyone knows that emotional marketing is difficult to do right. Marketers tend to focus on conversion rate, impressions, bounce rates, and bids, and we forget about the emotional appeal in the advertising.

According to the research from PsychologyToday, people respond to the emotional part of the ads a lot more than the text itself.

On the other hand, ads that convey strong emotions often go viral and produce awesome results. The study from HubSpot revealed that the most-shared ads relied on emotional content, including happiness, friendship, and inspiration.

In particular, Mariano Rodriguez from LawRank pointed out that “If you want to make people share and buy, improve your PPC campaign through the use of emotional advertising. This is an effective way to drive your campaign goals”.

How to create emotionally charged ads?

Most PPC specialists are using the standard formula while creating ad copy. It includes three points: keywords, CTA, and unique selling points. Fortunately, Google gives more space for creating expanded text ads where you can adopt emotional ad copy and build meaningful connections with potential clients.

Here are some tips on how to make emotional ads:

  1. Check what your competitors are running – especially if you spotted them using emotional marketing. You can take over their ideas and make them even better. To spy on your rivals, use SE Ranking Competitor SEO/PPC Research tool.
  2. Make a list of the benefits your product provides. You can create a customer survey to see what they truly believe the benefits are. You can use the JotForm Survey Maker or Survey Anyplace to get the exact results.
  3. Connect emotional benefits with an image. The image should reflect the emotional values of your statement. Use our platform to make a banner simple and easy.

Emotions are one of the main reasons why people prefer using products of a certain brand. To encourage people to buy from you, use the following emotional trigger examples in your advertising:

1. Instant Gratification

People often expect instant gratification in many aspects of their lives, even if they are negative. The sense of urgency in your message always makes people get this right now. It is important to include words like today, now, within 24 hours, instant access, etc. These are important aspects of emotional advertising.

Don’t make your audience wait – just give what they want. You can give a discount or run a giveaway. Just give them a chance to win.

Here is a good example of this practice from Lavent Law who persuades people to call them to get their money if they are injured in an accident:

11 Emotional Advertising Examples Most Used by Brands - Creatopy (2)

2. Happiness

Many brands want their customer to associate their brand names with smiling, laughing, and positivism. Based on this study, the New York Times’ most-shared articles were positive and had emotional appeal. When creating emotional ads, keep in mind that positive advertising can help you get more engagement and increase sharing.

For example, Coca-Cola’s “Choose Happiness” promotion in 2015 was a powerful example that encouraged consumers to share happy memories and experiences that make them feel happy that summer.

11 Emotional Advertising Examples Most Used by Brands - Creatopy (3)

3. Fear

Fear is a good marketing tool to make people loyal to a brand, a product, or a service. Fear makes people investigate some areas carefully, and showcase warns of dangers that we can lose something if we don’t take measures. Fear helps us grow and prevent people from bad behaviors like alcohol, drug abuse, and smoking.

For example, the World Wildlife Fund uses fear in advertising to increase awareness about the harmful effects of global warming. The image clearly shows that climate change will change you and your descendants if you don’t take action to keep it.

11 Emotional Advertising Examples Most Used by Brands - Creatopy (4)

4. Trust

Nowadays, trust is one of the most effective triggers in emotional advertising, and many brands try to jump on the trust board in their ads. Before customers trust and buy from you repeatedly, you should persuade them to trust you by using emotional appeal advertising.

  • Try to be open and transparent with your customers. Everything should be visible in public view.
  • Show testimonials on your landing page and links to your reviews on third-party sites like Yelp, TripAdvisor, etc.
  • Reduce consumer risk. You can offer a 100% money-back guarantee, free trial, 100% satisfaction guarantee, etc.
  • Stay human. Show real human faces and links to their social profiles on your website to prove that they are members of your team.
  • Show authoritative brands you used to work with and the awards you have won.
  • Be specific. Display numbers, figures, stats, and facts about your brand.

Take a look at The Law Offices of John Rapillo as an example. They promote trust in their clients.

