The Simple Guide to WordPress Image Sizes (2024)

WordPress Images Formats

Before we get into discussing WordPress image sizes, it’s important to know about formats.

The two most common image formats used on online are JPEG and PNG.

Because of its smaller file size and high quality for photos and images with lots of colors, JPEG is the preferred format in the majority of cases.

PNG works better with limited color images such as icon graphics and line drawings.

Choosing the right format for your image matters because it affects the quality of the image and speed of your site.

Picking the Right Image Format

The basic rule for choosing the right format is JPEG for photos, PNG for graphics.

Nice and simple.

If your image is packed with colors and has different textures and gradients, save it as a JPEG. If it’s a logo, text or has flat colors, save it as a PNG.

What happens if you choose the wrong format?

To the naked eye, nothing much. You can save a photo as a PNG or a graphic as a JPEG and not be able to tell the difference.

It’s when compression is used that problems start to arise.

The Importance of Image Compression

Every image that you upload to your website should be compressed to reduce its overall size without affecting its quality. If it isn’t it will harm the speed of your website, which impacts user experience and causes frustrated visitors to abandon your web page.

When a user visits your site, their device has to download images so that they’re visible. The larger the file size, the longer it takes for an image file to download, slowing your entire website down.

According to Neil Patel, 47% of people expect your website to load in less than 2 seconds. And 40% will abandon it if it takes longer than 3 seconds. Speed is also important to SEO. Google uses loading times as a factor when ranking pages in its search engine. The slower the page, the poorer it will perform in search results.

Image compression finds the balance between file size and quality to improve user experience.

Now, if you compress the same photo as a JPEG and as a PNG, the quality isn’t likely to be that noticeable. You’ll maybe spot a bit of graininess up close on the PNG, but nothing that would put you off using it. However, the JPEG will be considerably smaller in size than the PNG. So you go with the JPEG.

The Simple Guide to WordPress Image Sizes (1)

If you compress the same graphic as a JPEG and PNG, the quality is noticeable. The JPEG will be the smaller file in size, but the PNG will be the much sharper image. That’s because JPEG compression works well for photos but not for graphics. As you can see:

The Simple Guide to WordPress Image Sizes (2)

Compress every image. Photos as JPEGs, graphics as PNGs.

WordPress Image Sizes Explained

The size of your image in pixels is every bit as important as its file size.

Design matters as much as speed when it comes to user experience. If the image size isn’t right it will either by blurry and pixelated, throw other elements on the page out of line, or cause unnecessary sideways scrolling.

Fortunately, WordPress has a way of processing images to prevent such problems.

How WordPress Processes Images

Whenever you upload a new image, WordPress generates three additional versions of it in different sizes: thumbnail, medium, and large. Your original image remains as a full-size option.

The reason it does this is to a) to make your life easier so you don’t have to keep resizing images manually, and b) to ensure the most optimal image is available for different locations.

For example, the image used in a blog post thumbnail on your homepage will be smaller than the image needed for the blog post header.

WordPress Image Dimensions

The predetermined image sizes that WordPress uses are:

  • Thumbnail size (150px square)
  • Medium size (maximum 300px width and height)
  • Large size (maximum 1024px width and height)
  • Full size (full/original image size you uploaded)

Changing WordPress Default Image Sizes

The image sizes that WordPress creates aren’t set in stone. If the default settings don’t fit with what you need, you can easily edit the dimensions.

  • Navigate to your WordPress admin dashboard
  • Go to Settings - Media
  • In Media Settings, edit the width and height dimensions to suit your values
  • Click Save Changes to confirm

The Simple Guide to WordPress Image Sizes (3)

Changing Default Images Sizes in Visual Composer

To keep things simple, Visual Composer uses the default WordPress media image sizes in content elements that use images. Editing the default sizes from your Media Settings will also change them in the Website Builder, so you’ve no need to mess around with code.

