Types of Cereals: 9 List of Cereals Names and Breakfast Cereals (2024)

For so many years, cereal grains have played a significant part in our lives. It’s our everyday staple, and it makes up almost 50-60% of our diet. Cereals are most popularly consumed in the form of breakfast cereal throughout the world. Let’s dive into the world of types of cereals with names and understand them better, along with their benefits!

Types of Cereals: 9 List of Cereals Names and Breakfast Cereals (1)

Table of Contents

What Are Cereals?

Cereals develop from edible grains that are grown in large numbers. Cereals are filled with vitamins and minerals. Most cereals are packed with proteins, fiber, and carbohydrates, making them a super-healthy food option. Grain is consumed in large amounts by developing countries as their everyday staple food, but that doesn’t mean developed countries have less consumption. Overall, cereal grains are pretty popular globally, so let’s get to know more about them with this cereals list!

List of Cereals Names

Here are the common list of cereals along with their hindi name.

CerealsHindi Name
OatsJai, javie
SorghumJoar or Jowar

9 Different Types Of Cereals With Benefits

1. Rice

Types of Cereals: 9 List of Cereals Names and Breakfast Cereals (2)

Rice is a staple food in different parts of the world and has to top our cereal food list. People consume rice because it’s healthy and very filling and an ideal gluten-free meal option.


  • Rice is nutrient-rich and improves overall health.
  • It’s anti-inflammatory and rich in fiber.
  • It provides energy to the body.

Also Read : Types of Rice

2. Maize

Types of Cereals: 9 List of Cereals Names and Breakfast Cereals (3)

Corn is a very popular cereal among Americans and one of the major on cereals list, but it’s also used in many parts of the world. It is one of the oldest types of cereals known to humankind and is a very healthy breakfast option in the form of corn flakes.


  • Aids in digestion due to high fiber content.
  • It fulfills the body’s nutritional requirements.
  • It promotes heart health.

3. Oats

Types of Cereals: 9 List of Cereals Names and Breakfast Cereals (4)

One of the common in cereals name list is oats or oatmeal, which are mainly consumed as porridge. It comes in various forms and can be eaten in a lot of ways. Oats are a very trendy breakfast these days. There are different flavors and oats price that you can choose according to your taste end pocket!


  • It helps in weight management.
  • Improves digestion and prevents constipation.
  • Improves blood sugar levels and is safe for people with diabetes.

4. Rye

Types of Cereals: 9 List of Cereals Names and Breakfast Cereals (5)

Rye is typically grown in cold climatic conditions and is chiefly used for the production of alcoholic drinks. It is also used for making food for animals and certain types of flour.


  • Rye has a high antioxidant content.
  • It helps in lowering cholesterol levels.
  • It has a low glycemic index and may help people with type 2 diabetes.

5. Barley

Types of Cereals: 9 List of Cereals Names and Breakfast Cereals (6)

Barley is grown in temperate climates across the world. It is observed that barley can grow in conditions where wheat can’t grow.Barley is one of the most important types of cereals in India after rice and wheat.


  • Barley keeps you full and may help you lose weight.
  • May reduce the risk of heart diseases.
  • The beta-glucans present in barley may lower cholesterol.

6. Sorghum

Types of Cereals: 9 List of Cereals Names and Breakfast Cereals (7)

Sorghum is a cost-effective and popular cereal among Asians and Africans. It is also known as great millet or jowar and can be used to cook many versatile dishes.


  • It May Help in preventing chronic diseases.
  • Packed with antioxidants and reduces inflammation.

Also Read: Types of Millets

7. Wheat

Types of Cereals: 9 List of Cereals Names and Breakfast Cereals (8)

Wheat is cultivated chiefly for its seed and is a worldwide staple food. There are many different wheat plant types, but only the most popular one is the common wheat plant.


  • Wheat aids in digestion and improves digestive health.
  • It’s rich in heart-healthy nutrients.
  • It may help in reducing the risk of obesity.

8. Quinoa

Types of Cereals: 9 List of Cereals Names and Breakfast Cereals (9)

Quinoa is one of the most protein-dense foods available, filled with all nine amino acids. Even 1 regular bowl of Quinoa in the breakfast can fulfill the RDI of proteins. It has nearly double the fiber content of most other cereals. Fiber is most recognized for its ability to alleviate constipation.