11 Emotional Advertising Examples Most Used by Brands - Creatopy (5)

5. Sadness

Using negative emotions like sadness helps you deliver a sense of empathy or compassion. Many brands have noticed the effectiveness of using emotional content that creates public awareness of social issues like violence, gender equality, poverty reduction, immigration, and others.

It is essential to keep the balance when creating such kind of ads. You don’t need to upset your audience and evoke negative feelings made by your brand. Conversely, these emotions should motivate people to act and donate money to improve the situation.

For example, Children of the World promoted the Help Me Read This campaign to improve child literacy in New Delhi.

11 Emotional Advertising Examples Most Used by Brands - Creatopy (6)

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6. Anger

Using anger in emotional advertising makes people upset or annoyed about things like politics, environmental issues, political candidates, etc. Anger evokes a negative emotion that can cause negative associations.

Brands that use this emotion want to stimulate people to solve important questions and reconsider their perspective. They want to show people the overall situation and show positivity to change it for the better.

For example, the Always’ Like a Girl campaign uses a famous offense to catch more attention and encourage women to share their stories and the difficulties they face and play sports.

11 Emotional Advertising Examples Most Used by Brands - Creatopy (8)

7. Belonging

Every person wants to belong to a group, a community, a family or a social network. The feeling of belonging helps customers satisfy their key psychological needs. Many companies use this emotion to make customers feel part of a particular group.

Especially, it is widely used in sport. It is a great place to show the feeling of belonging in action. The Rapha Cycle Club (RCC), a membership organization, is a great emotional appeal example. They offer people to ride with RCC members each week in your city and travel the world for RCC hangouts and meetings.

11 Emotional Advertising Examples Most Used by Brands - Creatopy (9)

8. Guilt

Martin Lindstrom noticed in this article that guilt is the most puritanical among all our emotions that became an emotional consumer pandemic in the 21st century. People are easily influenced by messages that make them feel guilty. Many nonprofit organizations use this trigger in their advertising campaigns. They can be very effective and don’t have a negative thing. The Sears Craftsman is a good example. The message of guilt positions the brand as the solution to current consumers’ issues.

11 Emotional Advertising Examples Most Used by Brands - Creatopy (10)

9. Values

Values are one of the hottest trends in marketing. Every day people make purchase decisions based on judgments and values. Many promotions are directly connected with the emotional trigger of making the best deal. It can include time, price, and money.

Make sure that values are very subjective, and many companies do their best to boost the perceived value of their products. Once you understand your target customers’ values, you can create the best compelling and targeted ads.

For example, Citywide Law Group promotes the message “If you have been injured, you shouldn’t pay until we win” which is effective in arousing the feeling related to value.

11 Emotional Advertising Examples Most Used by Brands - Creatopy (11)

10. Leadership

Consumers want to be the first to try new products or services. Brand promotions appeal to the emotional trigger related to leadership and make their target customers feel like they are first for this audience.

Do you remember the famous Nike’s campaign “Just Do it”? It is a great example that demonstrates the emotional trigger of cultural leadership.

11 Emotional Advertising Examples Most Used by Brands - Creatopy (12)

11. Pride

This emotion is intended for all consumers who want to look smart and be proud of making a good choice. They want to be proud of purchasing organic food, a bestselling book, or any money-value purchase. It is difficult to use this emotion because each person has different needs and desires, and you need to do in-depth marketing research to support your offering with solid arguments.

Here is how Amazon Flex proposes to its customers to earn a good wage when delivering parcels with Amazon.

11 Emotional Advertising Examples Most Used by Brands - Creatopy (13)

Bottom Line

Using emotions in your ads directly affects the buying process of a target audience. There is an old expression: “people buy emotionally, then justify logically”. No matter what you choose: happiness, fear, belonging, or trust – the emotional triggers should resonate with your target consumers. Including facts and enough information about your products can increase the chance of purchase.

I hope the emotional advertising trigger examples mentioned above will help you motivate your customers to take action and become a global leader in your industry.

11 Emotional Advertising Examples Most Used by Brands - Creatopy (2024)


What is an example of emotional advertising? ›

When creating emotional ads, keep in mind that positive advertising can help you get more engagement and increase sharing. For example, Coca-Cola's “Choose Happiness” promotion in 2015 was a powerful example that encouraged consumers to share happy memories and experiences that make them feel happy that summer.