One perk of using Visual Composer is the smart image optimization functionality. If you customize your image to a random size, Visual Composer will resize it using PHP instead of just downscaling it. This helps you keep your file sizes smaller.

Background images that aren’t related to content elements like feature descriptions can be edited in Design Options. From here, you customize your image, upload multiple images, choose different background types, and reposition an image to suit your design. Check out this guide on how to move a background image.

The fact that our themes are responsive means that the image sizes you do choose will automatically resize to suit the device being used to view your website. You can instantly check your site layout on the most popular device types in desktop, tablet landscape, and portrait, and mobile landscape and portrait so you don’t need to worry about running into design issues when your site is live.

Recommended Image Sizes for WordPress Content

If you decide that the image sizes WordPress automatically generates when uploading new media don’t fit with what you need, here are some recommended sizes for content to look at its best on any device.

  • Blog posts: 1200 x 630px
  • Hero images (full screen images): 2880 x 1500px
  • Landscape feature image: 900 x 1200px
  • Portrait feature image: 1200 x 900
  • Fullscreen slideshow: 2800 x 1500px
  • Gallery images: 1500px x auto width

Adding Custom WordPress Image Sizes

The three default WordPress image sizes will cover you in most situations, but what happens if you need custom images for, say, a new widget you’ve added to your site?

In this case, you’ll need to add your own custom image sizes, which means editing the code of your site.

Note: Whenever you’re editing the code of your website, create a backup file and child theme first.

You can add custom image sizes to your website’s code in two steps.

Step 1

  1. From your WordPress dashboard, go to Appearance - Editor and edit the functions.php file.
  2. Copy the following code and paste it into the file.
    add_theme_support( 'your-image');

    Replace ‘your-image’ with whatever custom image you want to add. For example, ‘post-thumbnails’ or ‘pop-up-banners’

  3. Click Save and the add_image-size () function will be enabled.
  4. Add your custom images and sizes using this format:
    add_image_size( 'post-thumbnail size', 800, 350 );

    You can change ‘post-thumbnail’ to whichever image you want to add. The numbers 800 and 350 in this example are the height and the width of your image respectively. Edit them to suit.

Step 2

Once you’ve added the new image sizes, the next step is to get them to display in your theme. This involves adding some code to the post loop where you want to show your file.

Copy and paste the following code into your theme file before the end of the loop:

the_post_thumbnail( 'your-image-size' );

Replace ‘your-image-size’ for your image — e.g. ‘post-thumbnail-size’. When that’s done, you’ll see your image size listed as an option when you upload new images to your media library.

Step 3

Unfortunately, the addition of the code doesn’t alter existing images. To update those so that they match your new dimensions, you’ll need help from a plugin. And WordPress certainly has no shortage of those.

The best one for this job is Regenerate Thumbnails. It’s free and takes care of all the heavy lifting.

  • From your WordPress dashboard go to Plugins - Add New and search for ‘Regenerate Thumbnails’. The one you’re looking for is by Alex Mills.
  • Install and activate the plugin
  • Go to Tools - Regen. Thumbnails and click Regenerate Thumbnails

That’s it. All of your existing images will be automatically resized to match newly uploaded ones.

WordPress Image Size Plugins

As Visual Composer is a plugin that you add to WordPress to design a custom website, you’re free to install other plugins to run alongside it. Just like you would if you were using a default WordPress theme.

We’ve already spoken about Regenerate Thumbnails, but here are some we’d recommend for compressing images to improve site speed and performance.

