Kerning | A Quick Guide to Kerning Like a Pro Designer (2024)

tutorials Beginner, Typography The Beginner’s Guide to Kerning

Find out more about kerning, including what exactly kerning is and how you can apply kerning in your own design work.

What is Kerning?

Kerning is the process of increasing or decreasing the space between individual characters, adjusting the position of letters in relation to others. It’s commonly used on prominent pieces of text, such as headlines and logos. Note that tracking, on the other hand, is used to adjust the letter-spacing uniformly over a range of characters (read more about tracking). Kerning | A Quick Guide to Kerning Like a Pro Designer (1)

Why Do Designers Use Kerning?

Although the process of tweaking kerning may be very subtle, it can have significant effects on the legibility and overall presentation of text.

Designers kern letters to improve the overall symmetry of a word or phrase, which the default tracking settings provided in the font file may not be able to achieve alone.Kerning | A Quick Guide to Kerning Like a Pro Designer (7)

As well as having an instant beautifying effect on text, kerning can also have an effect on the readability of the text. When done well, words just read better.

However, a note of caution! There are many infamous examples on the web of kerning gone wrong, when poorly kerned letters have formed unintended or, in some cases, downright rude, words.

How Do I Apply Kerning?

In InDesign, you can adjust kerning from either the Controls panel running along the top of the workspace or the Character panel (Window > Type & Tables > Character).

Select the Type Tool (T), click your cursor to the left or right side of a letter, and increase or decrease the kerning (which is measured in thousandths of an em) by choosing from the default options (which jumps in sequences of 5’s, 10’s, 25’s and 100’s) or typing in a number.Kerning | A Quick Guide to Kerning Like a Pro Designer (8)

Pro Tips

Observe these top tips whenever you kern to keep your text looking as professional as possible.

  • Certain letters require more kerning attention than others. Slanted letters like W, V, K and A tend to sit too far away from other letters when kept to their default spacing. Letters with arms or large serifs, such as T, L and K may suffer from the opposite problem, tending to sit too close to other letters, creating an overcrowded effect. So make sure to comb your designs for these problem letters.
  • Flipping your text upside down (or click on a page in the Pages panel, and Right-Click > Page Attributes > Rotate Spread View > 180°) before you kern is an age-old tip beloved of typographers. This allows you to asses the spacing between letters on a purely visual level, without being distracted by the meaning of the word. It’s an eccentric tip that works surprisingly well.

Want more typography tips?These quick and simple tutorials will turn you into a typography pro in no time.

Kerning | A Quick Guide to Kerning Like a Pro Designer (2024)


How to properly kern? ›

Typographer Ilene Strizver recommends these kerning principles(opens in a new tab or window): two straight letters need the most space; a straight and around need slightly less to look equivalent, and two round letters need slightly less than that. It helps to visualize this (check out the example below).

What is the kerning formula? ›

But there's no mathematical or scientific formula for kerning. It's all about using your visual judgment to create the perfect optical illusion — one that'll help make your text more legible, visually appealing, and engaging. Pro tip: Lots of people confuse kerning with tracking, but they're not the same.

What is the shortcut for kerning in Indesign? ›

Press Alt+Left/Right Arrow (Windows) or Option+Left/Right Arrow (Mac OS) to decrease or increase the kerning between two characters.

What is kerning theory? ›

Kerning is the spacing between individual letters or characters. Unlike tracking, which adjusts the amount of space between the letters of an entire word in equal increments, kerning is focused on how type looks — creating readable text that's visually pleasing.

Which letters most commonly need to have kearning adjusted? ›

Diagonal-sided letters like A, V and Y, are the most challenging letters to kern because of the larger negative space they create. These require special attention, but should not be used as a guide for the spacing of the entire word.

What is the difference between kerning, tracking, and leading? ›

If kerning and tracking are typography basics to adjust the distance between letters horizontally, then leading is a technique with a function to adjust letters or words vertically. Just like kerning, leading techniques can also affect the readability of a word in design or text.

What is the difference between kerning and keming? ›

The term "keming" is sometimes used informally to refer to poor kerning (the letters r and n placed too close together being easily mistaken for the letter m). Kerning brings A and V closer, with their serifs over each other.

What is the difference between kerning and letter spacing? ›

Letter-spacing refers to the overall spacing of a word or block of text affecting its overall density and texture. Kerning is a term applied specifically to the adjustment of spacing of two particular characters to correct visually uneven spacing. Tracking often changes line endings and shortens lines of text.

How is kerning measured? ›

You can apply kerning, tracking, or both to selected text. Tracking and kerning are both measured in 1/1000 em, a unit of measure that is relative to the current type size.

How to do kerning InDesign space? ›

How do I apply kerning to my saved projects? Simply double-click to open the text box. Then, make a minor edit, such as adding and deleting a character or space. If the font you used is one with kerning, you'll see the improved spacing apply.

What is auto kern? ›

Kerning automatically adjusts spacing between pairs or triplets of letters. This can improve readability and appearance. Unlike character spacing, kerning is defined in the actual font.

What is horizontal kerning? ›

Horizontal Spacing

Kerning is the process of adjusting the space between individual letters. Often when you're working with type, you'll notice pairs of letters that appear too close together or too far apart.

How to kern in word? ›

Kern the characters that are above a particular size
  1. Select the text that you want to change.
  2. On the Home tab, click the Font dialog box launcher. (circled in green in the screenshot below), and then click the Advanced tab.
  3. Select the Kerning for fonts check box, and then enter the point size in the Points and above box.

How do you adjust kerning? ›

Systematically adjust the kerning for all text above a particular size
  1. Select the text whose spacing you want to adjust.
  2. On the Format menu, select Font.
  3. Select the Character Spacing tab.
  4. In the Spacing box, select Expanded or Condensed.
  5. Next to Kerning for fonts, adjust the number in the Points and above box.

Can you kern in Sketch? ›

To insert text, click Insert on the toolbar and choose Text — or press T on your keyboard. You'll find the most common text properties in the Inspector. However, head to the Text menu to find more advanced options like kerning, ligatures, and baseline shifting.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.