  • Fortifies iron and proteins
  • Aids in the prevention of heart diseases
  • May prevent blood sugar levels from rising

9. Millet

Types of Cereals: 9 List of Cereals Names and Breakfast Cereals (10)

Millets are a nutrient-dense food. Millets, in addition to being gluten-free, benefit your health and aid in weight reduction. Any fitness fanatic would attest to the remarkable benefits of eating millets. They are strong in protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber and have a high nutritional value. Millets, unlike other grains, require less water and ground fertility.


  • Regulate blood sugar levels to prevent diabetes
  • Help in weight loss
  • It May help in lowering the risk of heart diseases

Also Read: Bajra Benefits

7 Types of Healthy Breakfast Cereals

1. Cornflakes

Types of Cereals: 9 List of Cereals Names and Breakfast Cereals (11)

Cornflakes is a breakfast cereal that is made using maize or corn. It is a packaged cereal that consists of toasted and flattened flakes of corn. It is usually consumed with cold or hot milk, and many people like to add some sweetener to it. Adding a little sweetener like sugar or honey enhances the taste of the dish. Some corn flakes already come with a sugar coating, so it’s advisable to keep these things in mind while buying.

2. Muesli

Muesli is a protein-rich cereal food that is quite a rage among fitness lovers and health-conscious people. It is also filled with dietary fiber and essential nutrients that aid in digestion. What catches most people’s attention is that muesli is the best cereal for weight loss since it is incredibly low in calories and keeps you filled for a long time! The best thing is that many websites offer great muesli price so that you can enjoy good health on a budget.

3. Oats Or Oat Porridge

Types of Cereals: 9 List of Cereals Names and Breakfast Cereals (13)

Oats are mostly eaten as oats porridge, and they are very nutritious. Oatmeal is generally soaked in water before it is cooked with milk to make porridge, but it can be used in many different ways as well! Oats are not just breakfast cereal. In fact, you can have oats any time of the day whenever a hunger pang hits you, and you want to eat something healthy! It is also a good breakfast option for people who might want to keep a check on their blood sugar levels!

Also Read: Types of Oats

4. Granola

Types of Cereals: 9 List of Cereals Names and Breakfast Cereals (14)

Granola is an exciting cereal type and one of the best on the breakfast cereals list! It is made up of a number of things like nuts, seeds, wheat flakes, oats, dried fruits, choco flakes, etc. It comes in many exciting flavors and is a big hit among kids too. Granola is usually used as a topping for greek or plain yogurt. It’s a nutritious breakfast; all you have to do is sprinkle a handful of granola on top of your yogurt and enjoy the texture!

5. Rice Krispies

Types of Cereals: 9 List of Cereals Names and Breakfast Cereals (15)

Rice Krispies are widely used across the Indian subcontinent for making delicious and filling breakfasts. They are lightweight and healthy cereal that comes from natural rice grains. Some popular Indian breakfast dishes like poha, rice crispies with yogurt and jaggery, etc., are made with this cereal.

6. Wheat Flakes

Wheat flakes are another excellent cereal food for people who are trying to lose weight and eat healthily. you can eat it with hot or cold milk, depending upon your taste. It is filled with fiber, easy to make, and a wholesome breakfast option for every time you’re running late for work!

7. Bran Cereal

Bran cereal is a healthy breakfast option that can keep you filled for a long time. It prevents you from snacking until lunchtime and keeps your weight managed. You can get creative with this cereal and make new breakfast dishes for your family.

Breakfast cereals are not only healthy but also a delicious way to start your mornings. It gives you a boost of nutrition and health early in the morning that kick starts your day. Now that you are informed about different types of cereals choose the best for you and your family and make your mornings happy!

Also Read: Wheat Bran Benefits


1. How much cereal is healthy to eat per day?

For kids, 25 to 30 grams of cereals are healthy, and for adults, 30 to 45 grams is good to eat every day.

2. Does cereal make you fat?

No, healthy eating cereals are good for weight management, but the wrong choice of breakfast cereals for you and your kids, which are high in sugar, fat, or salt, can contribute to weight gain and health problems

Types of Cereals: 9 List of Cereals Names and Breakfast Cereals (18)


Shubhangi Chauhan is a full-time creative writer with a nose for marketing. When she's not writing, you'll find her engrossed in cooking exciting recipes. Rainy days, dogs, and a good book of poems are a few of her favorite things!

Types of Cereals: 9 List of Cereals Names and Breakfast Cereals (2024)


Types of Cereals: 9 List of Cereals Names and Breakfast Cereals? ›

Here are the common list of cereals along with their hindi name.
List of Cereals Names.
CerealsHindi Name
OatsJai, javie
SorghumJoar or Jowar
5 more rows

How many types of cereal are there? ›

Wheat, oats, rye and barley - grain-based foods are very nutritious with many health benefits.

