Use This Simple Bank Statement Excel Template - Docparser (2024)

Tracking your transactions is essential to keep a clear picture of your business’ financial health. While you receive bank statements every month, you may want to keep your own statement for accounting and finance purposes. So if you are looking for a bank statement Excel template, you’ve come to the right place: we have a free template you can download and use.

This post will show you why you may need a bank statement template and what it should include. You will also find a link to download a free template to help track transactions faster and easier.

Why Use a Bank Statement Excel Template?

Banks typically issue a bank statement every month and will provide you with one whenever you request it. You may even download it directly from your bank’s client portal. So you might be wondering why one would use a bank statement template, especially since a template cannot serve as an official financial document. Well, there are various reasons you might want to use a bank statement template:

  • Keep your monthly transactions organized and well presented
  • Easily calculate amounts with formulas
  • Reconcile your bank statements
  • Find discrepancies and possible fraudulent transactions
  • Prove that a transaction was made at a certain date
  • Analyze your bank statement data with Excel or Google Sheets
  • Upload your bank statement data to your accounting software

The last two points are particularly important. Imagine you want to analyze data for a long period of time – like a year, but it is scattered across a dozen documents with different structures.

Likewise, let’s say you want to analyze your transaction data with your software, but the data is locked within a PDF document or an image file. Uploading an Excel document that already contains that data will be much faster and easier than entering it manually.

For all these reasons, you should have an Excel template. And instead of creating a template from scratch, you can use a pre-built one – more on that further below.

Quick note: if you receive bank statements by email regularly, you can use Mailparser, the companion software to Docparser that focuses on extracting data from emails.

Why Use Excel for Your Template?

Excel is a fantastic tool for keeping financial records and has many advantages overall. It allows you to create formulas and functions that calculate amounts for you. You can also find data with filters and functions. While Excel has its limitations, it works great for something as simple as producing monthly statements.

Moreover, most accounting and financial software allow you to upload your financial documents in Excel format. The data inside will immediately become accessible from your software provided it’s structured properly. The same goes for Google Sheets as well.

How Does it Work?

After downloading our bank statement Excel template, you can start using it to record transactions and keep all the related data in one place, from dates to amounts and transaction descriptions.

Use This Simple Bank Statement Excel Template - Docparser (1)

Start by filling in details about your business (account number, business name, etc.). Then record your transactions, or simply extract them from your bank statements. From there, you can keep using your spreadsheet on Google Sheets to make it accessible to coworkers or upload it instead to your accounting system.

We have included a few formulas and functions to help you quickly calculate:

  • The balance after each transaction
  • Total deposits
  • Total withdrawals
  • The closing balance

If you add more rows to the table, make sure that all functions are still set up properly. We recommend not adding more rows after the last one. Instead, it’s best to insert them in the middle of the table. That way, functions are not affected and the total amounts will stay correct.

You can add a new sheet for every month or keep everything in one sheet. Also, you might find it useful to create graphs and charts that visualize data. It’s all up to you!

What Does This Excel Template Include?

You will find fields where you can enter the information typically contained in bank statements. Let’s go over them one by one:

Account Number and Name

This is self-explanatory – you write your account’s number and name. You only need to fill out this information once.

Business Information

Write your name, your business’ name, its address and phone number. If you run a sole proprietorship business, you can replace the business name with your own if you like. The purpose of filling out this section is that if you share your bank statement with someone, they will have access to and contact information.

Statement Period

This is the period covered by your statement. Write the date when the statement period starts and when it ends. Alternatively, you can just write the month and year instead of the date.

