Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (2025)

Microsoft Teams allows users to change their virtual backgrounds. The feature has proven very popular and is similar to virtual meeting competitor Zoom, which has a similar feature that has also been wildly popular. We’ve built a massive repository of free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds and explain how to change your Microsoft Teams Background.

We all go remote and virtual meeting tech like Zoom and Microsoft Teams become more important than ever

In a matter of weeks much of the white-collar global workforce moved to a work from home model. As a consequence, the use of virtual team meeting software skyrocketed. Zoom has been getting most of the press lately – both good and bad press – but Zoom isn’t the only game in town. Microsoft Teams is a major player in this space and has quietly been doing what Microsoft usually does: appeal to the corporate market who typically seeks stability, security, trustworthiness and ease of implementation.

Many of those same companies already have made sizable investments in Microsoft products including Office, Exchange, Windows, Sharepoint and more and the platform integrations between these products and Microsoft Teams was an easy sell.

Early on, Microsoft Teams lacked the ability to change backgrounds, and in the grand scheme of things this feature is not that important of a feature, but under the current work from home conditions it has become a significant bright spot for stressed and tired teams. And Zoom was crushing it.

Even Google Meet, a Zoom and Teams competitor, didn’t have this feature until recently (and as a Google user myself, this was super irritating). However, Microsoft finally brought this feature to market, delighting hordes of corporate employees across the globe.

Microsoft Teams Backgrounds are here (finally)

Last year, Microsoft announced a new feature that allows Microsoft Teams users to customize their backgrounds. Previously, Teams users had been able to blur their backgrounds which was marginally helpful, but this new capability allows users to replace their backgrounds with a different image they choose – just like Zoom.

Well, sort of. The currently released feature allows Microsoft Teams users to change their background to one of 24 preset images which are a variety of generic office backgrounds or some more creative ones. Currently, there is no supported way to change your background to a custom background. Unless you know how to hack the system…hehe.

As has been reported by a few outlets (including Practical365), there is a way to upload custom Microsoft Teams backgrounds into the system essentially giving you the ability to choose your own background. Undoubtedly, Microsoft will include a cleaner way of doing this at some point in the future, but for now, we have to cheat a little. But, don’t worry, it’s not that hard.

How do I change the background in Microsoft Teams?

To upload a custom Microsoft Teams background you need to the following:

  1. Open Windows Explorer
  2. Copy this address into the address bar: %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Teams\Backgrounds\Uploads
  3. In the Uploads folder, copy your custom Microsoft Teams Backgrounds into the folder
  4. Return to Microsoft Teams and change your background by navigating to Advanced Features | Show Background Effects
  5. Select your new custom Microsoft Teams Background…easy as pie.

Few important notes:

  • Be sure to use higher resolution images – ideally 1920×1080 in size
  • You will need the desktop version of Microsoft teams; the web or mobile version will not work here
  • This only works on Microsoft Teams Version (no support for tablets or mobile phones yet)
  • For Mac users, use this address in your file system: ~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Teams/Backgrounds

Tip of the hat the folks at Practical365 for helping us understand how to do this.

See…not that hard. Hopefully Microsoft makes it a little easier soon and I suspect they will. Users should be able to upload a custom picture themselves without having to navigate to the file system.

A green screen will help

If you have a relatively solid and flat wall behind your desk you might be able to get away without having a green screen (see our green screen guide here). However, to get the most out of your virtual background experience you really need to invest in a green screen. Fortunately, they can be purchased for relatively affordable price. Here are a few options:

Ok, let’s get to the good stuff…the free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds.

Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds

As noted, Microsoft Teams Backgrounds now allow folks to choose from a few default images including some generic offices as well some nature or other scenes. In our list of free Microsoft Teams backgrounds, we’ve amped everything up a bit. Specifically we have a list of the following custom Microsoft Backgrounds:

  • Funny Teams Backgrounds
  • Modern Office Microsoft Teams Backgrounds / Hipster Backgrounds
  • Funny Microsoft Teams Backgrounds / Hilarious Microsoft Teams Backgrounds
  • Travel Related Backgrounds for Microsoft Teams
  • Cityscapes Microsoft Teams Backgrounds
  • Nature Backgrounds for Microsoft Teams
  • Festive Teams Backgrounds / Christmas Themed Teams Backgrounds
  • Four Seasons Landscaping Company Virtual Background
  • NEW: TV Show Themed Microsoft Teams Backgrounds
  • NEW: Castle Themed Microsoft Teams Backgrounds
  • NEW: Memorial Day Microsoft Teams Backgrounds

Most of these backgrounds can be downloaded directly (free of charge) from our repository. Others are links to popular Team’s backgrounds you can download.

Shameless plug: if you are looking for ideas on how to lead your team remotely and even have a little fun, check out 5 Virtual

Funny Pandemic Microsoft Teams Backgrounds

Here are several pandemic related Teams Backgrounds because who doesn’t want to a virus themed background on their next staff meeting?

Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (1)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (2)

Four Seasons Landscaping Company Virtual Background

You. Are. Welcome.

Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (3)

Memorial Day Teams Backgrounds

Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (4)

Memorial Day is an important day for remembrance. Help commemorate this solemn day with a free Microsoft Teams Background for Memorial Day.

Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (5)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (6)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (7)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (8)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (9)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (10)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (11)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (12)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (13)

TV Show Microsoft Teams Backgrounds / Movie Themed Teams Backgrounds

In what can only be termed a gesture of goodwill several TV and movie studies have offered clips or shots from their shows or movies to be used as Teams backgrounds. Here are a few popular ones.

Star Wars Teams Backgrounds

Why not show up in the Death Star to your next staff meeting. Your staff will get the point! Fortunately, the folks at were kind enough to make several Star Wars Microsoft Teams Backgrounds available for free download.

The Simpsons Team Backgrounds

Fox TV studios have made backgrounds for several of their popular TV shows available for download, including the Simpson! Grab Marge and the family and download a Simpsons Team Background for free here.

Pixar Studies Teams Backgrounds

Do you love Buzz and Woody? Not to worry, you can download a Toy Story Teams Background here. Thanks Disney!

The Office Teams Backgrounds

Thanks Jim and Pam! While it’s not many, you can download a few Office-themed backgrounds for Teams from Twitter thanks to the creative team behind NBC’s the office.

Modern Office Microsoft Teams Backgrounds

Hide your dumpy laundry room with a modern virtual background for Microsoft Team. Here are several great options.

Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (14)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (15)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (16)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (17)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (18)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (19)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (20)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (21)

Funny Microsoft Teams Backgrounds / Hilarious Microsoft Teams Backgrounds

Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (22)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (23)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (24)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (25)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (26)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (27)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (28)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (29)

Castle Themed Microsoft Teams Backgrounds

Why not have a majestic castle in the background? We’ve got you covered with several castle themed Teams backgrounds.

Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (30)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (31)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (32)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (33)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (34)

Travel Related Backgrounds for Microsoft Teams

Wish you were still traveling? We all do. We all do. However, to tide you over, here are several travel oriented Teams Background including an airport virtual background, airplane virtual background and more.

Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (35)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (36)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (37)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (38)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (39)

Cityscapes Microsoft Teams Backgrounds

Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (40)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (41)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (42)

Nature Backgrounds for Microsoft Teams

Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (43)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (44)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (45)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (46)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (47)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (48)

Festive Teams Backgrounds / Christmas Themed Teams Backgrounds

Christmas and the holidays are here! It’s time for some festive Microsoft Teams Backgrounds and we’ve got you covered. Here is our collection of Christmas Virtual Backgrounds for Microsoft Teams!

Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (49)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (50)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (51)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (52)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (53)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (54)
Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (55)

Download all Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds here

  • Be sure to check out Free Zoom Backgrounds list as well
  • Check out free Webex Backgrounds here
  • Don’t forget Skype…we’ve got backgrounds for them too

Thanks, Stay Safe, and Wear Pants

Like many of us, you are probably struggling to find your new normal. Perhaps you’ve done that and are simply bored. We’ve got your back. Here’s a ton of recent content that revolves around what’s facing us today, including working from home ideas, what to watch, things to read, and how to avoid boredom. Enjoy.

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The C Boarding Group

Welcome to the CBoardingGroup! Here you will find travel tips, travel advice, career advice (including working from home) product and hotel reviews and lots of hilarious memes. We even cover travel news, side hustles, backyard ideas and general money/life hacks from time to time.

Best Free Microsoft Teams Backgrounds: the ultimate collection of Teams Virtual Backgrounds (2025)


How do I get more Microsoft Team backgrounds? ›

Change your background during a meeting
  1. Go to your meeting controls and select More actions > Apply background effects .
  2. Select Blur to blur your background, or choose from the available images to replace it. ...
  3. Select Preview to see how your chosen background looks before you apply it, and then select Apply.

Can you add fun backgrounds to Microsoft Teams? ›

MS Teams makes it easy. While you're on a video call, select the three dots in the corner. Select “Show Background Effects.” Here, you'll be able to see some of the default backgrounds available for MS Teams. Select “Add New” and upload the image you want to use.

Where can I find Teams background images? ›

Accessing the Teams background folder location

Navigate to the Teams default image backgrounds directory: C:\Users\<enter_your_windows_your_user_name>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Teams\Backgrounds .

How do I change my team background without calling? ›

To change your background before a meeting, all you need to do is toggle the switch between the video and microphone switches — which should appear next to an icon of a person with a striped background — to the on position. Background options will appear in the right-hand sidebar, if you have any.

What makes good team background? ›

If you want to use a custom background in Teams meetings, you want it to look clear, nice, and not pixelated. Based on my research, for the best experience with custom backgrounds, Teams recommend uploading images with an aspect ratio of 16:9 and a resolution of at least 1920 x 1080 if possible.

Why can't I add a new background in Teams? ›

The custom and blurred background are only available if you use the Teams desktop app in Windows or Mac or via iOS on a mobile.

Why can't I blur my background in Teams? ›


Step 1: Open the Microsoft Teams desktop app and choose the team meeting link. Step 2: Click on the Background filters option at the bottom of the screen. Step 3: A pop-up with the Background settings option will appear on the right side of the screen. Choose the Blur option from the Microsoft Teams background menu.

How do I blur my background in Teams? ›

On Android
  1. Open the Microsoft Teams app on your Android.
  2. Go to “Meet” on the bottom menu.
  3. Tap on the “Meet now” button.
  4. Select “Start meeting.”
  5. Go to “Background effects” at the top of your screen.
  6. Choose “Blur.”
  7. Go to “Done.”
May 4, 2021

Why is my Teams background mirrored? ›

What is the default setting? By default, your video will look mirrored to you. You'll have to toggle this setting off when you join the meeting. We've kept the default set to on because most of us are used to seeing ourselves mirrored—like when using a front-facing camera of a smartphone.

How do you make yourself look better on Microsoft Teams? ›

Here's are Ford's recommendations:
  1. Elevate the computer so the camera is slightly higher than your head. ...
  2. Place a tall lamp next to the computer “on the side of your face you feel is best”. ...
  3. Use a white tablecloth or put a piece of white paper on the table, out of sight.

What file type is needed for Teams background? ›

Whilst typically JPEGs are better for background images, and can be most easily edited, the best format to use for your custom Teams background image is a PNG.

Why can't I add backgrounds to Teams? ›

The custom and blurred background are only available if you use the Teams desktop app in Windows or Mac or via iOS on a mobile.

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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

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Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.