  • Imagify by WP Rocket offer three levels of image compression — Normal, Aggressive, and Ultra — to reduce the size of images without losing quality (Aggressive offers the best balance of compression and quality). It also lets you store original images in a separate folder — handy if anything goes wrong.
  • ShortPixel is a simple to use plugin that lets you compress images with minimum fuss. If you’re a photographer or use high-quality imagery for your products or services, the plugin’s glossy feature delivers compression with no risk of compromising quality.
  • Resize Image After Upload is made by the team behind ShortPixel and designed to let you easily change image sizes for uploaded media. You can set the height and width to suit and choose to compress the image at the same time. The plugin only works on newly uploaded images, but it can save time going back and forth to the WordPress settings.
  • Compress JPEG & PNG Images by TinyPNG (one of the best web tools for image compression) is simple to use and ready to go out of the box. You can upload images for compression individually or set the plugin to automatically compress, so you don’t have to worry about large files making their way onto your site.
  • Imsanity by Exactly WWW automatically resizes bulk image uploads so that they’re at the optimal size for a browser. You can select sizes for images uploaded to pages and posts, images uploaded to the Media Library, and images uploaded to headers, backgrounds, logos, and widgets. You can also convert images from BMP and PNG to JPEG and select image quality settings. If you rely heavily on media and upload multiple images a week, Imsanity will save you a ton of time.

Wrap Up

For most tasks in building and editing your website, WordPress default image sizes will meet your needs. If the design of your site requires different image sizes, use the info in this post to change the dimensions in Media Settings and your site’s code. Regardless of image size or how many times you edit settings, Visual Composer will work seamlessly with your choices, allowing you to easily drag-and-drop images into your content.

The Simple Guide to WordPress Image Sizes (2024)


The Simple Guide to WordPress Image Sizes? ›

Recommended Image Sizes for WordPress Content
  • Blog posts: 1200 x 630px.
  • Hero images (full screen images): 2880 x 1500px.
  • Landscape feature image: 900 x 1200px.
  • Portrait feature image: 1200 x 900.
  • Fullscreen slideshow: 2800 x 1500px.
  • Gallery images: 1500px x auto width.
Jul 3, 2019

What size should my images be for WordPress? ›

The best image sizes for WordPress

WordPress header image size should be 1048 x 250 pixels. The featured image should be 1200 x 900 pixels in landscape mode or 900 x 1200 pixels if in portrait mode. Background images should be 1920 x 1080 pixels.

What size should my images be for my website? ›

2500 pixels width is ideal in most cases. You don't need to resize your images if they're wider than 2500px and meet our other specifications. Images less than 1500px wide may appear blurry. We suggest different widths for site logos, browser icons, email campaigns, and animated .

Do I need to resize images for WordPress? ›

Images that are too large will take up more bandwidth, causing slower load times. This both frustrates visitors and affects your search-engine ranking in Google. Alternatively, images that are too small will damage the user experience. Your site visitors shouldn't have to squint when they view your product photos.

How do I improve image quality in WordPress? ›

By default, WordPress compresses your images at about 82% quality to improve site performance for mobile users. If that causes your problems, you can disable image compression or lower it a bit more. Resize the default thumbnail size and regenerate them using a plugin like Regenerate Thumbnails or Simple Image Sizes.

How do I make an image a different size? ›

How to Resize an Image in 4 Steps
  1. Select Resize. Choose Resize from the Edit section of BeFunky's Photo Editor.
  2. Adjust Image Size. Type in your new width and height dimensions.
  3. Apply Changes. Click the checkmark and let the Image Resizer do its work.
  4. Save your Photo. Save your resized image.

What is the standard pixel size for photos? ›

An image size of 1280 x 720 pixels is large enough to be HD standard and is commonly used in photography and film. This size uses a 16:9 aspect ratio, which is also common in filmmaking.

How do I resize an image without losing quality? ›

If you want to resize an image without losing quality, you need to make sure that the "Resample" checkbox is unchecked. This checkbox tells Paint to change the number of pixels in the image. When you uncheck this box, Paint will not change the number of pixels, and the quality of the image will not be reduced.

What is the most common screen size for website design? ›

1280×720 is considered to be the most suitable screen resolution for the desktop website version. Usually, the desktop version provides the best user experience and is supposed to be the most convenient and wide.