What is an example of a current brand using an emotional appeal in advertising? ›

Emotional Branding

Hallmark, for example, provokes positive feelings of love and happiness just like Nike provokes feelings of awe and inspiration. Ads with emotional content are often used to help develop this brand image.

What companies use emotional advertising? ›

Apple. Apple may be the perfect example of a company that utilizes emotions to create a connection with consumers and brand loyalty over time. Apple's branding strategy uses simplicity, a clean design and most importantly, a desire to become part of a lifestyle movement.

How are emotions used in advertising? ›

Connecting to your audience using emotional advertising is important. Whether you're pulling at their heartstrings or making them laugh, this makes your brand more memorable. Your audience is more likely to trust you if you appeal to their emotions because it makes your brand more relatable.

What is example of emotional? ›

Primary emotions such as love, joy, surprise, anger, and sadness can then be further broken down into secondary emotions. Love, for example, consists of secondary emotions, such as affection and longing. These secondary emotions might then be broken down still further into what are known as tertiary emotions.

How does Nike use emotional branding? ›

Nike advertising uses the emotional branding technique of Heroism to inspire incredible customer loyalty all over the world. The hero starts from humble beginnings, challenges a foe greater than he, and against all odds, prevails. Nike marketing isn't the only group that uses this archetype.

What are some examples of emotional appeal? ›

Emotional appeals do not rely on facts or evidence; rather, they rely on playing on emotions.
Examples of Appeal to Emotion:
  • Grocery store commercial that shows a happy family sitting around the table at Thanksgiving.
  • A real estate ad that shows a happy young family with children moving into the home of their dreams.

What is emotional brand marketing? ›

Emotional branding is the process of forming a relationship between a consumer and a product or brand by provoking their emotions. Marketers achieve this by creating content that appeals to the consumer's emotional state, ego, needs, and aspirations.

What is an example of an emotional purchase? ›

He doesn't really feel hungry at all, dinner is supposed to be in three hours, but he takes a big bite and thinks, “yes, that's exactly how I imagined it!” He doesn't necessarily need to eat right now, but he went ahead and purchased anyway. That is an example of an emotional purchase.

What is an emotional advertising ad? ›

Emotional appeal advertising is a promotional tactic that stimulates emotions among consumers. They assess what motivates and concerns viewers, and then they tell a story that resonates with the audience.

Is emotional advertising more effective? ›

The long-term benefits of emotion

The main finding was that emotional campaigns are the most effective and outperform rational campaigns in terms of increasing penetration, sales and market share in the long term. The only exception is for direct response, the short term, where rational messages appear more effective.

How do you sell emotions examples? ›

Here are a few ideas for how to tap into this emotion:
  1. Emphasize the personal benefits. ...
  2. Point out the hard ROI. ...
  3. Tell stories of customers who earned professional consideration. ...
  4. Use words such as "reward," "valuable," "exclusive," "all yours," "distinguishing," "profitable," and "gain."
Apr 29, 2015

Why is the use of emotion such an important part of advertising? ›

And Why Is It So Effective? Emotion is such a strong force. It's powerful in many ways because it can influence a decision and urge people to act. That's why it has been an effective marketing technique to inspire people to take specific actions and reach business milestones.

What are types of emotions? ›

This online interactive tool breaks down emotions into five main categories:
  • anger.
  • fear.
  • sadness.
  • disgust.
  • enjoyment.

What is the impact of emotional advertising on the consumer? ›

The results show a positive impact of emotions like love, humor and happiness in influencing the purchase intention of the consumers. The paper confirms the positive relationship between emotional advertising and consumer buying behavior with respect to the home appliance brands.

