Success Skills Workshop Topics (2024)

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Jump to a specific workshop description:

  • Preparing for the Semester
  • Study Smarter, Not Longer
  • Bulking up Your Notes
  • Learning Online
  • Manage Your Time Wisely
  • Writing Well
  • Presenting Like a Pro
  • Training Your Brain
  • Who Has Time for Finance?
  • Managing Your Sleep
  • Stress and Wellness
  • Bouncing Back
  • Group Work
  • Pushing Past Procrastination
  • Focus and Concentration

Preparing for a Successful Semester: Planning and Organizing for Your Classes

Most students start out the semester with the best of intentions. Without a continued plan, though, these positive habits can wane. With some early organization and planning, you can set yourself up for success throughout the semester.

In this workshop, we will focus on structures of organization using your syllabi, effective academic habits, and time management that will result in a creation of your own unique plan for the semester. Key skills covered during this time are goal-setting, time management, prioritization and useful campus academic resources.

Study Smarter, Not Longer: Study Skills Working For You

Studying is one of the most useful tools in passing a class and yet, often, is one of the biggest stressors. Using research on memory to enhance studying, you will learn how to study smarter rather than longer.

In this workshop, we will focus on the latest research on memory and studying, discuss different options of studying as they relate to different content, and practice different methods resulting in a personal study game plan. Key skills covered during this time are memory, study skills, time management, procrastination and motivation.

Bulking Up Your Notes: Strategies for Taking Notes in College

One of the biggest factors in your classroom learning is taking notes. A key aspect to learning and retaining knowledge is memory. Learn more about memory and notes to assess your note-taking style and bulk them up to be better than before.

In this workshop, we will focus on the common myths and latest research on the skill of note-taking, how memory and note-taking relate to learning, styles of notes, and an assessment of your current behaviors resulting in the creation of your own blended style of taking notes. Key skills covered during this time are note-taking, metacognition, time management, and motivation.

Learning Online

With the world we live in today, more and more classes are being offered online, in the comfort of your own home. Without the typical classroom setting and syllabus structure, it’s easy to fall off track and get distracted. With a proper routine and plan of action to tackle online classes, you can learn as successfully as you would on campus.

In this workshop, we will focus on how to maximize your living space and resources to effectively learn without stepping foot on campus. Some of the main points we will discuss during this time are time management, planning, useful campus academic resources, and communicating your peers and professors.

Manage Your Time Wisely

Many students spend their college career trying to juggle being a student, managing a social life, and maintaining a job. While this may sound overwhelming, it is made possible if you are able to practice adequate time management skills.

In this workshop, we will discuss the myth of multitasking, overcoming procrastination and the science behind your brain’s attention span that will help you learn how to focus. We will utilize a case study to learn how to balance a weekly schedule and what strategies to use when making decisions about prioritization.

Writing Well: Why and How to Write Your Next Essay or Paper

Whether you are stuck on the first sentence or the last, writing an essay is messy and takes a lot of mental energy. Bring in an upcoming writing assignment and dive into strategies for writing well!

In this workshop, we will focus on jumpstarting the writing process, qualities of a strong writer, and critical components of strong academic writing. Key skills covered during this time are the writing process, academic integrity, citation skills and motivation.

Presenting Like a Pro: Utilizing Public Speaking Skills in Your Next Class Project

Does the thought of presenting in front of your class terrify you? Are you seeking to be the best public speaker your professor has ever seen...or at least good enough to get a good grade? Come to this workshop with your topic in mind and willingness to practice your presention skills with others!

In this workshop, we will focus on tips and tricks for presenting, practice strategies, and create action steps to prepare for your next class presentation.

Training Your Brain

Over the course of the semester, it can become increasingly difficult to feel motivated by your schoolwork. With each week, you can fall into a routine and your brain is no longer being stimulated as it was on the first week of class. However, there are some tricks to increasing your brain activity.

In this workshop, we will discuss how to trick your brain into remaining focused in order to help you finish strong at the end of the semester. We will describe the science behind how your brain functions at such a high level and how you can train your brain into developing inspiration after weeks of hard work.

