Top 5 helicopters in GTA Online for PvP encounters (2024)

Attack helicopters are one of the strongest vehicles in GTA Online. Once players master how to fly them, they can be used to easily take out multiple enemies and make grinding a lot easier. However, gamers need to understand what type of helicopter they are flying and what its capabilities are first.

There are a lot of options regarding which copters players can buy in GTA Online, which can be overwhelming when trying to decide which ones to get. So, to help gamers with this important decision — choppers can be really expensive in GTA Online — here are five of the best attack choppers players should buy in the title. Also, it's worth noting that these suggestions are especially useful in PvP encounters.

Note: This article reflects the writer's subjective opinion.

Here are five best attack helicopters for PvP encounters in GTA Online

5) Annihilator

Top 5 helicopters in GTA Online for PvP encounters (2)

The Western Annihilator is one of the fastest helicopters in GTA Online, which comes with four miniguns that can cause a lot of damage to ground targets and even blow up vehicles. This makes it an excellent choice for players who enjoy moving around during PvP battles or prefer choppers with a quick reaction time and admirable counter-attacking capabilities.

This helicopter's main design is based on the Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk, making it ideal for other activities in the game as well.

4) Savage

Top 5 helicopters in GTA Online for PvP encounters (3)

Savage is a beast when it comes to eliminating GTA Online players, especially griefers. This is why gamers will have a great time fighting with this helicopter. It is also pretty huge and is primarily based on the Soviet Mil Mi - 24 "Hind." Therefore, it boasts a very intense military design.

Aiming at targets with this helicopter is very easy, especially when players are flying it lower to the ground with low airspeed. But the Savage is difficult to maneuver, so gamers who are looking for a chopper that they can spin around freely won't have a great time with this option.

However, for PvP encounters, this entry is really strong as it can easily survive a hit from a single missile. Moreover, it has an explosive cannon that can inflict insane damage. Savage also has homing missiles that can travel as far as 1,000 feet before exploding.

3) Hunter

Top 5 helicopters in GTA Online for PvP encounters (4)

The Hunter is a classic attack helicopter that has been in the GTA series since the 3D-universe games. Its visual style is very aesthetically pleasing, based on the Boeing–Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche, which comes with a glass co*ckpit and multiple screens.

The most advantageous aspect of this helicopter is its speed and maneuverability. It is very easy to fly and is especially appropriate for beginners. Also, in the hands of a veteran, this chopper can be very useful during PvP situations. On top of that, because of its flexibility, gamers can easily dodge oncoming missiles and even bullets.

For counter-attacking, the Hunter comes with lethal front machine guns that players can use to take down targets, as well as unguided missiles that can inflict significant damage.

2) Buzzard Attack Chopper

Top 5 helicopters in GTA Online for PvP encounters (5)

The Buzzard Attack Chopper is arguably one of the most popular helicopters in GTA Online, and that can be attributed to its compact design and small size, making it very easy to control and handle.

In PvP situations, aiming at this helicopter will be pretty hard as players can take cover behind buildings or just get out of their opponent's line of sight. The Buzzard Attack Chopper also has miniguns with an extreme rate of fire that can eliminate multiple enemies. Moreover, they never overheat, so players don't have to worry about a cooldown period and can continuously keep hitting enemies for a long time.

The Rocket Launcher this helicopter is equipped with also has a higher fire rate, making it very dangerous. Players can easily one-shot enemies because of its amazing damage output.

1) Akula

Top 5 helicopters in GTA Online for PvP encounters (6)

Akula is the best attack helicopter that players can buy for PvP encounters in GTA Online. It is an all-rounder vehicle with amazing speed, acceleration, maneuverability, and flexibility. So, gamers who are looking to show off their flying skills during fights should really consider buying this helicopter.

The biggest highlight of this entry is its stealth capability, as it can easily fly around the entire map without being noticed by any players. Thus, if gamers are looking for a strategic way to fight enemies, this is the best choice.

Furthermore, Akula has some of the strongest armor that can take multiple missile hits. So, if players want to win PvP encounters, Akula is the perfect helicopter for them.

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Edited by Soumyadyuti Ghosh


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Top 5 helicopters in GTA Online for PvP encounters (2024)
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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

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