Why is WordPress scaling my images? ›

Within this update, they added a feature that forces large images to scale down in size so that they are “web-ready”. So if an image is larger than the default threshold (2560px) WordPress will automatically scale it down.

How do I stop WordPress cropping my photos? ›

With that in mind, here's how to stop WordPress from compressing and cropping images in three simple steps.
  1. Step 1: Open the functions. php File. ...
  2. Step 2: Modify the Return Value to 100. After you locate and open the functions. ...
  3. Step 3: Save Your Changes. Once you're done, save your changes.
Jun 7, 2022

Why is WordPress resizing my images? ›

It's the creation of multiple images of different sizes created from the originally uploaded image. Sometimes, bloggers just want to use the original one instead of serving the resized version to the visitors. The following tutorial will help you in disabling the default multiple image-creation behavior of WordPress.

How do I optimize a JPEG for Web? ›

Open an image and choose File > Save For Web. Choose JPEG from the optimization format menu. To optimize to a specific file size, click the arrow to the right of the Preset menu, and then click Optimize To File Size.

Why are my images blurry on WordPress? ›

Two common causes of poor-quality images on WP are uploading media files that have not been edited for quality or uploading a different size from what your theme can display. Without image editing, the tiniest discrepancy is amplified when the image is stretched to fit larger screens.

How many MB Should a high resolution photo be? ›

As a rough guide a 20KB image is a low quality image, a 2MB image is a high quality one.

Which tool is used to change the size of an image? ›

1. Free Image Resizer: BeFunky. BeFunky is a great free image resize tool that offers a lot of options. You can resize your image by width or height or by percentage scale.

What is the best resolution for website images? ›

The standard resolution for web images is 72 PPI (often called “screen resolution”). At that size, the pixels you see on the screen are all the pixels there are; an image that's 4” long at 72 PPI will take up about 4” of your monitor.

What size is 1920x1080 pixels? ›

For example the resolution 1920×1080 (which is 1080p) creates an image that is 1920 pixels wide and 1080 pixels tall. The aspect ratio of an image describes the proportional relationship between its pixel width and height. The resolution 1920×1080 (1080p) is quite a bit wider than it is tall.

What are normal photo sizes? ›

4×6: 4×6 prints measure approximately 4” x 5 ⅞”. This is the standard size in the photofinishing industry because this print size mirrors the aspect ratio of most digital cameras viewfinder. 4×6 prints are perfect for framed photos, cards and for a physical backup of any of your favorite digital images.

Does scaling reduce image quality? ›

The most common side effect of scaling an image larger than its original dimensions is that the image may appear to be very fuzzy or pixelated. Scaling images smaller than the original dimensions does not affect quality as much, but can have other side effects.

How do I resize an image without stretching it? ›

Choose Edit > Content-Aware Scale. Use the bottom transformation handle to click-and-drag it to the top. Then, click on the checkmark found on the Options panel to commit to the changes. Then, press Ctrl D (Windows) or Command D (macOS) to deselect, and now, you have a piece that perfectly fits within the space.

What is the most common screen size for website design 2022? ›

The most common screen resolution in 2022 will most likely be 1920×1080. This is because it is a resolution that is currently being used by the majority of users and it is also a resolution that is supported by most devices.

What is the most common screen size for website design 2021? ›

According to the Worldwide Screen Resolution Stats (Jan 2020 – Jan 2021), the most commonly used resolutions across mobile, desktop, and tablet are: 1920×1080 (8.89%) 1366×768 (8.44%) 360×640 (7.28%)

What is the most popular screen size? ›

Top 10 most common screen resolutions
5 more rows
Jul 8, 2022

Is PNG or JPEG better for websites? ›

Regular Pictures

And while the graphics and the images with letters are usually better-looking in the . png file, with the regular photos, JPG is a better choice for the web because if the smaller size. If you decide to use PNGs only, they will slow your website which can lead to frustrated users.

