Australia is the world’s driest inhabited continent, yet we are one of the highest users of water per person. We live in an uncertain climate – it’s important to use water wisely sowe have a secure source of drinking water for many years to come.
How to save water at school
Read on for tips to save water at school, or download this handy fact sheet:
Collect excess water and use it wisely
Place ice cream containers under school water fountains and use excess water in the garden.
If not using the tap, turn it off
Turn the tap off as soon as you've washed your hands. Put signsnearthe basins to remind students to do the same.
Report leaks
Get someone to fix any leaking taps, water fountains or toilets as soon as they are reported. Make it a classroom activity to check for leaks regularly.
Use a container to wash your brushes
Wash paint brushes in a bucket or ice cream container, rather than under a running tap.
Use a refillable water bottle
Bring a water bottle to school. At the end of the day, any leftover water can be poured onto the garden.
Talk to others about water
Raise awareness of the importance of water by creating colourful posters on water use and water saving. You can even start your own water saving team.
Install aerators on taps
Talk to your maintenance coordinator about installing or fitting the taps in your school with aerators. Aerators reduce the amount of water flowing from the tap by up to 50%, while maintaining the pressure.
Install rainwater tanks
Talk to your principal, maintenance coordinator and school council about installing rainwater tanks. Once installed, you can connect the tanks to your toilets or use the water for your school gardens or vegie patch.
To reduce water use in the school, consider replacing old equipment such as dishwashers with energy-saving devices. Repair water leaks and leaky toilets. Install water aerators and automatic shut-off devices on faucets. Use low-flow shower heads and timer shut-off devices to reduce water use during showers.
How can you conserve water at school? ›
To reduce water use in the school, consider replacing old equipment such as dishwashers with energy-saving devices. Repair water leaks and leaky toilets. Install water aerators and automatic shut-off devices on faucets. Use low-flow shower heads and timer shut-off devices to reduce water use during showers.
Why should we save water for class? ›
We need to save water because we need it to grow food, protect aquatic life, save money and energy. Unfortunately, the water supply available on earth is limited. By saving water, we ensure that the groundwater is depleted and the environment is not degraded.
What uses the most water in a school? ›
Approximately 6% of total water use in commercial and institutional facilities takes place in schools. The largest water uses in school facilities are heating and cooling systems, restrooms, drinking fountains, cafeteria kitchens, science labs, and outdoor fields and grounds.
What is water conservation for students? ›
Water conservation is the practice of using water efficiently to reduce unnecessary water usage. According to Fresh Water Watch, water conservation is important because fresh clean water is a limited resource, as well as a costly one.
How to save water in a paragraph? ›
We must start planting more trees and plants. Rainwater harvesting must be made compulsory so we can benefit from the rain as well. Further, we can also save water by turning off the tap when we brush our teeth or wash our utensils. Use a washing machine when it is fully loaded.
Why is water important in 200 words? ›
It is impossible for humans to survive and sustain without water. Water is used in our daily life for cleaning, drinking, washing clothes, and growing food. Water is also used for generating electricity, manufacturing goods. Rivers, seas, and oceans help in transportation of goods.
Why is water good for students? ›
It helps to increase students' overall water consumption, maintain hydration, and reduce energy intake if substituted for sugar-sweetened beverages. Adequate hydration also may improve cognitive function in children and adolescents.
How does water affect school? ›
Clean water helps keep children in school, especially girls, That means Less time collecting water means more time in class. Clean water and proper toilets at school mean teenage girls don't have to stay home for a week out of every month.
Why don't schools serve water? ›
Money. Not only are disposable cups expensive (at least, when you're talking about the number of cups needed for an entire school district), schools are reimbursed by the government for the milk or orange juice they serve students in the cafeteria, but not for bottled or tap water.
Make sure they're drinking enough water! Dehydration lowers our ability to concentrate, slows our reaction time and impairs our short term memory. A Virginia Tech study found that “even mild dehydration – a body water loss of 1–2% - can impair cognitive abilities.”
How can we conserve the use of water? ›
Only fill the kettle with the amount of water needed. Put lids on saucepans to reduce the amount of water lost during heating. Put your dishwasher and washing machine on with full loads and on an eco-setting wherever possible. Use a washing-up bowl in your sink to reduce the volume of water you use to fill the area.