ZZ Plant (Zanzibar Gem): Care & Growing Guide (2024)

ZZ plants, also known as Zanzibar gems, are low-maintenance houseplants with glossy, oval-shaped, broad leaves that grow upward. People frequently believe them to be fake because the leaves are so waxy and dark green. They take a long time to mature, so you won’t have to move them very often

ZZ Plant Care Tips & Growing Guide

ZZ plants are known for being low-maintenance and easy-to-care-for houseplants that even the worst gardeners can take care of with little effort. They only need enough light and a little water every two weeks to do well. But don’t worry too much if you forget to water your ZZ plant. Its rhizomes help it store water in the soil, which makes it a plant that can survive in dry conditions. Even though it grows well outside in Africa, it does better inside in other places. If you want to grow it outside, plant it in a pot that you can bring inside when the weather gets cold.

As dust builds up, ZZ plants’ naturally shiny leaves can lose their shine over time. Never use a commercial leaf shine to clean the leaves of a Zanzibar gem because it will clog the plant’s pores. Use a damp washcloth to gently wipe away dust and dirt to bring back its shine.

ZZ Plant (Zanzibar Gem): Care & Growing Guide (1)


The strong rhizomes of these plants make them very resistant to drought and able to survive with little water. In general, you should water ZZ plants when the soil is completely dry, which is usually once every two weeks depending on how they are growing. It’s better not to water your plant enough than to water it too much. When you water, make sure there is enough water that it runs out of the bottom of the pot.


ZZ plants can grow in a wide range of lighting conditions, which makes them good for growing indoors. The plants can grow in low light, but they do best in bright, indirect light. But if there isn’t enough light, the plants can quickly get tall and thin. Direct sunlight can burn your plants’ leaves, so stay away from them.

Humidity And Temperature

Gems from Zanzibar can handle the temperature and humidity of a typical home. ZZ plants can live in temperatures as low as 45 degrees Fahrenheit, so don’t put them near drafts or places in your home that are especially cold. ZZ plants don’t need to be kept in a humid environment, but if your home is on the dry side, you could buy a humidifier or put the plant on a tray of water to increase the humidity.


Most ZZ plants don’t need to be fertilized often to grow well. But if you want your plant to get bigger or stronger, you should use diluted indoor plant fertilizer to feed it once or twice during its growing season.


ZZ plants should only be repotted when they have outgrown their container. This is typically evident when the rhizomes are pressed against the edge of the container or are distorting the container’s shape. It may also exhibit signs of stress if its roots have become constricted. As with the majority of houseplants, it is generally best to wait until spring or summer to repot the plants, as they will be better able to tolerate disturbances during the active growing period. Choose a container for your Zanzibar gem that has drainage holes.


The two most common ways for ZZ plants to spread are through division and stem cuttings. The easiest way to make more plants is to divide them. When you repot your plant, just pull out the rhizomes and put them in separate pots.

Using stem cuttings to spread a plant takes longer than dividing it, and roots may not start to grow for six to nine months.

  1. Cut the whole stalk, including the leaflets, with a clean, razor-sharp cutting tool.
  2. Take the bottom leaves off the stem and put them in a jar of water.
  3. Place where there is indirect light Roots should start to grow in a few months. By changing the water once a week, bacteria can’t grow.


The ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) is a popular houseplant that is known for its low maintenance requirements and tough disposition. However, the ZZ plant is also poisonous to humans and pets if ingested. The poisonous component of the plant is called calcium oxalate, which is found in all parts of the plant.

Symptoms of ZZ plant poisoning include burning and swelling of the lips, tongue, and throat; difficulty swallowing; drooling; and vomiting. If you suspect that your child or pet has ingested a ZZ plant, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. While the majority of cases are relatively minor, ingestion of a large amount of the plant can lead to more serious health complications. By keeping this information in mind, you can enjoy your ZZ plant without worry!

Common Pests

Keep an eye out for common houseplant pests like mealybugs, scale, fungus gnats, and aphids, which could infest this plant. Most of these pest problems can be solved by using soap that kills insects.

Common Problems

The most common problem you might have with a Zanzibar gem is how much water it is getting. If the plant’s leaves are falling off, it is very thirsty and needs water. If the plant’s leaves are turning yellow and falling off at the same time, it probably has too much water. If the top 3 inches of soil (about the length of your index finger) are dry, the plant needs water.

ZZ Plant (Zanzibar Gem): Care & Growing Guide (2)


How Hard Is It To Take Care Of Zanzibar Gems?

People say that ZZ plants are impossible to kill because they can live in bad conditions and don’t get cared for. This makes them a great plant for people who are just starting out with indoor gardening.

How Quickly Does The ZZ Grow?

This plant doesn’t grow very quickly. It also grows in spurts of two inches or more at a time or more over the course of a season. It does, however, make a few new stems every year.

How Long Does A ZZ Plant Usually Live?

ZZ plants are a sturdy variety that will endure a long time. ZZ plants, also known as heirloom plants, can be handed down through many generations.

Final Thoughts

All in all, the ZZ plant is a great option for those looking for a low-maintenance indoor plant that doesn’t require much sunlight. It’s perfect for people who are new to keeping plants or who don’t have a green thumb. If you’re interested in adding one of these beauties to your home, be sure to keep the following tips in mind: give it plenty of water (but not too much), make sure it has good drainage, and fertilize it every few months. And if you find that your ZZ plant is losing its leaves, don’t worry—that’s perfectly normal!