What are the 6 types of cereals? ›

There are six true cereals in the world today, which are Wheat, Rye, Rice, Oats and maize. Of these wheat, maize and rice are the most important, and each has played roles in the development of civilizations.

What are the 7 types of cereal grains? ›

The seven principal cereals grown in the world are wheat, maize, rice, barley, oats, rye and sorghum. Wheat became very popular because of the bread produced.

What are example of cereals? ›

The cereals most commonly cultivated are wheat, rice, rye, oats, barley, corn (maize), and sorghum. As human food, cereals are usually marketed in their raw grain form (some are frozen or canned) or as ingredients of various food products.

What's the number 1 cereal? ›

1. Cheerios. America's favorite cereal by both revenue and boxes sold is Cheerios.

What are 10 examples of grains? ›

Choosing whole grains
  • Barley.
  • Brown rice.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Bulgur (cracked wheat)
  • Millet.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Popcorn.
  • Whole-wheat bread, pasta or crackers.

Which one is the example of breakfast cereal? ›

Cereals like cornflakes or puffed rice served with low-fat milk – can be part of a healthy breakfast but are low in fibre so not as good a choice as a wholegrain cereal. Adding a piece of fruit will help to balance your breakfast as well as making it more filling to eat.

What are cereals for Class 2? ›

Cereals are grains used for food. Cereal includes wheat, oats, bajra (millets), maize and rice etc. Cereals are very important part of human diets is rich nutrients. Flour of wheat is used to prepare bread, roti.

Do you cereal for breakfast? ›

Answer: Breakfast cereal is made up from processed grain and is considered as a healthy early morning breakfast. ... Breakfast cereals claim to be packed with essential vitamins and minerals. No doubt, they are a convenient option for both kids and adults.

What are cereals answer? ›

A cereal is any grass cultivated for the edible components of its grain (botanically, a type of fruit called a caryopsis), composed of the endosperm, germ, and bran.

Is bread a cereal? ›

Any food made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley, or another cereal grain is a grain product. Bread, pasta, breakfast cereals, grits, and tortillas are examples of grain products. Foods such as popcorn, rice, and oatmeal are also included in the Grains Group.

What are the 21 types of grains? ›

21 whole grains: illustrated list
  • Wheat berries are a good choice for exploring alternative grains. ...
  • Emmer wheat – or farro medio. ...
  • Spelt – or farro grandio. ...
  • Einkorn – farro piccolo. ...
  • Freekeh for a toasty nutty alternative grains choice. ...
  • Khorasan wheat (aka Kamut®) ...
  • Bulgur. ...
  • Barley: one of the most ancient alternative grains.
May 2, 2018

What are the 5 most common grains? ›

The Hei'anzhuan cited above lists millet, rice, the adzuki bean, the soybean, barley and wheat together, and sesame as the "five" grains.

What are 4 types of grains? ›

There are many different types of grains, but some of the most common types of grains are wheat, barley, oats, quinoa, rye, and rice.

What are 5 cereal crops? ›

Cereals like Sorghum, Millets, Wheat, Maize and Rice are major staple foods of the most population. These cereals are grown over an area of 98.6 m ha producing 162 m tons. Sorghum is the second most important cereal after maize with 22% of total cereal area.

What is cereal crop Class 8? ›

Hint: Cereals are defined as the grass which is cultivated for the edible components of its grains which is composed of the endosperm, germ, and bran. Cereals grains crops are grown in great quantity as cereals provide more food energy compared to any other food energy.

Is Sugarcane a cereal? ›

The grass family includes all the major cereals, such as wheat, maize, rice, barley, and oats, and most of the minor grains as well, such as rye, common millet, finger millet, teff, and many others that are less familiar. It also includes such economically important species as sugar cane and sorghum.

What was the first dry cereal? ›

The First Breakfast Cereal, Granula, Had to Be Soaked Before Being Eaten. Granula wasn't much like the cereal we eat today. The first manufactured breakfast cereal, it was developed in 1863 by a doctor and health reformer named James Caleb Jackson.

What is a healthy breakfast? ›

For the most nutritious breakfast, try to choose whole, unprocessed foods from each of the five food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains, protein foods, and dairy. Try to include proteins from foods like yogurts (look for varieties with less sugar added), eggs, nuts and seeds or legumes.