Who has Time for Finance? Getting Familiar with Your Money

Outside of courses, finances are one of the biggest stressors college students have. Do you want to work on this stressor so that it is less stressful? Come learn about how to control your money rather than it controlling you.

In this workshop, we will focus on the different areas of finance (personal finance, student loans, and credit cards), strategies to start to manage your money, and finish out with resources to support your financial health moving forward.

Managing Your Sleep

Many students balance school, work, and a social life, and sleep often becomes the bottom of the priority list. Sleep has a very important role in our day to day lives and with the proper environment and schedule, you can learn to develop a healthy way to manage our sleep as well as your other commitments.

In this workshop, we will focus on tips and tricks on how you can create a healthy sleep schedule that will help you avoid sleep deprivation, which will result in your ability to enhance your learning experience. The key topics covered during this time include the science behind sleep, benefits of good sleep, and how to create environment that will help you sleep better.

Stress and Wellness: Finding Your Balance

As the semester finishes up, students are overwhelmed with final papers, exams and projects. Often times, this workload leads to an overabundance of stress! Take some time to learn about balancing your assignments, studying and stress relief.

In this workshop, we will focus on the science of stress, explore strategies of stress relief and create a balanced plan of action to help destress during Finals Week.

Bouncing Back: Moving Past Surviving to Thriving

Are you feeling overwhelmed by course work? Do you feel the weight of that poor exam grade? Move past the “I just need to survive this semester” and towards thriving.

In this workshop, we will focus on the latest research on growth mindset and motivation, assessing your personal goals and action steps, and creating structures for achievement of these goals resulting in your own individualized plan for thriving in college. Key skills covered during this time are motivation, cognitive reframing, growth mindset, resiliency, and goal setting.

Ugh, Group Work: How to Successfully Navigate Working with Peers

Group work is all around college. Whether it is for one homework assignment or semester long project, you are required to participate in small groups with peers. Often times, this causes anxiety, stress and frustration leading to thoughts of “How do I do this?” Learn skills and strategies to move your small group experience from one of dread to opportunity.

In this workshop, we will focus on the latest research on small group learning, key components to a successful small group experience, and tools to use when in the throes of a group project. Key skills covered are group dynamics, communication skills, and stress management.

The Looming Exam: Push Past Procrastination to Action

You sit down to start studying, ready to give this all you have. While you are pulling up your notes, you decide to take a little detour… next thing you know, you are lost in the sea of Netflix and Snapchat and your study time is up! This procrastination leads to more and more stress and less and less work. Come learn about procrastination and gain the skills to push past it to action and achievement.

In this workshop, we will focus on the latest research on motivation and procrastination and an assessment of your own behaviors resulting in a balanced plan for continued motivation for your next exam and throughout the semester. Key skills covered are motivation, prioritization, stress management and perseverance.

Focus & Concentration

Many people struggle with the ability to focus on the task at hand, but now more than ever with many courses being taught online. Without discipline and motivation, it can be extremely difficult to succeed with classes taught in an online environment. With some practice, we can learn to concentrate and create internal motivation.

In this workshop, we will discuss how to be successful learning from your own home using various strategies and techniques that will limit distractors, allowing you to be more productive. Some key skills we will discuss is learning how to pay attention as well as motivating yourself, despite what your surroundings may look like.

Success Skills Workshop Topics (2024)


Success Skills Workshop Topics? ›

Study Skills Workshops are designed to improve your learning skills and help you achieve your academic goals.

What is a study skills workshop? ›

Study Skills Workshops are designed to improve your learning skills and help you achieve your academic goals.

What is academic success skills? ›

It takes practice and dedication to learn strategies to help you become academically successful. Some examples of success skills are time management, organization, critical thinking, communication, reading comprehension, research & writing skills, and digital fluency.

