30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (2024)

Video and television ads may present emotion better to evoke feelings through audiovisual means. But print ads can also do that. What makes emotional print ads effective is not only the design but the copy as well. It can tug at your heartstrings or make you angry or fearful. And if you plan on doing an emotional marketing campaign and need inspiration, we’ve enumerated 30 print ads for inspiration.

All images are from Ads of the World unless stated otherwise.

Content Warning: Some images may be disturbing.


30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (1)

Image credit to Bittersuite Agency, Tessa Kleingeld, and Jade Gomes on Behance

At first glance, you’ll only see penguins, but as you scroll down, you’ll see that the penguins seem to be falling. You’ll then see the ad copy, giving viewers an idea of what’s going on with the penguins. It will make you sad and possibly convince you to adopt a penguin.

2. King Khalid Foundation

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (2)

This ad is troubling, but most emotional print ads wouldn’t hold back on the imagery and messaging. It’s an eye-opening ad because of the abuses women face in a relationship or marriage. Not only that, but the foundation also left a link to the print ad where women can go if they need help or learn more about the cause.

3. Malaysian Nature Society

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (3)

Image credit to Lawky Law and Gigi Lee on Behance

Here’s another environment and animal-related print ad that will make your heart break. The imagery is impactful, but the print ad copy gives you more context about what’s happening. It will make you aware of the effect of deforestation. They also have a call to action, which is present in most emotional print ads.

4. Crisis Relief

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (4)

Aside from the heart-wrenching imagery, the ad copy is compelling because it integrates a common experience in social media. The ad copy, “liking isn’t helping,” makes us realize that what we do on the internet won’t have an impact on those in need. In that light, Crisis Relief offered an option for viewers to volunteer.

5. Ford

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (5)

Image credit to Burcu Günister, Erşan Develier, and Önder Tür on Behance

Not all emotional print ads focus on the environment or certain social issues. What Ford does effectively is promote its new safety feature by featuring animals on the visual. It helps us realize that there might be car accidents related to animals, too, and by using Ford’s car, you can save lives with their rearview camera.

6. Plant for the Planet

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (6)

Sometimes, you have to remind people by presenting them with a fact. The Plant for the Planet print ad will help you remember a plant’s function, and you grasp the idea of the environment deteriorating due to advancements. The organization gives you the option to donate, as it may help improve environmental conditions in the future.

7. Sea Shepherd

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (7)

At first, it may seem like an ordinary print ad, but as you look closer and read the copy, you then understand the context. They’re straightforward in telling the reader about plastic that’s harming the environment. And if the reader wants to take action, they can do so by donating. It’s a simple print ad with a lot of impact.

8. Moms Demand Action

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (8)

This print ad, at first, will raise alarms, especially for parents. Some might even think this is a controversial print ad. But that’s what this ad does best; it makes us question how to keep children safe. And if the ad copy moved you to act on it, they did their part in moving forward with their campaign.

9. Salvation Army

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (9)

This print ad by the Salvation Army informs us that instead of throwing old clothes, readers can donate them to those in need. The imagery also produced a makeshift fireplace out of old clothes. It connects well to the ad copy since it will help the homeless or those in need of warmth during the winter.

10. Surfrider Foundation

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (10)

Image credit to Stevie Spencer

Like Sea Shepherd, this one by the Surfrider Foundation takes it up a notch on the ad copy. Instead of stating what’s going on, they added numbers, which gives us a better idea of the whole situation. It can help open one’s eyes to how much plastic there is and how harmful it is.

11. States United

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (11)

Here’s another print ad that aims to reduce the incidence of weapon violence. Their print ad will open you to the reality that once a shot is taken and it ends up as a fatality, it has a domino effect. It’s an upsetting print ad, but it can add to the discussion of regulating weapons to avoid further casualties.

12. Ecovia

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (12)

Driving while intoxicated is something one shouldn’t do. Yet, it’s still an occurrence that causes accidents and fatalities. This PSA by Ecovia should serve as a reminder, and driving while inebriated should be avoided at all costs. This ad has also made it into many lists as a famous print ad considering its creativity and impact.