How do I turn off image scaling? ›

Open GeForce Experience and click on the cog icon (Settings menu). Navigate to the General tab and find the Image Scaling option. Turn the toggle switch on and select your desired input resolution and sharpness.

How do I crop a featured image in WordPress? ›

To Crop a Featured Image
  1. Click the image on the right.
  2. It will now have a blue background, and will also appear on the left with the current crop outlined.
  3. Click in the center of the outline and move it where you want to crop.
  4. Click the “save crop” button when you're finished.
Aug 12, 2014

How do I upload multiple images to WordPress? ›

Adding multiple images
  1. Click on ⊕ the icon on the top left corner of the editor.
  2. Search for Gallery , to add Gallery block in your post.
  3. Once the Gallery block is added you get two options to upload multiple images, Upload and Media Library.
  4. You can select your appropriate option and add multiple images to Gallery.
Jan 5, 2019

How do I delete unused media in WordPress? ›

Once you've preserved your current website's content, you can begin to clean out and delete the files in your library that you no longer need. This can be done by going to Media > Library in your dashboard. To delete a single image, click on it and then choose the Delete Permanently option at the bottom of the screen.

Why are my images small on WordPress? ›

The problem with your images being so small is happening because you have set the Content Width to be 20px in Appearance > Customize in your blog dashboard. If you go to that page, delete the 20px part, and save the change—that should fix the problem in your case.

How do I remove image size from WordPress? ›

However there are a few work arounds:
  1. In the WordPress Settings, you can set the image size to 0px.
  2. You can try the `intermediate_image_sizes_advanced` function.
  3. You can put the following code in your functions.php file: update_option( 'thumbnail_size_h' , 0 ); update_option( 'thumbnail_size_w' , 0 );

What is a good image size for a blog? ›

Here are the best image sizes for WordPress: Blog post image size (1200 x 630 pixels) Header image size (banner size 1048 x 250 pixels) Featured image size (landscape 1200 x 900 pixels)

What size should images be for a blog? ›

What are the standard image sizes?
In-post images600 – 800
Thumbnail images150
Screenshots600 – 1280Try to match the available content width
Full-width imagesUp to 2560 pxTo cater to wide screens
5 more rows
Jun 26, 2021

Why are my pictures blurry on WordPress? ›

Two common causes of poor-quality images on WP are uploading media files that have not been edited for quality or uploading a different size from what your theme can display. Without image editing, the tiniest discrepancy is amplified when the image is stretched to fit larger screens.

What image size should I use? ›

It's best to look at the pixel dimension of your images as you're making them. As long as they're at least about 1024 pixels wide (for a horizontal image) they should be fine for teaching. The standard resolution for web images is 72 PPI (often called “screen resolution”).

What is the standard size of image? ›

An image size of 1280 x 720 pixels is large enough to be HD standard and is commonly used in photography and film. This size uses a 16:9 aspect ratio, which is also common in filmmaking.

What is the best picture size? ›

4×6: 4×6 prints measure approximately 4” x 5 ⅞”. This is the standard size in the photofinishing industry because this print size mirrors the aspect ratio of most digital cameras viewfinder. 4×6 prints are perfect for framed photos, cards and for a physical backup of any of your favorite digital images.

How do I resize an image without losing quality? ›

If you want to resize an image without losing quality, you need to make sure that the "Resample" checkbox is unchecked. This checkbox tells Paint to change the number of pixels in the image. When you uncheck this box, Paint will not change the number of pixels, and the quality of the image will not be reduced.

How do I make images crisp in WordPress? ›

This article is going to show you how to avoid having your images come up blurry on some screens even if they look clear and crisp on other screens.
Get Your WordPress Media Settings Right
  1. Go to Settings > Media.
  2. Where you see the image size settings, turn all the values to zeros.
  3. Click to “Save Changes.”
Nov 27, 2013

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.