What skills are needed to be successful in college? ›

15 skills for college success
  • Assertiveness. That old saying “the squeaky wheel gets the grease” is an old saying for a reason — it's true. ...
  • Responsibility. ...
  • Self management skills. ...
  • Communication skills. ...
  • Collaboration skills. ...
  • Independent work skills. ...
  • Critical-thinking skills. ...
  • Study skills.

What are some characteristics of successful students and what strategies can you implement to be a successful student? ›

Characteristics of Successful Students
  • Own Your Experience. You are ultimately the only one responsible for your time here. ...
  • Find Your Why. ...
  • Manage Yourself. ...
  • Be Interdependent. ...
  • Have Self-Awareness. ...
  • Believe in Life-Long Learning. ...
  • Have High EQ (Emotional Intelligence). ...
  • Believe in Yourself.

What are the seven study skills? ›

  • Read more than once.
  • Highlight and take notes.
  • Make margin notes.
  • Don't put off reading assignments until the last minute!
  • Review after reading.
  • Keep from dozing off: don't read right before going to bed, and don't read in bed.
  • Read and understand captions and figures.
  • Make a glossary of terms.

What are the examples of workshop? ›

Workshop examples include:
  • Team Building.
  • Presentation Skills.
  • Poster Design.
  • Communication Skills.
  • User Experience.

What are the five skills for success? ›

Top 5 Skills Employers Look For
  • Critical thinking and problem solving.
  • Teamwork and collaboration.
  • Professionalism and strong work ethic.
  • Oral and written communications skills.
  • Leadership.

What are the 5 key skills for academic success? ›

It takes a combination of skills — organization, time management, prioritization, concentration and motivation — to achieve academic success.

What are 3 things you can do to be successful in college? ›

How to succeed in college
  • Know your goals and values. ...
  • Turn long-term goals into short-term plans. ...
  • Go to class and attend office hours. ...
  • Build skills relevant to your coursework. ...
  • Assess your learning style. ...
  • Try new things. ...
  • Maintain a social balance. ...
  • Manage your time with intention.
May 17, 2023

What is the most important skill for success in life? ›

Critical thinking

Being able to think for yourself is a key skill at a time where the concept of career and the workplace is changing. Critical thinking is clearly self-directed and self-disciplined, so you will need to be able to think for yourself in a realistic and meaningful way.

How do you motivate students to succeed in college? ›

  1. Hold high but realistic expectations for your students.* ...
  2. Help students set achievable goals for themselves. ...
  3. Tell students what they need to do to succeed in your course. ...
  4. Strengthen students' self-motivation. ...
  5. Avoid creating intense competition among students. ...
  6. Be enthusiastic about your subject.

What are the six success factors that support student achievement? ›

Success Factors Framework (Six Success Factors)

This research also demonstrates that students are more likely to succeed when they are directed, focused, nurtured, engaged, connected, and valued.

What are the most important characteristics of a successful student? ›

A good student is the one who can work in a group, motivate others and yield productive output. Being positive, helpful, cooperative and friendly are all the traits of a good student. Such students become great team players and leaders when they grow up.

What personal qualities are likely to help student succeed? ›

Characteristics of a Successful Student
  • Self-motivated.
  • Disciplined.
  • Organised.
  • Responsible.
  • Consistent.
  • Hard-working.
Jun 6, 2022

What are the 8 habits of highly successful students? ›

8 Habits Synopsis
  • Habit 1: Be Proactive. I am a responsible person. ...
  • Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind. I plan ahead and set goals. ...
  • Habit 3: Put First Things First. ...
  • Habit 4: Think Win-Win. ...
  • Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood. ...
  • Habit 6: Synergize. ...
  • Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw. ...
  • Habit 8: Find Your Voice.

What are the 10 good habits for students? ›

10 Habits of Successful Students
  • Get Organized. Making a plan for what you're going to do and when you're going to do it will make sure you're always ahead of the curve - literally.
  • Don't multitask. ...
  • Divide it up. ...
  • Sleep. ...
  • Set a schedule. ...
  • Take notes. ...
  • Study. ...
  • Manage your study space.