13. Gillette

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (13)

Image credit to Best Ads on TV

When it comes to emotional print ads, fathers don’t get a lot of love. This one by Gillette shows us the importance of skin-to-skin contact for newborns and their parents. The print ad prompts the reader to feel the surfaces on the “Gillette Dad Test.” This helps illustrate the kind of shave a dad may need so they could bond with their newborn.

14. Joe Torre Safe at Home Foundation

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (14)

This haunting print ad will make you gasp or surprised. But it means the foundation got your attention. Plus, you learn how abuse affects an individual and how it can have long-lasting effects if not reported. It’s a powerful print ad that may frustrate you and open your eyes to the realities of several individuals who underwent physical and mental abuse.

15. Manifesta Utilità

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (15)

Image credit to Marechiara Tirinzoni, Alessandra Bonomo, and Giulia Papetti on Behance

It’s still surprising that gender equality isn’t a norm worldwide. Manifesta Utilità stresses the importance of gender equality, considering that men may have the upper hand in most situations. While there’s no call to action, it could help spark a discussion to make gender equality a standard.

16. Let’s Do It Romania

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (16)

Here’s a print ad that presents a clear message. Without dilly-dallying, Let’s Do It Romania encourages its citizens to participate in a clean-up that will benefit their country. It’s an excellent way to capture people’s attention and could excite them to make a change.

17. Ensure

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (17)

Rare will you see ads that cite their references, but Ensure did it to make sure their information is correct. It’s a clever way to promote their product and sneak in studies that could legitimize their product. Plus, this print ad validates the struggles that senior citizens face and how Ensure can aid them.

18. Pro Juventute

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (18)

This troubling print ad spreads the word about cyberbullying. What’s worse is the possible result of cyberbullying. Pro Juventute’s print ad serves as an example that you can say little and make a lasting impact to open people’s eyes and take action.

19. Unicef

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (19)

Image credit to Creative Gaga

Once again, here’s another ad that uses data. Unicef tells the reader that people throw out their clothes, and instead of it ending in the trash, they could be donated. It adds an emotional punch because we have context as to why this ad was created in the first place.

20. The Shelter Project

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (20)

Image credit to Ben Morejon

This print ad will make you chuckle, smile, and possibly head down to your nearby shelter. It’s a feel-good print ad that encourages people to adopt a pet. Plus, it plays with your imagination and helps you envision a future with a furry friend at home.

21. Quebec Automobile Insurance Society

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (21)

At first, you’ll wonder why there’s a year covered with a seatbelt. But when you see the ad copy on the bottom right, you’ll know it’s a PSA for driving safely. It’s a simple statement, but it’s something readers should ingrain in their minds whenever they’re in a vehicle so that they won’t become part of the statistic.

22. WWF

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (22)

We might favor cute animals or creatures, and if we have to, we’ll save them. This WWF print ad lets us know that the bluefin tuna is endangered. It’s a disheartening emotional print ad that will let us question what other creatures are endangered and what we can do to protect and save them.

23. Endangered Wildlife Trust

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (23)

This ad is shocking and will make you angry. But, it’s the reality that some animals may ingest our trash instead of food that would keep them alive. Plus, one other haunting thing about the ad is that they mentioned the image wasn’t altered. It’s one of the emotional print ads that will make you think twice about throwing trash anywhere and not put them in the proper bins or bags.

24. ALCC

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (24)

You’ll wonder, what’s Wonder Woman doing? Then, you realize on the print ad that there’s a shocking revelation. The headline is powerful enough to elicit surprise. It’s one of the emotional print ads that will have readers trying to do a self-examination and consult a doctor if they feel something wrong.

25. Amnesty International

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (25)

This print ad is disheartening because of the imagery. Plus, with the ad copy, you’ll be frustrated because people have turned their backs on the victim. It will make readers wonder how easily people could overlook things like this and do nothing.

26. Mercy Academy

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (26)

Image credit to AdForum

Upon reading the headline, you may either agree or disagree. But, once you read the copy below, you’ll see how uplifting Mercy Academy is. They present a solution and a call to action that might make you enroll your daughter and know how they can empower her.

