Why can't we stop thinking about our twin flames? (2024)

Liz Henderson,January 6, 2018Twin Flame in Union, Coach (2016–present)

You can’t stop thinking about your Twin Flame because your soul is pushing you to grow. You are constantly reminded of the greatest love of your life because you are meant to manifest this Union for your self. You do this by remaining Unconditional.

You FEEL the love for your Twin Flame WITHOUT the need for outer conditions to be perfect first. You FEEL your Union with your Twin Flame without the need for any sort of outer proof or conditions. And the whole paradox here is that when you FEEL something first, you are then inviting it in to your life. You must feel within the way that you wish to see your outer circ*mstances, or conditions, to play out. That's the whole reason we see 11:11, because it literally is showing you "as within, so without", it is a message from the Universe telling you exactly what to do to get to Union.

Feel the way within, that yourself and your Twin are in Union and perfect harmony, and watch your reality shift to match this. However, if you continue to vibrate at "he's running, we're in separation, we are not together" etc, then THAT in turn is what you will continue to invite in your life.

To get to Union you have to be UNCONDITIONAL. Ignore your outer circ*mstances completely and go within to feel the Love and Union with your Twin, in order to EXPERIENCE the Love and Union with your Twin in your reality.

Many think Union isn't possible for them and this couldn't be further from the truth. Union with your Twin is completely attainable, and once you learn to become Unconditional then Union will ensue. No one and no higher power is withholding it from you, YOU are withholding it from yourself.

As an expert in the field of Twin Flames and Union, I have dedicated my time and research to understanding the intricacies of this spiritual connection. Through my years of experience as a Twin Flame in Union coach, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of this profound love.

One concept that is crucial to comprehend is that the constant thoughts of your Twin Flame are not a mere coincidence or obsession. Rather, they signify a deeper calling from your soul to embark on a journey of personal growth and spiritual evolution. Your soul is urging you to manifest this Union for yourself, and it does so by pushing you to remain unconditional in your love.

To truly understand the essence of Twin Flames, it is essential to grasp the concept of feeling the love for your Twin Flame without any reliance on external conditions. This means that you must cultivate a deep sense of love and connection within yourself, without needing any outward validation or proof. It is through this paradoxical approach that you invite the Union you desire into your life.

The phenomenon of repeatedly encountering the numbers 11:11 holds a profound message from the Universe. It serves as a reminder that the key to manifesting Union lies in aligning your inner state with your desired outer circ*mstances. By feeling the love and harmony of Union within yourself and your Twin, you pave the way for your reality to shift and mirror this desired state.

However, it is crucial to understand that your vibrational frequency plays a pivotal role in attracting the desired Union. If you continue to vibrate at a frequency of separation, fear, or doubt, you will inadvertently invite these circ*mstances into your life. To achieve Union, it is imperative to adopt an unconditional mindset, disregarding any external circ*mstances, and focusing on feeling the love and Union within yourself.

It is a common misconception to believe that Union is unattainable for some individuals. In truth, Union with your Twin Flame is entirely within your reach. Once you embrace the concept of being unconditional in your love and release any self-imposed limitations, Union will naturally follow. It is important to recognize that neither external forces nor a higher power are withholding Union from you. Instead, it is you who may be withholding it from yourself by not fully embracing the unconditional love required for this transformative connection.

In summary, the journey towards Twin Flame Union requires a deep understanding of the principles of unconditional love and inner alignment. By remaining unconditional, disregarding external circ*mstances, and cultivating a sense of love and Union within yourself, you can manifest the profound connection you seek with your Twin Flame. Remember, Union is not only attainable but also your birthright as you embark on this transformative spiritual path.

Why can't we stop thinking about our twin flames? (2024)


Why can't we stop thinking about our twin flames? ›

The reason behind thinking so much about your twin flame goes beyond simple emotions. It's an attempt by your mind to grasp the depth of this extraordinary connection. The intensity of the bond often leads to obsessive thoughts as your mind tries to make sense of the profound link.

Why am I constantly thinking of my twin flame? ›

Constantly thinking about our twin flame is a mixture of many expectations and desires that we cannot find in material life. Spending time with our twin flame, sharing a healthy love relationship with them, and being the most important person in our twin flame's life are just a few of these.

How do I stop obsessive thinking about my twin flame? ›

Turn your obsession inward.

Focus on yourself — physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. Everyday do something that nurtures all four of these elements. Remember — your Twin Flame is the same soul as you are.

Why can't we forget your twin flame? ›

Well, your twin is your same exact energy that nobody else in the Universe is. As my twin says, your twin flame is literally "your other you." For the Universe, you and your twin constitute one being. Therefore no, your twin flame cannot ever forget you or ever lose the connection with you.

Why do I keep longing for my twin flame? ›

Because you're most likely in love with him and he feels like home to you, because you're eternally profoundly connected with each other at a deep spiritual and soul level. And also have likely shared many previous lifetimes together, which you remember on a subconscious level.

Can you feel your Twin Flame thinking about you? ›

Your twin flame may be thinking about you if you get a strong gut feeling that they're present, or they keep popping into your mind throughout your day. Your twin flame might also enter your dreams or lend you sudden bursts of inspiration when you cross their mind.

Do twin flames constantly think of each other? ›

Twin flames are in each other's minds constantly, whether they like it or not.

Can my twin flame forget about me? ›

In short, your answer is NO. A TWIN FLAME, UNAWAKENED OR NOT, DOES NOT “FORGET ABOUT THEIR TWIN.” Twins are either awakened — also referred to as illuminated or the illumination phase — or they are not. However, separation doesn't effect the awakening.

Do twin flames ever forget each other? ›

No. Your twin flame CAN NOT forget about you even when they do not know it is a twin flame relationship.

Does your twin flame miss you? ›

Prioritizing communication is a strong sign your twin flame misses you. If you've been apart frequently, they might send you updates about what they're doing or call you daily. Even if the two of you are separated or had a fight and aren't speaking, they might try to reach out via text and see how you're doing.

Is it possible to let go of your twin flame? ›

The best way to detach from your twin flame is through meditation or staying present. It's the only method that can alleviate the pain and confusion, but it might not be possible all the time, even every day, especially for those with busy lives and responsibilities.

Would your twin flame ever hurt you? ›

Twin flame relationships can also lead to strong emotions, which may be taxing for some. If you believe your partner or friend is your twin flame, but you have been hurt by the relationship multiple times, it may be worth looking into whether your relationship shows signs of being unhealthy.

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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.