Satchel Charge (2024)

The Satchel Charge is a midgame raiding tool that can be used to destroy player-made buildings for the purpose of entering and looting another player's base.The Satchel charge becomes armed when placed, has a random time until detonation, and has a small chance to malfunction, requiring the user to pick up and rearm the Charge. Note that sometimes the charge will re-ignite when the dud is picked up, going off with a very short fuse!

Explosion Radius4 m
Explosion Delay6–12 sec
Dud Chance20 %

Satchel Charge (1)

  1. Loot
  2. Craft
  3. Blueprint
  4. Recycle
  5. Skins
  6. Tips
BlueprintIngredientsTimeWorkbench Level
Satchel Charge (2)Satchel Charge BlueprintSatchel Charge (3)×4Satchel Charge (4)Satchel Charge (5)1 ft1–5 secSatchel Charge (6)I
Satchel Charge (7)Beancan Grenade BlueprintSatchel Charge (8)×60Satchel Charge (9)×202–10 secSatchel Charge (10)I
Satchel Charge (11)Small Stash Blueprint

Known by Default

Satchel Charge (12)×103–15 sec-
Satchel Charge (13)×10Gun Powder Blueprint

Known by Default

Satchel Charge (14)×30Satchel Charge (15)×201–2 secSatchel Charge (16)I

Satchel Charge (17)1 ftSatchel Charge (18)×80Satchel Charge (19)×10Satchel Charge (20)×720Satchel Charge (21)×480

ToolRequirementsScrap Total
Satchel Charge (22)Research TableSatchel Charge (23)Satchel Charge (24)×125Satchel Charge (25)Satchel Charge (26)125
Satchel Charge (27)Workbench Level 1Satchel Charge (28)Satchel Charge (29)Satchel Charge (30)Satchel Charge (31)Satchel Charge (32)Satchel Charge (33)Satchel Charge (34)Satchel Charge (35)Satchel Charge (36)Satchel Charge (37)Satchel Charge (38)Satchel Charge (39)×125Satchel Charge (40)Satchel Charge (41)840
RecyclerSatchel Charge (42)Satchel Charge (43)Satchel Charge (44)×2Satchel Charge (45)50%Satchel Charge (46)50%
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zippac 65 pts. 7 months ago

Missing from the infopage:
It deals 75 damage to constructions, objects or walls, foundations, frames and doors etc.

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dog 36 pts. 2 years ago

Raiding Costs

GP = Gunpowder S = Sulfur

  • Wooden Door - 480GP/960S
  • Metal Door - 960GP/1920S
  • Armoured Door - 2880GP/5760S
  • Wooden Wall - 720GP/1440S
  • Stone Wall - 2400GP/4800S
  • Metal Wall - 5520GP/11040S
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PUR3ICE 258 pts. 5 years ago

The explosion will draw attention of other people and gets you a chance to get their gear.

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PfefferpotthastSatchel Charge (72) 385 pts. 5 years ago

Good for early and mid game raiding since you only need a Work Bench Level 1 . Much cheaper than a Timed Explosive Charge but not as fast so not as good for end game raiding. Also you need to know how to make a Beancan Grenade before you can make it.

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Kiro 21 pts. 5 years ago

You should throw a satchel charge from safe distance (about 2 foundations in my opinion) from door/wall that you want to destroy, because if you throw it standing near the structure, it may or may not explode instantly in your face and kill you, because splash damage of satchel charge is lethal to players, if you stand very close.

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FiniteSatchel Charge (73) 118 pts. 5 years ago

Satchel Charges will make a significantly higher pitched sizzle prior to either dudding or exploding.

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big busta 82 pts. 5 years ago

Satchels (and TECs/C4) deal splash damage to entities (placeable items, players etc) but not to permanent structures built with construction blueprints (i.e. they only damage the specific structural piece they're attached to). Be careful not to miss the exact section of wall/door or the explosive will be wasted. Rockets deal structure splash.
Due to the random fuse, the ideal way to use satchels is to throw the exact amount you need from just outside the blast radius, all at once. Practice the throwing arc in a modded server. Duds will never be lost/wasted while the structure they're attached to is still intact, nor will they be destroyed or detonated by other satchel explosions.

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Solarfrogs 7 pts. 7 months ago

Satchels (and by extension beancan grenades) can be disarmed with water guns if sprayed onto the lit charge.
You can also re-ignite both beancans and satchels using an igniter.

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ZoraproxiSatchel Charge (74) 363 pts. 5 years ago

Satchel charges are a great raiding tool, sometimes they will result in a dud but can be re-ignited to explode. They are quite useful and powerful depending on how much time you're willing to spend on farming for sulfur, getting wood, or even looking for rope.

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Satchel Charge (2024)
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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.