Sims in Bloom Legacy Challenge for TS3 (◕ᴗ◕✿) (2024)

Sims in Bloom Legacy Challenge for TS3 (◕ᴗ◕✿) (1)

Hello! I really liked playing this legacy challenge in TS4 but found it wasn’t converted to TS3, so I decided to do it myself hehe. Granted I didn’t look that thoroughly (…hehe…) so I do apologise if this has already been converted before! It’s not an exact copy, of course - there are things TS3 doesn’t have that TS4 has and vice versa, but I tried my best to stay true to the original TS4 rules, with a little bit of my own flair sprinkled in hehe. I am play testing this right now, so if there are any problems with this please let me know!

NOTE:As I’m still playtesting this, the rules are subject to change. Obviously if it’s too late to max a skill/complete a rule I added afterwards, you’re not obligated to do it! Sometimes the ideas don’t come to you until way later, and unfortunately I only have one brain cell :’)

Original TS4 rules can be found here. All credits go to @a-sims-garden for the original, I just converted it! ✿


  1. Complete the assigned aspiration and skills for each generation - career is optional if you have completed the aspiration and vice versa, You can complete both if you’re up to it!
  2. There are two colours associated with every generation. These may be used for genetics (berry/banilla), or just clothes and house decor if that isn’t your kinda thing!
  3. This was part of the rules of the original challenge but honestly I’m gonna ignore it, but if you want the extra challenge, here you go: Start each generation with a small house/apartment and 1000 simoleons. If you want to make the challenge harder, you can start each generation on an empty lot with 0 simoleons (rags to riches style!)
  4. Play on any lifespan you wish, but short is not recommended. (I personally play on normal, long if I’m feeling edgy)
  5. For some gens, there are only three to four traits assigned; the rest will be up to you!
  6. I would love to see gameplay of this in TS3! If you want, @ me or use #s3ib or #Sims3InBloom (hehehehe) (◕ ɔ ◕✿)

Gen 1: Daisy (white, yellow)

Gardening has always been your passion. Owning a large, healthy garden is all you’ve ever wanted in life, even if your nails constantly have soil under them and you have so many broken pots you’ve lost count. However, as with many things, gardening also requires a pretty good grasp on the technical, science-y side of things! You find both to be rewarding - best of both worlds, right? You sit and wonder what your family will grow to do, and hope that they will flourish just as beautifully as your garden has. This is the start of your family legacy!

Aspiration: The Perfect Garden

Traits: Eco-Friendly, Clumsy, Loves the Outdoors, Green Thumb, Loner

Career: Gardening

Skills: Gardening, Science (for a PlantSim)

  • Try not to buy ingredients from the fridge/grocery store often - grow your own produce, go fishing, etc.
  • Grow a PlantSim baby
  • Grow 5 perfect plants
  • Marry a Sim who shares the‘Loves the Outdoors’ Trait

Gen 2: Buttercup (yellow, green)

From a young age you’ve always loved animals of all kinds, but you’ve always had a special connection with cats. You spent your childhood playing in your parents’ garden, bonding with stray cats that would wander onto the lot. As a teen you were gifted a laptop for your birthday and you spent most of your time attached to it, always playing video games. As an adult, your love for both video games and cats persisted. While you want to raise a child with love and care like you were,‘romance’ and‘marriage’ aren’t things you’re really interested in.

Aspiration: The Cat Herder

Traits: Cat Person, Unflirty, Computer Whiz, Genius

Career: Medicine (pretend you’re a vet)

Skills: Logic, Handiness

  • Be part of the Nerd social group. Reach the highest level if you can.
  • Always own at least 3-4 cats - adopting strays is highly recommended!
  • Never get into a relationship or marry (you can attempt to date for fun but they never work out)
  • Adopt at least 1 child

Gen 3: Lavender (lilac, dark purple)

You were adopted by your loving parent into a small family, and so you’ve never been much of a people person. Keeping to yourself in your room you discovered your love of inventing, and of course playing your beloved violin. You spend a lot of time on your inventions because every single one has to be perfect!