What are the 4 crucial study skills to master? ›

There are numerous effective learning techniques, but only four main types of study skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

How do I choose a workshop topic? ›

Make sure it is something you find interesting. It will be a much easier and enjoyable experience if the topic is of interest to you. Enthusiasm and genuine interest will often outweigh the perceived benefit of choosing a topic that comes across as a particularly important. Create a schedule and stick to it.

What are good workshop activities? ›

  • Riddle me this. Games like puzzles and trivia questions can be an effective way to keep participants engaged during a workshop. ...
  • Hypothetically speaking... ...
  • Write a story together. ...
  • Alignment Word Cloud. ...
  • Conflict Style Test. ...
  • Group Decision Analysis.
Apr 6, 2023

What are the 5 types of workshop? ›

Four types of workshops to jumpstart ideas.
  • Segmentation workshop.
  • Co-creation workshop.
  • Consumer brainstorm workshop.
  • Team activation workshop.

What are the six success traits? ›

Dr. Siegel lists the six essential psychological characteristics of successful people:
  • Optimism. An optimist expects positive outcomes. ...
  • Creativity. The challenging tasks on “The Apprentice” all require “out of the box” thinking. ...
  • Resilience. ...
  • Self-Control. ...
  • Emotional Awareness. ...
  • Sociability.
Jan 24, 2019

What are 3 skills that are necessary for a successful career? ›

10 essential skills you'll need for career success
  • Communication. Communication includes listening, writing and speaking. ...
  • Problem solving. Challenges will arise in every job you have. ...
  • Teamwork. ...
  • Initiative. ...
  • Analytical, quantitative. ...
  • Professionalism, work ethic. ...
  • Leadership. ...
  • Detail oriented.
Apr 17, 2019

What are the 7 strengths that can improve academic achievement? ›

Some researchers and educators have identified seven core performance character strengths--zest, grit, self-control, social intelligence, gratitude, optimism, and curiosity--that can be emphasized, taught, and infused throughout the curriculum to instill in students the inner resources they need to succeed in any and ...

What are the 5 A's to improve skills? ›

The five major steps to intervention are the "5 A's": Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist, and Arrange.

What are the four academic skills? ›

What are learning skills? The 21st century learning skills are often called the 4 C's: critical thinking, creative thinking, communicating, and collaborating. These skills help students learn, and so they are vital to success in school and beyond.

What are the 6 learning skills? ›

The six learning skills and work habits are responsibility, organization, independent work, collaboration, initiative, and self-regulation.

What are the 4 study strategies? ›

Four Study Strategies to Enhance Your Learning
  • Create your study area(s) This one encompasses more than it seems at first glance. ...
  • Organise your study schedule. ...
  • In the groove. ...
  • Reading R.O.I.
Apr 6, 2016

What is the most effective study skill? ›

Spacing out is good

One of the most impactful learning strategies is “distributed practice”—spacing out your studying over several short periods of time over several days and weeks (Newport, 2007). The most effective practice is to work a short time on each class every day.

What 3 factors are most important for student success in college? ›

Factors That Influence a Student's Success in College
  • Family and Peer Support. No matter how independent the student, successfully transitioning into college often begins with strong family support. ...
  • Academic Habits. ...
  • Life Skills. ...
  • Decision-Making.

How does college lead to success? ›

The evidence that a college degree significantly improves one's employment prospects and earnings potential is overwhelming. Bachelor's degree holders are half as likely to be unemployed as their peers who only have a high school degree and they make $1.2 million in additional earnings on average over their lifetime.

What is the most effective method to achieve success in college? ›

Having good time management skills is a crucial part of knowing how to succeed in college. Managing your time is important since you'll be juggling multiple assignments and projects during school. You'll also need to set aside time to study for tests, quizzes, and exams, so that you don't have to cram for them.

What determines success skill? ›

Will is the driver of your success. It's what you have within you, the thing that determines whether you can overcome the obstacles that appear in your way.