27. General Motors/Buick

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (27)

Image credit to AdForum

Here’s an emotional print ad that might get you upset or frustrated. The ad copy reads, “Chen Shi Hui – Injured while riding in a speeding bus that flipped.” It packs a punch because it could have been an avoidable incident, and you’ll sympathize with the woman who lost an arm to that accident.

28. Volvo

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (28)

Image credit to Rob Kottkamp

Let’s switch gears for a bit with Volvo’s print ad that will put a smile on your face. The ad copy will make you remember the smaller things in life, nostalgic, or remind you what life is all about. And when someone’s interested in buying a Volvo, they may recall the ad copy, and it will flood them with good memories of what’s good in life. That’s why this advert makes our list of emotional print ads.

29. Patagonia

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (29)

Image credit to The Drum

When you first read the ad copy, you’ll think they’re right or it’s too grim. But, it tells us to read the ad backward, and you’ll know the actual ad copy. Other than that, they also have a statement of what their company does. Plus, it’s great they use “you” to address the reader and connect with them and help them make conscious choices.

30. Minds for Minds

30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (30)

Long-form ad copy may no longer be the standard, but Minds for Minds knew that a few words wouldn’t suffice. It’s great that they emphasized what the reader should see but didn’t leave out what a person on the spectrum might say. It helps readers understand what people with autism go through daily.

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30 Emotional Print Ads That Appeal to Your Soft Side - Content Fuel (2024)


What is an example of an ad that uses emotional appeal? ›

For example, suppose you're launching a commercial about adopting dogs from a local shelter, and you're using compassion to appeal to your target audiences. You can attach a snippet of a dog running to its owner or pictures of smiling puppies in the advertisem*nt to engage viewers and helped illicit those emotions.

What are emotional advertisem*nts? ›

What is emotional advertising? Emotional advertising refers to the relationship between a customer and a brand or a product, particularly the emotional connection that appeals to the customer's emotional state, ego, needs, fears and aspirations through content.

How does advertising appeal to your emotions? ›

Emotional appeal advertising urges customers to buy products and services by triggering emotions rather than awakening rational thoughts. In fact, it's more than a technique. It's a real science pushed by big corporations in order to understand the inner world of the average consumer.

How does Nike use emotional branding? ›

Nike advertising uses the emotional branding technique of Heroism to inspire incredible customer loyalty all over the world. The hero starts from humble beginnings, challenges a foe greater than he, and against all odds, prevails. Nike marketing isn't the only group that uses this archetype.

What is emotional marketing example? ›

Apple. Apple may be the perfect example of a company that utilizes emotions to create a connection with consumers and brand loyalty over time. Apple's branding strategy uses simplicity, a clean design and most importantly, a desire to become part of a lifestyle movement.

What are the examples of emotions? ›

The most widely studied types of emotion—anger, disgust, fear, happiness, and sadness—are the main characters in the film Inside Out. Scientists who support this view of emotion consider each type to be a family of emotions that contains closely related emotions, such as anger, frustration, and rage.

What are the types of emotional appeal? ›

This kind of appeal to emotion is a type of red herring and encompasses several logical fallacies, including appeal to consequences, appeal to fear, appeal to flattery, appeal to pity, appeal to ridicule, appeal to spite, and wishful thinking.

Why do ads use emotional appeal? ›

Likewise, providing an emotional message in publicity increases the audience's attention to the advertisem*nt, and the product enhances the product's appeal and generates a higher level of brand recall.

What is an example of an emotional purchase? ›

He doesn't really feel hungry at all, dinner is supposed to be in three hours, but he takes a big bite and thinks, “yes, that's exactly how I imagined it!” He doesn't necessarily need to eat right now, but he went ahead and purchased anyway. That is an example of an emotional purchase.

What is an example of emotional value? ›

unity—community, inclusiveness, cooperation, valuing our interdependencies, tolerance—acknowledging the dignity of all, respecting the rights of others, refusing to hate, being open to other points of view, responsibility—care for yourself, care for others, care for the future, and.

What are the four emotional appeals? ›

And right there, you have the four Emotional Magnets: Safety, Value, Experience, and Achievement.