Aspiration: Monster Maker

Traits: Loner, Perfectionist, Eccentric, Virtuoso

Career: Inventor

Skills: Inventing, Violin (or any instrument you have)

  • Be part of the Ballet Club as a child and Music Club as a teen, where you pick up violin
  • Be BFFs with a pet as a child and/or teen
  • Only have one best friend as a child/teen, and eventually fall in love and marry them
  • Have a very cluttered house filled with your little inventions - and when you have kids, make all their toys!
  • Have very high relationships with your entire family and maintain them

Gen 4: Rose (red, black)

Growing up surrounded by clutter made you crave a brand new scenery, so when you aged up you moved to the big city of Bridgeport to get away from your old home. You crave connection with others, unlike your fairly introverted parent, and so seek to forge many relationships through the wonderful medium of social media!

Aspiration: Super Popular

Traits: Schmoozer, Artistic, Athletic

Career: Blogger

Skills: Charisma, Social Networking

  • Move to Bridgeport (or any city with apartments) and live in an apartment or penthouse for the entirety of your adulthood
  • Master the social networking skill
  • Meet your future spouse using the SimFinder app
  • Have at least 5 best friends (preferably met through online dating/SimFinder)

Gen 5: Forget-me-not (light blue, yellow)

There’s just something satisfying about knowing all eyes are on you. You were born to be in the spotlight; from a young age, you showed great talent in the performing arts! You dream of becoming famous, attending celebrity parties, and owning a large spotless house! But, of course, fame comes at a great cost - if it means you’ll be famous, you’ll even sacrifice the relationship you have with your children…

Aspiration: Vocal Legend

Traits: Commitment Issues, Natural Born Performer, Neat, Perfectionist

Career: Film (Actor Branch)

Skills: Charisma, any music skill

  • Be part of the Music Club as a teen
  • Marry a Shy Sim
  • When you become a 3-star celebrity, throw a party at least once a week
  • When you become a 4-star celebrity, divorce your current partner and marry a co-worker
  • Become a 5-star celebrity
  • Have a poor relationship with your child/children

Gen 6: Sakura/cherry blossom (pink, brown)

Witnessing your parents’ troubled marriage, knowing your world could be turned upside down any day…you vowed to never let your children suffer through the same childhood you did, and marry someone you genuinely loved. You spent a lot of time with your pet dog as a child, a distraction from the troubles at home and the constant hovering presence of the paparazzi. You dreamed of a quiet life without fame and fortune, growing old with the one you love.

Aspiration: Surrounded by Family

Traits: Dog Person, Hopeless Romantic, Neurotic, Nurturing

Career: Culinary

Skills: Cooking, Painting

  • Marry your first love
  • Always own a dog - have high relationships with all dogs you own
  • Go on a date at least once a week
  • Paint a painting for every room of your house
  • Have a mix of biological and adopted children (your decision to consider adopted children as heir or not!)

Gen 7: Tulip (orange, red)

You’re a wine connoisseur - you love all things nectar, and can tell good wine from bad with just a look. How, at your young age? Uhh… next question! Good nectar begins with good grapes. So you move out into the countryside to live in the middle of nowhere, determined to start a nectar collection all nectar enthusiasts would die for.

Aspiration: Bottomless Nectar Cellar

Traits: Vegetarian, Good, Snob

Career: None

Skills: Nectar Making, Handiness

  • Join the Scouts as a child
  • Move to a“rural” town - up to you which one, not really sure if any TS3 EPs comes with a rural town like Henford-on-Bagley lol (I believe Riverview is kind of a rural-ish town?)
  • Do not get a job
  • Earn money by selling nectar, and maybe some of your produce!

Gen 8: Lily (white, green)

As a child you had an overactive imagination and were obsessed with the supernatural. However, even as an adult, this fascination with the arcane hasn’t waned. Determined to prove that your efforts to investigate supernaturals won’t be fruitless, you move to notoriously spooky Moonlight Falls in search of concrete answers.

