Snapdragon Flower Growing Guides, Tips, and Information (2024)

How to Pollinate and Collect Hybrid Snapdragon Seeds

Snapdragons come in a range of colors, from magenta to white. And they’re easy to hybridize, so if you have some fine motor skills and patience, why not mix it up and create your own blends? To learn everything about how it works and to learn how to play bumblebee in your own snapdragon bed, read more now.

How to Overwinter Snapdragons

Snapdragons are perennials that can show off with their distinctive stalks of flowers year after year. We’ll explain how to overwinter snapdragons for several seasons of stunning color. Our comprehensive guide to protecting snapdragons during winter explains how to keep your plants healthy for future blooms. Read more.

How to Harvest and Save Snapdragon Seeds

Snapdragons are colorful, popular, and look great in the garden and vase. If you want to grow more, why not collect the tiny, dark seeds produced by your own plants or from your friend’s garden, and store them for next season? Learn everything you need to know to harvest and save seeds from your flowers in this guide.

23 of the Best Snapdragon Varieties to Grow at Home

Snapdragons make a colorful statement in the garden with their upright flower stalks in a wide range of hues. They are available in a wide range of heights, flower types, growth habits, and colors. In this guide, you’ll learn about 23 of the best snapdragon series and cultivars to grow in your garden. Read more now.

It’s no surprise if you’ve ever been confused by all the different snapdragon groups, series, and flower types. There’s a broad range of colors, growth habits, heights, ideal growing seasons, and patterns available. Knowing the difference and discovering the best options will help you decide which suits your space.

How to Grow Snapdragons from Seed

Sporting vibrant blooms that open like a dragon’s mouth when pinched, snapdragons (Antirrhinum majus) are a fun, fragrant garden addition. This sun- and cool-weather-loving plant is a popular cut flower too. Learn everything you need to know to propagate snapdragons from seed in this guide. Read more now.

How to Propagate Snapdragons from Cuttings

With their dragon-head-shaped blooms, snapdragons are popular fragrant flowers that are perfect for cut arrangements. Though easy to propagate from seed, this can be time consuming. Check out our guide to learn how to speed up the propagation process by rooting cuttings taken from your existing plants. Read more now.

How to Grow Snapdragons in Containers

Not all flowers love growing in pots as much as they do the ground, but snapdragons do well in containers. Our guide will teach you how to find the right pot, cultivar, soil, and location for your flowers so that they thrive. We’ll also show you how to plant and maintain your fabulous flowers. Read more now.

Are Snapdragons Annuals or Perennials?

Snapdragons are confusing. They can return year after year, but most of us grow them as annuals. What’s the deal? Are they annuals? Perennials? Biennials? Why do they sometimes survive in freezing climates and how can you ensure they stick around? In this guide, we’ll sort through the misinformation to find the truth.

Eating Snapdragons: How to Harvest and Use the Flowers and Leaves

Snapdragon flowers are edible, as are the leaves and the seeds, but not everyone is a fan of the flavor. If you love bitter veggies such as radicchio and endive, you’ll love snapdragons too. Even if you aren’t a fan of bitter plants, there are ways to use the blossoms and leaves that will have your taste buds singing.

How to Grow and Care for Summer Snapdragon Flowers

Are you planning your next garden project? Summer snapdragon is a perennial flower for beds, borders, and containers that you need to know about. Angelonia angustifolia is a must-have where summers are hot and humid. Discover what makes this plant unique, where to buy it, and how to grow it in this guide. Read more now.

How to Grow and Care for Snapdragon Flowers

Snapdragon is the perfect addition to cutting gardens. Spiky heads loaded with blossoms add height and structure to flower beds and floral arrangements. Did you know it blooms from the bottom up, for long vase life? Learn all about this old-time favorite and its modern color palette in this guide. Read more now.

Snapdragon Flower Growing Guides, Tips, and Information (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.