What are the 3 types of appeals? ›

Aristotle postulated three argumentative appeals: logical, ethical, and emotional.

What is emotional appeal strategy? ›

Emotional appeal is a persuasion method used to create emotional feedback or response from the target audience. Emotional appeals are often used to manipulate an audience into making an emotional decision or giving an emotional response.

How does Nike make customers feel? ›

Nike makes its customers feel like heroes. co*ke instils a sense of happiness and belonging. Apple, to use another example, wants to inspire and connect with the innovative side of its customers by encouraging them to “Think Different”.

How does Nike appeal to its customers? ›

They focus their emphasis on creating content that promotes the benefits of their products, rather than the features. Helping their customers be better at what they love to do is still the focus of their branding and message.

How does Nike use social media to advertise? ›

Utilization of the two biggest online networking platforms, including Facebook and Instagram, helps Nike to speak with its differing group of onlookers. Like most worldwide brands, Nike has separate Facebook pages for every sub-brand incorporating golf, Nike+ Run Club etc.

What are examples of advertising? ›

Print Advertising: Newspaper, magazines, & brochure advertisem*nts, etc. Broadcast Advertising: Television and radio advertisem*nts. Outdoor Advertising: Hoardings, banners, flags, wraps, etc. Digital Advertising: Advertisem*nts displayed over the internet and digital devices.

What is emotional content? ›

themes or characteristics of feelings that tend to elicit strong emotions, especially as they are portrayed in various forms of communication (reading material, motion pictures, etc.) or as they are manifested in specific situations.

What are the 10 positive emotions? ›

Dr. Fredrickson identified the following as the ten most common positive emotions: Joy, Gratitude, Serenity, Interest, Hope, Pride, Amusem*nt, Inspiration, Awe, Love.

What are the 12 human emotions? ›

More recently, Carroll Izard at the University of Delaware factor analytically delineated 12 discrete emotions labeled: Interest, Joy, Surprise, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, Contempt, Self-Hostility, Fear, Shame, Shyness, and Guilt (as measured via his Differential Emotions Scale or DES-IV).

What are the 10 basic feelings? ›

Carroll Izard identified ten primary emotions: fear, anger, shame, contempt, disgust, guilt, distress, interest, surprise, and joy—emotions that cannot be reduced to more basic emotions but that can be combined to produce other emotions.

What are the 3 emotional appeals? ›

Ethos, Pathos, and Logos are three strategies commonly employed when attempting to persuade a reader. Pathos, or the appeal to emotion, means to persuade an audience by purposely evoking certain emotions to make them feel the way the author wants them to feel.

What are the 5 advertising appeals? ›

The most common advertising appeals include use of fear, humor, rational, sex or bandwagon propaganda.
  • Fear as a Motivator. ...
  • Humor Creates Emotional Connections. ...
  • Rational Appeals to the Practical Side. ...
  • Sex and Sensuality Sell. ...
  • Fear of Missing Out.

Which emotional appeal is most effective? ›

Fear. Feeling a sense of fear is one of the most powerful motivators for most people, which makes it a useful appeal to emotion when trying to promote your product.

Where are emotional appeals commonly used? ›

Students frequently use emotional appeals on their professors, hoping for pity as they ask for more time to finish a paper. Emotional appeals are used in courtrooms during trials and in persuasive essays to increase the effectiveness of arguments.

What is emotional appeal in social media? ›

Emotional appeal is a method of persuasion designed to create an emotional response to a message by using emotional content (e.g., horror movie, sad story, triumphant music, etc.).

What are the emotional products? ›

Emotional Product Buying Motives
  • Pride. People always want to be admired and appreciated by the members of the society. ...
  • Fashion or Imitation. Fashion or imitation is closely related to the motive of pride. ...
  • Attraction towards opposite sex. ...
  • Comfort. ...
  • Affection for family. ...
  • Habits. ...
  • Vanity. ...
  • Jealous.

Is emotional advertising more effective? ›

The long-term benefits of emotion

The main finding was that emotional campaigns are the most effective and outperform rational campaigns in terms of increasing penetration, sales and market share in the long term.