Aspiration: Mystic Healer

Traits: Bookworm, Insane, Genius, Supernatural Fan

Career: None - sell your elixirs!

Skills: Logic, Alchemy

  • Be turned into a witch as soon as you move to Moonlight Falls
  • Earn money by selling your elixirs at the consignment store - you can have part time jobs but they never really work out
  • Live in Moonlight Falls your whole adult life
  • Have at least 1 friend of each supernatural species
  • Marry a werewolf, who helps you find ingredients for alchemy ;)

Gen 9: Pansy (purple, yellow)

You were surrounded by trees for your entire childhood, and so you’ve always craved a change of scenery. You’ve never seen the ocean, until you spontaneously decide to move to the far off land of Isla Paradiso! Relaxing on the sand, immersed in island culture, partying till the sun comes up - what could be better?

Aspiration: Grand Explorer

Traits: Lazy, Loves to Swim, Virtuoso, Party Animal

Career: Self-Employed Diver - but don’t work that often!

Skills: Guitar, Diving

  • Live on a houseboat
  • Fall in love with a merperson, but wait until you’re an elder to marry them
  • Host a party (pool party in summer, juice kegger…whatever floats your boat! pun intended) at least once a week
  • Earn some extra cash by playing for tips

Gen 10: Hydrangea (dark blue, pink)

While your parent was content with spending all day relaxing on the beach, you’ve always had larger ambitions. The quaint island life is not for you, so as soon as you can you apply for university to build a reputable career for yourself. However, you’ve always found joy in things other people may think are childish, which may distract you from your career from time to time. You dream of living in a large house filled with love and family.

Aspiration: Mansion Baron

Traits: Ambitious, Family Oriented, Childish, Workaholic

Career: Any

Skills: Writing, Charisma

  • Graduate University and earn the necessary degree for your career
  • Marry a sim who also has the Childish trait
  • Have at least 4 children
  • Help your children with homework as much as possible (or all the time!)

[OPTIONAL]Gen 11: Death flower (dark red, white)

You’ve always known you were different from everyone else. Your siblings were always nice to you and had ambitions to do good in the world, but you were born with no such morals. You hear legends of powerful vampires, with inhuman strength and living for multiple lifetimes. You want that power, and will stop at nothing to get it.

Aspiration: Emperor of Evil

Traits: Evil, Kleptomaniac, Snob, Brooding

Career: Criminal

Skills: Mixology

  • Narrowly escape death twice. Have a loved one (the only one you love and who understands you #emo) revive you using a magic lamp!
  • After you die the first time, search high and low for a death flower. This can be obtained through various means
  • Get turned into a vampire after your second time dying - fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!
  • Always drink from sims, never plasma
  • Turn at least 5 sims into vampires

That’s all folks! Let me know how you go~ ✿

Last Edit: 06/06/2022 (messed up format lmao)

sims sims 3 ts3 ts3 challenge ts3 legacy challenge ts3 legacy sims in bloom legacy s3ib sims 3 in bloom simblr thats so mf cheesy bye i just wanted an excuse to use my huge list of nature names

Sims in Bloom Legacy Challenge for TS3 (◕ᴗ◕✿) (2024)


Can your Sim get a job in the legacy challenge? ›

You may use the new CAS story mode to make your founder, but you do not have to. This is purely up to individual preferences. You are allowed to follow Sims to their jobs if taking the new Doctor, Detective, or Scientist careers.

Can you get married in Legacy Challenge Sims 4? ›

The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge: Spouses - YouTube

How do you do the legacy challenge on Sims 4? ›

To start an “Extreme” Legacy Challenge you must move your founder onto one of the new 64 x 64 lots in Windenburg (after the lot on it has been demolished). This will leave you with $8000. Upon moving onto the lot, you must cheat your Sim's money down to 0.

