What are the Disadvantages of Apple Computers/Laptops? (2024)

Apple Mac laptops have always been one of the most popular and extensively sold ultra-portable computers. Its popularity is because of its sleek & iconic design, build-in quality, amazing features, software, and decent hardware specifications. Apple laptops are considered ideal computers for both professional as well as entry-level users.

What are the Disadvantages of Apple Computers/Laptops? (2)

Despite the fact that there are many advantages of apple mac laptops, there are some disadvantages to the product too. This article discusses some of the disadvantages of Apple computers/laptops.

Reasons For Not Buying Apple Laptops:

Here are some reasons why you should need to think one more time before purchasing apple laptops:

Limited Hardware Upgrade: Apple laptops have limited upgrade options. In apple computers/laptops the processor and memory are integrated on a single circuit board. With limited storage, memory and processor capacity you either have to stuck with it or buy some other laptop/computer that has better hardware.

Internal Storage Capacity is Limited: Another drawback of Apple laptop/computers is the limited storage capacity. Due to limited capacity, there are many applications and software that you cannot have on Apple laptops.

Fewer Application Options: Apple MacOS features some of the best applications but still you are limited with the application & software options. It is because the app & software developers when design & develop new software they first develop it for windows. Many new applications and software are not immediately available for MacOS. This is the major reasons why many designers sell apple MacBook and switch to windows laptops for better tools and software applications. Hence it limits the application and software options for apple laptop/computer users.

Screen Display is Out-dated: Although Apple focuses on the design of its product and no doubt apple models has very sleek designs. But still, the display resolution of Apple laptops/computers is very low. Moreover, angle viewing and color reproduction are also inaccurate.

Limited Computing Capabilities: Apple laptops/computers are perfect for daily, short and light processing and computing. But these computers may not be the best option for high definition games or heavy software. It has limited computing capabilities, which makes it suitable for entry-level users such as students and business professionals but not for web-developers, web-creators, gamers, and graphic designers.

High Prices: The cost of Apple laptops/computers is quite high. These laptop/computers are way too much expensive as compared to other windows computers. Even the most inexpensive Apple laptop model cost around $300.

High Value Price: Apple laptops and computers are less cost-effective as compared to other computers and laptops. The limited storage capacity, memory, processing, and low display resolution make apple laptops/computers less cost-effective. Product value is not about high prices instead it is about the features, specifications, and benefits which it provides to the consumer/user.

No doubt Apple laptops & computers some amazing features such as longer battery life, fast processing, portability and many more. But still, Apple computers are not effective for developers and graphic designers or any other heavy processing. It is limited to office productivity only. Hence it is recommended that whenever you are thinking to buy a computer or laptop make sure to compare all the different aspects and then make a decision.

Also read: Apple’s Vintage and Obsolete products

What are the Disadvantages of Apple Computers/Laptops? (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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