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ZZ Plant (Zanzibar Gem): Care & Growing Guide (2024)


ZZ Plant (Zanzibar Gem): Care & Growing Guide? ›

Though it can tolerate lower indirect light, the ZZ thrives in medium to bright indirect light. It will be happy with a minimum of six hours per day and can tolerate up to 12 during the warmer months.

Where should I place a ZZ plant in my house? ›

Though it can tolerate lower indirect light, the ZZ thrives in medium to bright indirect light. It will be happy with a minimum of six hours per day and can tolerate up to 12 during the warmer months.

How do you care for a Zanzibar gem plant? ›

Make sure to reduce watering in the cooler months and when it's growing in a low-light room. Temperature & Humidity The Zanzibar Gem prefers warm temperatures and high humidity. It can tolerate dry and colder areas also. Keep your Zanzibar Gem away from drafts of hot and cold air that can harm it.

Is Zanzibar gem a good indoor plant? ›

Zanzibar gem is naturally found in east Africa, where it thrives outdoors in forests and native grasslands. Its hardy, low-maintenance nature makes it an ideal indoor plant.

What are the disadvantages of ZZ plant? ›

All parts of the plant are poisonous. If chewed or swallowed symptoms can cause immediate pain or a burning sensation and swelling of the lips, mouth, tongue and throat. Contact dermatitis may also occur in sensitive individuals.

Can I put my ZZ plant outside in summer? ›

While ZZ plants are primarily grown as houseplants, they can also survive outdoors in some areas. One popular option is to keep potted ZZ plants indoors during the cool winter months and then move them outside when the weather warms.

Is it safe to put a ZZ plant in a bedroom? ›

According to the studies by NASA, the ZZ plant is efficient in removing harmful contaminants such as formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, trichloroethylene, toluene and carbon dioxide from the air. This aspect gives this plant an upper hand and a good place in bedrooms/offices.

How to make Zanzibar Gem grow faster? ›

Perfect your propagating skills

Put your cut stem in a jar of water, and change the water every 3-4 weeks. Don't worry if you forget, just make sure there's no mould growing. Place the cutting near a window where it gets bright, indirect light — your ZZ cutting will grow much quicker with more sunlight.

Where do you put the Zanzibar Gem? ›

Zanzibar Gem prefer a spot with medium to bright indirect light - direct sun can burn their leaves. But they will tolerate low light positions too. Zanzibar Gem plants need good drainage and really hate constantly moist soil.

Why is my Zanzibar Gem dying? ›

Too Much or Too Little Moisture

Overwatering can turn into a larger issue, root rot, which could result in plant death. Check the moisture of the soil and adjust your watering cadence accordingly. If the ZZ Plant is turning brown and the tips are dry and crispy, the issue is likely under watering.

Do ZZ plants like to be root bound? ›

Do ZZ Plants Like to Be Root-Bound? ZZ plants can tolerate many different conditions and more neglect than many houseplants, but if they become too root-bound, these plants have a hard time soaking up water.

Does the ZZ plant like to be crowded? ›

Repotting: ZZ plants are slow-growing and can thrive in slightly crowded conditions. Repot only when the plant has outgrown its current container, usually every 2 to 3 years. Choose a pot that is one size larger and use fresh potting mix during repotting.

Should I repot my Zanzibar Gem? ›

ZZ plants should be repotted only once they have outgrown their previous container. These houseplants tolerate some crowding but need attention when rhizomes start to press against the edge of the container. Repot in spring or summer when your plant is actively growing to alleviate transplant shock.

Is ZZ plant poisonous to touch? ›

ZZ plants are toxic to humans, although to a lesser degree than to pets. Yet again, the sap of the ZZ plant can cause skin irritation, as well as diarrhea and vomiting if accidentally ingested. So, ensure that you wear protective gloves when you take care of your ZZ plant.

How do you make a ZZ plant happy? ›

Water: Water thoroughly and allow the top 5 cm of soil to dry out between waterings. Soggy soil will cause the rhizomes to rot. Despite being drought-tolerant, your ZZ will be healthiest with regular watering. Humidity: Average indoor humidity, no adjustments required.

What is the lifespan of a ZZ plant? ›

ZZ plants seem to live practically forever. Their leaves survive about six months or longer—even if you don't water your ZZ plant, it can go about four months. With care, though, they can live five to 10 years or longer.

How do I keep my ZZ plant happy? ›

They thrive even in almost complete shade.
  1. Give ZZ plant at least a little indirect light daily for optimum growth and health.
  2. Allow soil to dry out completely between waterings. Plants can survive months without water.
  3. Protect ZZ plant from temperatures below 45°F.
Apr 26, 2024

Should a ZZ plant be near a window? ›

You can place a ZZ near a window, but make sure it's not exposed to direct sunlight as this can scorch the leaves. A room with south-facing windows providing bright, indirect light would be ideal.

Which direction is best for ZZ plant? ›

According to Vastu Shastra, the ZZ plant must be positioned in the northeastern direction. This arrangement will bring wealth, success and abundance in life. The plant is also considered lucky and is placed near cash registers in shops to attract business.

Do ZZ plants attract bugs? ›

ZZ plants are not susceptible to many bugs, but they may occasionally attract mealybugs.

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