How do you spice up the legacy challenge Sims 4? ›

How to Spice Up A Legacy
  1. Firstly, using MCCC to enable story progression. ...
  2. Marrying in interesting sims (e.g. Mimsy Shallot, Vlad's daughter, aliens)
  3. Moving out the heir every generation and having them start from scratch again (I know this is against official legacy rules but whatever)
Aug 25, 2018

Can your spouse have a job Legacy Challenge? ›

Q: Can the spouses and children of spares earn points for the Legacy? A: Yes, if they live in the Legacy house and can directly trace their lineage back to the founder either by blood or marriage. They can no longer earn points if they move out.

How much money do you start with Sims Legacy Challenge? ›

It's mandatory that it stays in your inventory for the entirety of the challenge. You will now have $1,800 in cash to start your legacy off with.

Are money trees allowed in legacy challenge? ›

The Money Tree in the Sims 4 Legacy Challenge

Pinstar has decided to not allow the use of this aspiration reward as it can be extremely powerful (in that yours Sims can get a lot of simoleons easily).

Why is it called not so berry? ›

General rules

Skin color is not necessary for the Not So Berry challenge, hence the name. The colors of the spouses do not matter as they are not part of the challenge. Unless otherwise stated, the player can do whatever they please with them.

What is a berry Sim? ›

For those who aren't sure what exactly a Berry Sim is, it's a colorful Sim that is typically named after some sort of sweet treat. Whether it be a blue Sim named after blueberry pie or a vivid Laffy Taffy-themed family, Berry Sims are just vivid creations that are meant to be a ton of fun and break up the mundane.

Can Sims be homeless? ›

One way is to just add them to community lots as reisdents of that lot and they'll be homeless and still be playable households whic won't get ejected from the game.

How do you marry patchy Sims 4? ›

To marry Patchy The Scarecrow in Sims 4, you need to bond with him first. As you max out your relationship with Patchy, he'll start offering you all kinds of gift, and then come to life. When he comes to life, you can interact with him as you would with a normal Sim, and even marry him.

How do you memorialize a Sim? ›

Founder/heir and their primary spouse must be memorialized per generation.
Ways to memorialize are:
  1. Write a song for a Sim (Sim writing the song must have Piano, Violin, OR Guitar skill must be 8+)
  2. Comedy routine (Sim doing the routine must have Comedy skill of 8+), routine must be done at least once during a party.

How do you enter cheats on Sims? ›

To enter Cheat Codes in The Sims 4, you must first open the Cheat Console by pressing “Ctrl + Shift + C” on your PC or Mac, while in game. This will bring up the cheat dialogue box where you can enter cheats. Don't forget to press “Enter” after typing in a cheat.”

How do you move a Sim into a house you can't afford ps4? ›

Save the lot to the library, move sims into the lot but choose "bulldoze lot" then after the Sims are on the empty lot, place the house back down from the library. Repeat as necessary.

Who is the best person to marry in Sims 4? ›

The Sims 4: The 5 Best (And Worst) Romances
  • 7 Worst: Katrina Caliente and Don Lothario. ...
  • 6 Best: Jesminda and Arun Bheeda. ...
  • 5 Worst: Geoffrey and Nancy Landgraab. ...
  • 4 Best: Brent and Brant Hecking. ...
  • 3 Worst: Miko Ojo and Akira Kobo. ...
  • 2 Best: Mele and Alika Kahananui. ...
  • 1 Worst: Catarina Lynx and Her Cats.
Aug 31, 2019

How do I know if I need Sims 4 Legacy Edition? ›

You only need to download Legacy Edition if you received a message saying you need it when you tried to open The Sims 4. You can also reference the system requirements for The Sims 4 base game; if you meet those, you do not need to download Legacy Edition.

How do you move in Sims 4 after marriage? ›

If you're playing as a family that you wish to bring a Sim into, you can have an active Sim speak to the target and choose “Ask To Move In.” Christine can call up Freddie to invite him over, then use the social interaction. Because they're married, he's guaranteed to accept, and you'll access the screen.

How do you get a 50x50 lot in Sims 4? ›

You go to the map and find a 50x50 lot. This will make the lot become empty. Then you go to the gallery/your library and place that lot you tried to place on the 50x40 lot before. EDIT: Actually, through build mode you should even be able to place a 50x50 on a 50x40 lot.

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.