The Four Principles of Human Behavior - (2024)

Four Principles of Human Behavior

As you well know, a large portion of the SubSkills Online Training Course was dedicated to classroom management strategies as it is the number one concern of substitute teachers. Before we begin reviewing those strategies, four principles of human behavior need to be understood.

Principles are truths not limited by age, time, location, or situation. Once you become familiar with behavior principles, you will see them illustrated all around you—between parents and children, in stores, on playgrounds, at family events, etc. It is impossible to write a book that covers every classroom scenario you may encounter as a teacher. However, when you know and understand these principles, your actions can change, increasing the likelihood that the students in your class will behave appropriately.

Principle One: Behavior is largely a product of its immediate environment.

The classroom environment teachers create through the expectations they set will influence students more than outside factors do. This allows teachers to take control and influence the students’ behavior in their classrooms. If a student is acting out, the teacher should pay special attention to altering the classroom (immediate environment). If the teacher changes the classroom, the behavior of the students will change.

Principle Two: Behavior is strengthened or weakened by its consequences.

When disruptive behavior becomes a pattern, it is important to take a look at what is happening immediately after the behavior. Attention from a teacher is a powerful motivator for most students. If you pay more attention to students who are behaving appropriately than to students who are not, you will be encouraging appropriate behavior.

Principle Three: Behavior ultimately responds better to positive than to negative consequences.

People respond better to positive encouragement than to negative processes. Think of the tasks you do every day; if someone thanks you or compliments you on how well you did, you feel much more likely to continue the task. As a teacher, you can help stop undesirable behavior and increase appropriate behavior by genuinely reinforcing the latter.

Principle Four: Whether a behavior has been punished or reinforced is known only by the course of that behavior in the future.

If an appropriate behavior is repeated, it has been reinforced. If an undesirable behavior is repeated, it too has been reinforced. If an undesirable behavior has discontinued, it has been properly disciplined.

The only way to tell if a response to a behavior is punishing or reinforcing is to watch what happens to the behavior in the future. What is considered a punishment to one person may reinforce and perpetuate a behavior in another.

Understanding these four principles of human behavior is a key to your success in the classroom. As you work to fully apply and practice each one, you will feel confident when approaching the classroom because you can make correct decisions about managing behavior. The most important thing to remember about each of these principles is that they are a call to action on your part—you can manage student behavior properly only by first managing your own.

The Four Principles of Human Behavior - (2024)


What are the 4 principles of behavior? ›

Behavior is controlled by consequences. Reinforcement (reward) increases or strengthens behavior. Punishment decreases or weakens behavior. Extinction is the process of withholding reinforcement for a previously reinforced behavior.

What is the principle of behavior 4? ›

PRINCIPLE 4: Cognitive control of behavior can be learned through the use of appropriate positive reinforcement systems. Even very impulsive and behaviorally difficult children can learn greater behavioral control through cognitive strategies.

What are the four types of human behavior? ›

A study on human behavior has revealed that 90% of the population can be classified into four basic personality types: Optimistic, Pessimistic, Trusting and Envious.

What is the principle of human Behaviour? ›

Its major principles stress the effects of reward and punishment (administered by parents, teachers, and peers) on the child's tendency to adopt the behaviour and values of others. Learning theory is thus directed to the overt actions of the child, rather than to inner psychological states or mechanisms.

What are the 4 core principles of ABA? ›

Behavior analysts should use these principles to interpret and apply the standards in the Code. The four core principles are that behavior analysts should: benefit others; treat others with compassion, dignity, and respect; behave with integrity; and ensure their own competence.

Are there only 4 functions of behavior? ›

The four functions of behavior are: to obtain a tangible or gain access to something, to escape or avoid a situation or aversive, to gain social attention, and for automatic or sensory reasons. Many times, a behavior serves more than one of these functions.

What are the 4 functions of behavior in ABA therapy? ›

The four functions of behavior in ABA are Escape, Attention, Tangible Items, and Sensory Stimulation.

What are the 4 functions of behavior quizlet? ›

  • Gain Attention.
  • Gain and item or activity.
  • Avoid or escape situation.
  • Gain automatic reinforcement.

What are the three principles of human behavior? ›

The unified theory of psychology frames human behavior in terms of three factors: investment, influence, and justification. Investment frames animal behavior patterns in terms of work effort that emerges because of evolution and learning.

What are the 4 reasons for human behavior? ›

  • Final Causes. Conditioning shapes behavioral trajectories into shortest paths to reinforcement (Killeen, 1989). ...
  • Efficient Causes. These are the prototypical kinds of causes, important enough for survival that many animals have evolved sensitivity to them. ...
  • Material Causes. ...
  • Formal Causes.

What are the 4 types of human behavior surrounded by idiots? ›

Erikson breaks down the four kinds of behavior types—Reds who are dominant and commanding, Yellows who are social and optimistic, Greens who are laid back and friendly, and Blues who are analytical and precise—and explains how to identify and interact with each type of person.

What are the 4 personality types surrounded by idiots? ›

As author Thomas Erikson explains, there are four personality types, which can very briefly be broken down like this: Dominant/Red, Inspiring/Yellow, Stable/Green and Analytical/Blue.

What are the principles of good behaviour? ›

Manners are important because they outline the basics of how we should behave and how we expect others to behave towards us. All manners traditionally convey one or more of the 3 Principles of Etiquette: Respect, Consideration, and Honesty.

What is the basic principle of behavior therapy? ›

Behaviors followed by desirable consequences are more likely to occur again in the future, while those followed by negative consequences become less likely to occur. Behavioral therapy techniques use reinforcement, punishment, shaping, modeling, and related techniques to alter behavior.

What are the principles of behavior in ABA? ›

Question: What are the basic principles of ABA? Answer: The basic principles of ABA consist of environmental variables that impact behavior. These variables are antecedents and consequences. Antecedents are events that happen right before the behavior, and a conse-quence is the event following the behavior.

What are the 5 behavior theory? ›

The five broad personality traits described by the theory are extraversion (also often spelled extroversion), agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism. The five basic personality traits is a theory coined in 1949 by D. W.

What are the four motivational components of behavior? ›

Those four components are: biology, environment, cognition, and emotion.

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