What is the favorite cereal? ›

Consumer demand is a measure of the number of consumers on Amazon shopping for a given type of item during a given period. It was a tight battle for the most popular cereal in 2021, but Cinnamon Toast Crunch just edged out Rice Krispies to claim the crown.

What is a good cereal to eat? ›

The 15 Healthiest Cereals You Can Eat
  • Oats. Oats are a nutritious cereal choice. ...
  • DIY muesli. Muesli is both a healthy and delicious type of cereal. ...
  • Homemade granola. ...
  • DIY cinnamon crunch cereal. ...
  • Kashi 7 Whole Grain Nuggets. ...
  • Post Foods Grape Nuts. ...
  • Bob's Red Mill Paleo-Style Muesli. ...
  • Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Grain Cereals.

What is the most popular cold cereal? ›

Top 50 Scanned: Cold Cereal beta
#1Honey Nut Oats Cereal Cheerios0.75 cup
#2Honey Nut Oat Cereal Cheerios0.75 cup
#3Protein Cereal, Cinnamon Brown Sugar Crunch Kellogg's Special K1 cup
#4Whole Grain Oat Cereal Cheerios1.5 cup
46 more rows

Is potato a grain? ›

Potatoes aren't grains, they're a type of starchy vegetable. That's good news for people who can't tolerate gluten because they have celiac disease or gluten intolerance.

Is rice a type of grain? ›

All types of rice are considered grains. Therefore, grain-free diets eliminate all types of rice and all products made from them.

What are other names for breakfast cereal? ›

What is another word for breakfast cereal?
oatsrolled oats

Which cereal is best in India? ›

Summary Table: List Of Best Breakfast Cereals for Weight Loss in India
Serial no.Product NameBuy Now On Amazon
1.Yummsy GranolaCheck price here
2.Nestlé NesPlus Crunchy FlakesCheck price here
3.Yoga Bar Muesli – Fruits + NutsCheck price here
4.Soulfull's Baked Desi MuesliCheck price here
13 more rows

Is DAL a cereal? ›

The cereals are the grasses, whereas pulses are leguminous. The cereals belong to the Poaceae family (monocot), while pulses are crops that produce pods.
Difference Between Cereals And Pulses.
ExamplesWheat, rice, oats, barley, corn, wheat, rice, oats, and maize.Lentils, chickpeas, dry beans, and cowpeas.
5 more rows

Why do we eat food Class 3? ›

Food gives us energy. Food helps us to maintain good health. Food helps us to grow. Food develops immunity against diseases.

Why should we eat healthy food 10 lines? ›

1) Healthy food contains all the elements necessary for our body, such as proteins, vitamins, fats, and carbohydrates. 2) Healthy food is a need of our body. 3) It does not make us feel lazy and dull. 4) Any food close to natural size is healthier than cooked food.

Is Pea a cereal? ›

Pea is not a cereal, rather it is a pulse.

What's the most popular cereal? ›

1. Cheerios. America's favorite cereal by both revenue and boxes sold is Cheerios.

Which cereals are best? ›

The 15 Healthiest Cereals You Can Eat
  1. Oats. Oats are a nutritious cereal choice. ...
  2. DIY muesli. Muesli is both a healthy and delicious type of cereal. ...
  3. Homemade granola. ...
  4. DIY cinnamon crunch cereal. ...
  5. Kashi 7 Whole Grain Nuggets. ...
  6. Post Foods Grape Nuts. ...
  7. Bob's Red Mill Paleo-Style Muesli. ...
  8. Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Grain Cereals.

What type of food is cereal? ›

Cereal, formally termed breakfast cereal (and further categorized as cold cereal or warm cereal), is a traditional breakfast food made from processed cereal grains. It is traditionally eaten as part of breakfast, or a snack food, primarily in Western societies.

What is the top cereal? ›

Here's A Ranking Of The Top Breakfast Cereals Of All Time
  • Frosted Mini Wheats. Frosted Mini Wheats. ...
  • Lucky Charms. Lucky Charms. ...
  • Frosted Flakes. Frosted Flakes. ...
  • Froot Loops. Froot Loops. ...
  • Raisin Bran. Raisin Bran. ...
  • Reese's Puffs. Reese's Puffs. ...
  • Cheerios. Cheerios. ...
  • Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
Dec 1, 2021

What was the first cereal? ›

The First Breakfast Cereal, Granula, Had to Be Soaked Before Being Eaten. Granula wasn't much like the cereal we eat today. The first manufactured breakfast cereal, it was developed in 1863 by a doctor and health reformer named James Caleb Jackson.

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