Sample Email Messages to Announce a Baby at Work | LoveToKnow (2024)

Announcing the arrival of a new baby or multiples can be a very special experience. Most new parents don't return to work immediately after the baby is born, so email announcements are a quick and efficient way to share the news with co-workers.

From the New Family

There are so many people to tell about the arrival of your new baby, it can seem impossible to make sure you share with everyone. Mass email messages can help spread the news to people who may not be visiting you in those first days, such as co-workers and acquaintances. There are plenty of great ideas for birth announcements made via email.

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Simple Baby Boy Announcement Wording

A simple birth announcement is suitable for most workplaces and can be made in advance. Simply save the email and add the details and a photo once the baby is born.

To: All Staff
Subject: It's A Boy!:

Dear (Company Name) Team,

(Employee Name) and (Partner Name) wish to present the newest member of our family, (Baby's Full Name). Born on (Birth Date), he weighed (Birth Weight) and measured (Birth Height).

[Insert Photo of Baby]

Mom, dad, and baby are doing great and expect to arrive home on (Date). Visitors are welcome beginning (Date). Please call ahead before stopping by.

Thank you for sharing in this joyous news with us.


The (Last Name) Family

Clever Birth Announcement Wording

To: All Staff
Subject: Free At Last

To Whom It May Concern,

In the early morning hours of (Birth Date), (Baby Name) made his/her great escape and joined (parent's names) at last. It wasn't easy, but all (Height & Weight) of him/her made it in extraordinary health.

[Insert Photo]

We are all exhausted and a bit overwhelmed with our new environment, but will gladly navigate this world as a family. Well-wishers are welcome to text or email (Name of Parent Employee).


(Dad, Mom, and Baby Names)

Funny Birth Announcement Wording

To: All Staff
Subject: Stork Market Boom!

Dear (Company Name) Investors,

At (Time) on (Date), the Stork Market hit its highest mark yet when (Baby Name) was born to (Parent's Names). Storks were high, then they dropped low to deliver this (Weight, Height) little bundle of joy before going high again. If you'd like to cash in on the stork's delivery now with congratulations, send (Employee Parent's Name) a message at (Phone Number).

Best Wishes,

(Parent's Names)

Sample Adoption Announcement

To: All Staff
Subject: You're Hired!

Dear Work Family,

After evaluating our family unit, it was clear we were lacking in the sharing love department. So, we put out a call for qualified individuals to fill the position. At (Time) on (Date), (Baby Name) was selected from a pool of over-qualified candidates to join our team. He/she boasts the following career highlights:

  • (Weight)
  • (Height)
  • (Hair Color)
  • (Eye Color)
  • (Age, if not a newborn)

Over the next several weeks, we will be working hard to train our newest recruit in snuggling, sleeping, and laughing. We ask that all visitors be planned in advance to work around our rigorous training program.

Finally Feeling Full,

(Parent's Names)

Baby Born Message From Father

To: All Staff
Subject: New Dad Alert!

Dear Co-workers,

We've got a Code Cute New Dad Alert! On (date) I became a dad thanks to the birth of my healthy baby boy/girl, (Baby's Name). He/she even looks like me with (Hair Color) and (Eye Color)! The whole family is doing great, and we'd be happy to welcome scheduled visitors starting (Date).

With Pride,

(Father's Name)

Example Cover Letter Announcement

To: All Staff
Subject: New Baby

Dear Sir/Madam:

Please accept this email and supporting photograph as an announcement of (Employee Name's) new baby. My name is (Baby First Name) and I was born on (Date) at (Time). I am currently (Height) inches tall and weigh (Weight). I have (Hair Color) hair and (Eye Color) eyes. Although my vision and ability to speak aren't fully developed, I look forward to meeting you in the near future.

I have attached my most recent photo for your review. I can be reached via email at (Parent Email Address), phone at (Parent Phone Number), or by mail at (Parent Address). Thank you for sharing this joyous news.


(Baby Full Name)

On Behalf of the New Parents

The days after a baby is born can be overwhelming and exhausting for new parents. If the thought of sharing the joyous news with the world is too much to handle, new parents could ask a co-worker to announce baby's arrival at work.

Basic Baby Girl Announcement Wording

To: All Staff
Subject: Announcing the Arrival of Miss (Baby's Full Name)

Greetings All,

(Employee Parent Name) and (Partner's Name) have granted me the honor of introducing you to their newest addition, baby girl (Baby's Name).

(Baby's Name) Statistics:

  • Born on (Birth Date)
  • (Height) tall
  • (Weight)
  • [Insert Photo]

The proud new family is happy and healthy.