Activity Summary

The activity summary provides a quick view of your account’s overall situation. It includes:

  • Opening balance
  • Total deposits
  • Total withdrawals
  • Closing balance

Use This Simple Bank Statement Excel Template - Docparser (2)

Transaction History

Also called Transaction Details or Transaction Summary, this table is the main section of your bank statement. It lists every transaction that took place during the statement period and specifies the following information:

  • Date
  • Details – a brief description of the transaction, check numbers, etc.
  • Deposits (also called Debits or Receipts)
    • Deposits
    • Interests earned
  • Withdrawals (also called Credits or Payments)
    • Withdrawals
    • Charges
    • Penalties
  • Balance
  • Closing balance

You’ll find 20 rows in our template. You can add as many rows as you need to the table. Just check that the sum functions and balance formula are still properly set up.

Use This Simple Bank Statement Excel Template - Docparser (3)

Note that the table ends with the closing balance. The amount there should be equal to the closing balance’s amount in the activity summary.

Get Your Bank Statement Excel Template Here

Click on the button below to save a copy of your free bank statement template.

Get Your Bank Statement Excel Template

Track your transactions with this free template. Please make a copy of the template prior to use.

You will find all the data fields we explained above along with simple formulas and functions that handle calculations for you. Open your copy, fill out your business details, and start recording transactions as you run your business.

Of course, feel free to customize your template however you like. Change the formatting, add your logo, add filters… edit to your heart’s content!

Need to Extract Data from Bank Statements? Try Docparser

Do you frequently enter bank statement data manually? If so, stop losing time on this tedious process and start extracting transaction and account details from your bank statements.

After grabbing your free Excel template, consider giving Docparser a try.

Docparser allows you to extract the data you want from your bank statements and download it in various formats as well as export it to a cloud application via a webhook. You get the data you need, structured and error-free, so you can immediately move on to more important tasks.

Interested? Sign up for a free account and start extracting bank statement data to save time and improve productivity.

Extract Data from Documents in Minutes

Struggling with manual data entry? Capture data with Docparser to save time and money.

Try Docparser for Free

No credit card required.

I am a financial expert with extensive knowledge in accounting and financial management. I have hands-on experience in dealing with various aspects of financial records, including the use of Excel for tracking transactions and maintaining clear financial statements.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article about using a bank statement Excel template:

  1. Importance of Tracking Transactions:

    • Tracking transactions is crucial for maintaining a clear picture of a business's financial health.
    • Bank statements are received monthly, but maintaining a personal statement aids in accounting and finance.
  2. Bank Statement Excel Template:

    • A free template is available for download to assist in tracking transactions efficiently.
  3. Reasons to Use a Bank Statement Template:

    • Keep monthly transactions organized and well-presented.
    • Easily calculate amounts with formulas.
    • Reconcile bank statements.
    • Identify discrepancies and potential fraudulent transactions.
    • Provide evidence of transactions at specific dates.
    • Analyze bank statement data using Excel or Google Sheets.
    • Upload bank statement data to accounting software.
  4. Benefits of Using Excel for the Template:

    • Excel allows the creation of formulas and functions for automatic calculations.
    • Data can be easily filtered and found in Excel.
    • Excel is compatible with most accounting and financial software.
    • Google Sheets can be used as an alternative.
  5. How the Excel Template Works:

    • After downloading, fill in business details and record transactions.
    • Formulas and functions are included for calculating the balance after each transaction, total deposits, total withdrawals, and closing balance.
    • Recommendations on adding rows to the table without affecting functions.
  6. Components of the Excel Template:

    • Fields to enter account number and name.
    • Business information section, including name, address, and phone number.
    • Statement period, specifying the start and end dates or just the month and year.
    • Activity summary with opening balance, total deposits, total withdrawals, and closing balance.
    • Transaction history table with details, deposits, withdrawals, charges, penalties, and closing balance.
  7. Template Customization:

    • Users are encouraged to customize the template, including changing formatting, adding logos, and applying filters.
  8. Additional Tool Recommendation - Docparser:

    • Suggests using Docparser to extract data from bank statements and save time on manual data entry.
    • Docparser allows the extraction of transaction and account details from bank statements.

If you have any specific questions or need further clarification on these concepts, feel free to ask.

