A clear business strategy requires clarity of thought. So often the definitions of and distinctions between purpose, vision, mission - and impact - are not clear. Here are my four essential questions to ask yourself get to clear on your business strategy:
Purpose: Why does your company exist?
What is the change you want to create in our world?
Purpose is your “why” - your guide and North Star.
Vision: What does your company want to become?
Vision is your ‘what” - your aspiration.
Mission: How does your company achieve its purpose and vision?
Mission is your “how” - it is was drives you.
Who are you impacting?
Impact is what matters, it is your “who”. Change needs people.
What change and results are you creating together?
Top tip: this works for your business, organizations, teams, projects, business functions and units, but also individuals - you too!
Author: Jules Howard-Wright, Leadership Coach & Strategic Advisor @ juleshowardwright.com.
This article was originally posted @ juleshowardwright.com.
Leadership Coach for purpose & values driven next generation leaders who activate impact at the intersection of creativity and technology.
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