What skills need improvement? ›

Here are 20 common areas of improvement for employees with recommendations for improving each:
  • Time management. The better people can multitask, meet deadlines and manage their time, the more productive they will be at work. ...
  • Customer service. ...
  • Teamwork. ...
  • Interpersonal skills. ...
  • Communication. ...
  • Writing. ...
  • Organization. ...
  • Flexibility.
May 4, 2023

What are the most important future skills? ›

Here are important future skills to help you grow your career:
  • Analytical thinking. ...
  • Active learning. ...
  • Complex problem-solving. ...
  • Communication. ...
  • Cognitive flexibility. ...
  • Creativity. ...
  • Critical thinking and analysis. ...
  • Digital literacy.
Sep 30, 2022

How do you inspire unmotivated students? ›

11 (more) tips to encourage unmotivated students
  1. Better student self talk. ...
  2. Stay motivated yourself. ...
  3. Work to your students' interests. ...
  4. Change layout regularly. ...
  5. Know what to say. ...
  6. Provide a “why” ...
  7. Encourage goal-setting. ...
  8. Be clear with instructions.

What motivates you to succeed academically? ›

Students may be motivated by their interest in a topic, their prior success in a specific subject, a desire to please parents or teachers or simply by their own drive to succeed.

How do you motivate an unmotivated college student? ›

Got an unmotivated student? Try these 12 tips
  1. Identify their “type” ...
  2. Stop effusive praise. ...
  3. Highlight the positive. ...
  4. Foster a threat-free classroom. ...
  5. Take the focus off extrinsic motivation. ...
  6. Embrace routine. ...
  7. Encourage friendly competition. ...
  8. Get out of the classroom.

What is the biggest impact on student success? ›

A supportive and involved family is one of the most important factors that affects student achievement and academic performance. Research has shown that students with involved parents achieve higher grades, have better attendance, and have bigger long-term aspirations.

What are the four important success factors? ›

2. Understand the types of key success factors
  • Strategic focus. This key success factor relates to an organization's leadership and strategy. ...
  • People. This refers to the human resources in an organization. ...
  • Operations. An organization's operations refer to the normal functioning of its business processes. ...
  • Finances.
Dec 1, 2022

What is an example of a study skill? ›

Study skills are transferable - you will take them with you beyond your education into new contexts. For example, organisational skills, time management, prioritising, learning how to analyse, problem solving, and the self-discipline that is required to remain motivated.

What is the purpose of study skills? ›

Good study skills can increase your confidence, competence, and self-esteem. They can also reduce anxiety about tests and deadlines. By developing effective study skills, you may be able to cut down on the numbers of hours spend studying, leaving more time for other things in your life.

What do we learn in study skills? ›

Time management, revision and assignment planning, using electronic resources, reading skills, writing skills and critical thinking. All the stuff we need to feel confident with in order to navigate Higher Education. I've been doing pretty well until now – why would I need to develop my study skills?

What is the objective of study skills training? ›

The purpose of Study Skills is to help students maximize the learning process. The will require ample amount of time and dedication to enable the student to experience school success.

What are the 3 types of study skills? ›

Understanding refers to contextual clarity of the topic, decoding refers to finding out the main objective of the course and memorizing memorizing refers to retaining what you have learnt. These three skills will help you in better learning.

What is the best study technique? ›

One of the most impactful learning strategies is “distributed practice”—spacing out your studying over several short periods of time over several days and weeks (Newport, 2007). The most effective practice is to work a short time on each class every day.

What are study strategies? ›

__________________________________________________ Study Skills are the strategies and techniques that help you make the most of your time, academic potential and resources. Improving your study skills can help you get more work done in the time available to you, and make it easier to retain the information you learn.

How can I improve my learning skills? ›

7 strategies for learning new skills
  1. Set clear goals.
  2. Adopt a growth mindset.
  3. Use active learning strategies.
  4. Use different learning mediums.
  5. Learn from someone with more experience.
  6. Practice.
  7. Take frequent breaks.
Apr 25, 2023

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Author: Lidia Grady

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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.