How do I sell my emotions? ›

Here are a few ideas for how to tap into this emotion:
  1. Emphasize the personal benefits. ...
  2. Point out the hard ROI. ...
  3. Tell stories of customers who earned professional consideration. ...
  4. Use words such as "reward," "valuable," "exclusive," "all yours," "distinguishing," "profitable," and "gain."
Apr 29, 2015

What is emotional value of a product? ›

Emotional value refers to "the value that the customer himself / herself finds additional meaning in the product beyond the function described in the specification of the catalog".

What is an emotional appeal in persuasive writing? ›

An appeal to emotion is an effort to win an argument without facts, logic, or reason, but instead by manipulating the emotions of the audience.

What is another word for emotional appeal? ›

What is another word for emotional appeal?
sob storysad story
human interestmaudlin plea
sentimentalismtale of woe
7 more rows

What is an emotional appeal quizlet? ›

Emotional Appeal. attempt to persuade the reader through and appeal to emotions, morals, or values. Logical Appeal. attempt to persuade the reader based on statics and facts; reasoning.

Which appeal is the best example of logos? ›

Ever told someone to “listen to reason” during an argument? This is what logos does. The best logos advertisem*nt examples are when a speaker appeals to logic. Statistics, surveys, facts, and historical data can make a product seem like a more reasonable decision.

How do you use emotional and logical appeals in persuasive messages? ›

Balancing Emotional and Logical Appeals for Persuasive Messages ...

Where are emotional appeals commonly used? ›

Students frequently use emotional appeals on their professors, hoping for pity as they ask for more time to finish a paper. Emotional appeals are used in courtrooms during trials and in persuasive essays to increase the effectiveness of arguments.

Does emotional appeal work in advertising? ›

If an ad successfully evokes positive emotions in you, you associate the brand and its offer with these positive feelings. These positive feelings attach additional value to the brand and its offer during your purchase decision, making you opt for the brand over other available alternatives.

How do you write an emotional ad? ›

According to research from PsychologyToday, it's the emotional part of an ad that people respond to most.
  1. Let your audience know you're on their side.
  2. Add a sense of urgency to resolve the situation that may be causing them anger.
  3. Show how your product/ service can resolve anger and change it for the better.

Why is emotional appeal effective in advertising? ›

Likewise, providing an emotional message in publicity increases the audience's attention to the advertisem*nt, and the product enhances the product's appeal and generates a higher level of brand recall.

What are the 3 emotional appeals? ›

Ethos, Pathos, and Logos are three strategies commonly employed when attempting to persuade a reader. Pathos, or the appeal to emotion, means to persuade an audience by purposely evoking certain emotions to make them feel the way the author wants them to feel.

What are the types of emotional appeal? ›

This kind of appeal to emotion is a type of red herring and encompasses several logical fallacies, including appeal to consequences, appeal to fear, appeal to flattery, appeal to pity, appeal to ridicule, appeal to spite, and wishful thinking.

What are positive emotional appeals? ›

This can include the use of humour or nostalgia, the evocation of personal pride, love for one's family and children, patriotism, and even sexual arousal. Such 'positive' emotional appeals are deployed in order to develop bonding between the audience and a brand, individual, or political party.

Which emotional appeal is most effective? ›

Fear. Feeling a sense of fear is one of the most powerful motivators for most people, which makes it a useful appeal to emotion when trying to promote your product.

What is emotional appeal in social media? ›

Emotional appeal is a method of persuasion designed to create an emotional response to a message by using emotional content (e.g., horror movie, sad story, triumphant music, etc.).

What is an emotional appeal in business? ›

– The concept is simple: emotional appeal advertising persuades customers to buy products and services by triggering emotions (happiness, fear, passion) rather than emphasizing rational thoughts (statistics and facts).

What are the four emotional appeals? ›

And right there, you have the four Emotional Magnets: Safety, Value, Experience, and Achievement.

Why is it important to appeal to the emotions of your audiences? ›

It's to your advantage to appeal to the emotional sides of your audience, as this will increase the likelihood of driving action by convincing people that it is in their best interest.

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