Who is Lonelyman? Meet viral Lowcost Cosplay artist who imitated Blackpink's Lisa leaving fans in splits (2024)

Cosplay is considered a sub-culture that includes knowledge of design when playing the characters. It’s a common belief that cosplaying requires a lot of fancy materials.

However, Anucha Saengchart, better known as Lonelyman, shows that only a few basic materials and creativity is enough to make costumes, with a lot of ingenuity.

Anucha "Cha" is a 31 year-old man from Malaysia who imitates characters, movie posters or celebrities with objects that are in his house. He calls his art "Lowcost Cosplay," which has made him popular on the internet.

Who is Lonelyman? Meet viral Lowcost Cosplay artist who imitated Blackpink's Lisa leaving fans in splits (1)

From paint, towels, cables, and flour, Lonelyman has become an anti-production icon.

Anucha explained in an interview with the Daily Mail that he has no problem inventing a suit with food or simply with a marker.

Anucha Saengchart, who has more than one million followers on Instagram, has proven to be a big fan of Blackpink. This time, he used Lisa as inspiration for his latest post. Lonelyman has made various cosplays of the K-Pop singer.

His talent and creativity are being praised by Lisa’s fans, who have showered his post with comments extending support.

Some of his Lonelyman's cosplays

Who is Lonelyman? Meet viral Lowcost Cosplay artist who imitated Blackpink's Lisa leaving fans in splits (2)
Who is Lonelyman? Meet viral Lowcost Cosplay artist who imitated Blackpink's Lisa leaving fans in splits (3)

Also read: BLACKPINK ties with Coldplay for groups with most MVs reaching 1 billion views on YouTube

Who is Lonelyman? Meet viral Lowcost Cosplay artist who imitated Blackpink's Lisa leaving fans in splits (4)
Who is Lonelyman? Meet viral Lowcost Cosplay artist who imitated Blackpink's Lisa leaving fans in splits (5)
Who is Lonelyman? Meet viral Lowcost Cosplay artist who imitated Blackpink's Lisa leaving fans in splits (6)
Who is Lonelyman? Meet viral Lowcost Cosplay artist who imitated Blackpink's Lisa leaving fans in splits (7)

Also read: Fans trend #CongratulationsLisa as the BLACKPINK member becomes most followed K-pop idol on Instagram

Who is Lonelyman? Meet viral Lowcost Cosplay artist who imitated Blackpink's Lisa leaving fans in splits (8)
Who is Lonelyman? Meet viral Lowcost Cosplay artist who imitated Blackpink's Lisa leaving fans in splits (9)
Who is Lonelyman? Meet viral Lowcost Cosplay artist who imitated Blackpink's Lisa leaving fans in splits (10)

His followers can’t have enough of Lowcost Cosplays.

Here are some screenshots of comments on Instagram where followers & strangers alike are in support and admiration:

Who is Lonelyman? Meet viral Lowcost Cosplay artist who imitated Blackpink's Lisa leaving fans in splits (11)
Who is Lonelyman? Meet viral Lowcost Cosplay artist who imitated Blackpink's Lisa leaving fans in splits (12)

Also read: Has "Youth With You" with BLACKPINK's Lisa been cancelled? Here's the status on the show

Edited by Gautham Balaji


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Who is Lonelyman? Meet viral Lowcost Cosplay artist who imitated Blackpink's Lisa leaving fans in splits (2024)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.