Use This Simple Bank Statement Excel Template - Docparser (2024)


How to convert a bank statement to Excel? ›

Here's how:
  1. Open the PDF in Adobe Acrobat Pro (requires a subscription or trial).
  2. Go to "File" > "Save As" > "Spreadsheet" > "Microsoft Excel Workbook" or "CSV."
  3. Follow the prompts to adjust settings and save the converted file.
Sep 29, 2023

How to do bank reconciliation in Excel format? ›

Key Takeaways
  1. To create a bank reconciliation template, you must first label all fields and set formulas accordingly. ...
  2. Prepare reports by sorting rows. ...
  3. You can automate bank reconciliations in Excel with functions such as VLOOKUP, SUMIF and COUNTIF to match transactions, check deposits and identify duplicate records.

Does Excel have a financial statement template? ›

A: Yes. Excel has a range of financial templates, including income statements, cash flow statements, and balance sheets.

How do I generate a bank statement? ›

Your online banking page will list out all of your statements. From there, you can download a PDF or order a paper version by mail. You can also call your bank's customer service line for help.

How do I create a statement of account template? ›

Statement of account templates usually adhere to the following format:
  1. The name, address, and contact information of the company or individual who issued the invoice.
  2. The date on which the invoice was issued.
  3. A list of all items included in the invoice, along with their prices.
  4. The total amount due.
May 15, 2023

How do I use Excel in banking? ›

To excel in a banking career is not very difficult. You must realize that to prove yourself in any field; you should stay disciplined, diligent, motivated, and goal-oriented. Utilize the resources available to you to learn and gather knowledge and hone your skills. Always strive to be up to date.

How to make a financial statement in Excel? ›

Follow these steps to make an income statement in Excel:
  1. Prepare your Excel file. ...
  2. Determine the categories. ...
  3. Choose the subcategories. ...
  4. Input the categories and subcategories. ...
  5. Set up the formulas. ...
  6. Input the data. ...
  7. Consider additional formatting. ...
  8. Finalize the document.
Jun 24, 2022

How to sort a bank statement in Excel? ›

  1. Select any cell within the transaction list.
  2. On the Data Menu, click sort.
  3. Click the Sort By down arrow, and then click the Field you want to sort by.
  4. If want to sort by more than one field select the Then by boxes, select the fields you want to sort by, and then click ok.

What is the format for a simple bank reconciliation statement? ›

Bank Reconciliation Statement Format is prepared with 3 columns starting with particulars and two amount columns in which the amount that needs to be added back and the amount that needs to be deducted are recorded.

What is an example of bank reconciliation? ›

A bank reconciliation statement compares a company's records of its financial transactions with those of its bank statement. For example, if a company's records show it has $5,000 in its account, but bank statement shows $4,800, the reconciliation statement helps identify and resolve discrepancies.

Can you connect a bank account to Excel? ›

With Money in Excel you'll be able to...

Securely connect bank, credit card, investment, and loan accounts to view your financial information all in one place without ever leaving Excel. Keep your workbook up to date by syncing your latest transactions and account balances.

How to create an Excel template? ›

Open the workbook you want to use as a template. Click File > Export. Under Export, click Change File Type. In the Workbook File Types box, double-click Template.

Can you download bank statements as Excel? ›

Can you export a bank statement to Excel? Yes, you can export a PDF bank statement to Excel. Utilize tools like DocuClipper, which streamline the process by converting your bank statement PDF into an organized Excel spreadsheet, making financial data management easier and more efficient.

Does Excel have a bank register template? ›

Open a blank spreadsheet and create column labels for all the elements in a regular paper checkbook register. Input the data from your checkbook and insert a custom formula to calculate your running balance. Alternatively, click “File,” “New,” and type in “Checkbook register template” to find a pre-made template.

Can I link my bank account to an Excel spreadsheet? ›

With Money in Excel you'll be able to...

Securely connect bank, credit card, investment, and loan accounts to view your financial information all in one place without ever leaving Excel. Keep your workbook up to date by syncing your latest transactions and account balances.

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.