What are 10 types of emotions? ›

They include sadness, happiness, fear, anger, surprise and disgust.
  • Sadness. An emotional state characterized by feelings of disappointment, grief or hopelessness. ...
  • Happiness. A pleasant emotional state that elicits feelings of joy, contentment and satisfaction. ...
  • Fear. ...
  • Anger. ...
  • Surprise. ...
  • Disgust.
May 17, 2019

What are the 12 main emotions? ›

More recently, Carroll Izard at the University of Delaware factor analytically delineated 12 discrete emotions labeled: Interest, Joy, Surprise, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, Contempt, Self-Hostility, Fear, Shame, Shyness, and Guilt (as measured via his Differential Emotions Scale or DES-IV).

What are the 10 positive emotions? ›

Dr. Fredrickson identified the following as the ten most common positive emotions: Joy, Gratitude, Serenity, Interest, Hope, Pride, Amusem*nt, Inspiration, Awe, Love.

How Nike advertise their products? ›

Nike relies heavily on advertisem*nts to promote their products, especially those featuring high-profile athletes and celebrities. Additionally, Nike makes use of sales promotion strategies like discount codes to entice potential customers to buy their products.

Why Nike used social media marketing such as Youtube Facebook and Instagram platforms? ›

Utilization of the two biggest online networking platforms, including Facebook and Instagram, helps Nike to speak with its differing group of onlookers. Like most worldwide brands, Nike has separate Facebook pages for every sub-brand incorporating golf, Nike+ Run Club etc.

What branding strategy does Nike use? ›

Nike's brand strategy is to post only things related to their message as a company. They don't talk about what's happening in the world or anything funny they saw. They post things to support what they believe in. Their Instagram posts show people in action either working out or working hard to accomplish their goals.

Why is emotional appeal effective in advertising? ›

Emotional Appeals:

Pro: Emotional appeals help to reach the audience on a different, psychological level. They'll make a potential customer “feel something.” It can be helpful to connect with audiences like this because many purchasing decisions are, in fact, based on feelings and emotions.

Where are emotional appeals commonly used? ›

Students frequently use emotional appeals on their professors, hoping for pity as they ask for more time to finish a paper. Emotional appeals are used in courtrooms during trials and in persuasive essays to increase the effectiveness of arguments.

What are the 3 emotional appeals? ›

Ethos, Pathos, and Logos are referred to as the 3 Persuasive Appeals (Aristotle coined the terms) and are all represented by Greek words. They are modes of persuasion used to convince audiences.

Why is emotion important in branding? ›

Emotional Branding teaches a company to build its personality to create a lasting impact on users. Brand personalities form charismatic attitude that would trigger positive emotional response towards the brand. Emotional Branding makes experience as an important factor in creating brand identity.

Why do marketers need to know the emotional and product benefits of a brand? ›

Emotional marketing helps us link our brand to our target's enduring self-concept. We want a lifetime relationship with our target, and this is possible only if we understand our target's core values. A vital brand has a “relationship” with loyal users not unlike a healthy relationship between two people.

What is emotional branding PDF? ›

The emotional branding view suggests that companies should concentrate on building strong and. meaningful emotional bonds that proactively enrich the consumers lives (Thompson et al., 2006).

What are the emotional products? ›

Emotional Product Buying Motives
  • Pride. People always want to be admired and appreciated by the members of the society. ...
  • Fashion or Imitation. Fashion or imitation is closely related to the motive of pride. ...
  • Attraction towards opposite sex. ...
  • Comfort. ...
  • Affection for family. ...
  • Habits. ...
  • Vanity. ...
  • Jealous.

What emotion sells the most? ›

Here are some strong motivators that drive people to sell along with some traditional B2B examples.
  1. Affluence/Status. People want other people to know that they have money and are high status, thereby making them feel good about themselves through validation. ...
  2. Reassurance. ...
  3. Time/Convenience. ...
  4. Pleasure. ...
  5. Personal Empowerment.

What are examples of advertising? ›

Types of advertising
  • Newspaper. Newspaper advertising can promote your business to a wide range of customers. ...
  • Magazine. Advertising in a specialist magazine can reach your target market quickly and easily. ...
  • Radio. ...
  • Television. ...
  • Directories. ...
  • Outdoor and transit. ...
  • Direct mail, catalogues and leaflets. ...
  • Online.
May 11, 2022

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