Warm Regards,

(Your Name), On Behalf of the (Parent's Last Name) Family

Sample Report Announcement

To: All Staff
Subject: Quarterly Update

Good Day Team,

On (Birth Date), we saw our best numbers as baby boy/girl (Baby's Full Name) joined our work family at (height and weight).

Proud parents, (Employee Parent Name) and his/her (Partner Title: husband, wife, etc.) asked me to share that their family couldn't be happier at this time.

The new family is expected home on (Date). They welcome visitors to their home but ask that you schedule a time in advance.

(Employee Parent Name) will rejoin us around (Date)

(Name of contact) from HR will be putting together a gift basket for the family, please see her by Friday if you wish to contribute.

With many thanks,

(Your Name) and the (Employee Parent's Last Name) Family

Television Commercial Announcement

To: All Staff
Subject: A Must-See!

On my honor as a new (Relation to Baby, like Aunt), I guarantee you have never seen anything as cute as (Baby Name)! This one-of-a-kind baby is (Weight) and (Height) inches of pure joy. If he/she doesn't bring a smile to your face, we'll give you a full refund of all the hugs, well-wishes, or gifts you gave him/her. Take a look at this adorable face, but be warned, you may never fall in love like this again!

(Insert Photo)

If this picture isn't enough to satisfy you, cards and gifts can be sent to (Home Address). Visits can be arranged via email with new mom/dad (Employee Name) at (Email Address).

Water Cooler Conversation Example

To: All Staff
Subject: Did You Hear?

Hey, did you hear (Employee Name) and his/her (Spouse, Partner, etc.), (Partner Name), had a baby?

(Insert Baby Photo)
Yeah, can you believe they had a boy/girl? Me neither! He/She was born (Day of Week Baby was Born), (Month and date). Yeah, this year! But, you know what's really crazy? He/She weighed (Weight)! I know, hard to believe, right? The best part is, they named him/her (Baby Full Name)! That's such a great name, I wish I thought of it. I'm putting together a gift basket to send over. Send a gift or card to (Email Author's Name) desk by (Date) if you want in.

Creating a Message

Email is often the best answer to the question of how to announce a baby's birth to office colleagues. Writing a birth announcement email for co-workers is similar to writing a business email in that it should be professional and to-the-point. Once you receive word from the employee that their baby was born, you can share the news with the whole company. This could be the day of the birth or several days later depending on your relationship. It is common to announce the new baby just before the employee returns to work. When you are generating a mass email for the workplace announcement, there are several factors to keep in mind:

  • Consider the tone of your workplace. A serious and professional office warrants a different type of message than an informal one.
  • Consult the new parents for what information they would like to share and only include those things.
  • Check with your boss to be sure you have permission to send out a mass email.
  • Be sure to send the email to everyone.

What to Include in a Birth Announcement

Once you are sure it is OK to email an announcement to co-workers, know what information to include, and are clear on the tone of the email, you can start writing. suggests baby announcements should include basic information about the family and reflect its personality. Workplace emails should be short and simple. Basic information people typically share on birth announcements include:

  • Parent names (starting with the person who works at the company you are emailing)
  • Baby's gender
  • Baby's name
  • Baby's birth date
  • Baby's height and weight

One short paragraph stating that parents and baby are doing well, and when they expect to be home, is also appropriate. If you have a close-knit workplace, you may also want to include information on when and how to visit the family.

Add a Photo

Seeing a picture of the new baby can help personalize the experience. When selecting a photo to share, What To Expect suggests opting for a close-up shot that is clear. Especially in an email to your workplace, too much information in the photo is not recommended. This means that shots of mom immediately after delivery or breastfeeding should not be included in such an email.

To add a picture to the email, you have three options:

  • Paste the photo into the body of the email, preferably after providing the stats. This would be the best choice for a workplace email since it is meant to be quick and concise.
  • Attach the picture to the email.
  • Include a link at the end of your email to a blog, Instagram account, or another photo sharing site. This would work better in an informal office setting where employees are very close.

Other Ways to Announce a Baby at Work

While email is the fastest and most convenient way to send out a birth announcement at work, you can use other means suitable to the size and atmosphere of your company.

Baby Born Message on Facebook

Social media announcements are equally quick and simple as emails. Put your baby boy announcement on Facebook by posting it on your profile and tagging co-workers or sending out a group message on Facebook Messenger.

Baby Birth Announcement SMS to Friends

Send your baby birth announcement text messages in a multimedia group text to everyone at work. You can add in a photo of the new baby and use any of the suggested wording ideas by removing the "To" and "Subject" lines.

Birth Announcements in Newspapers

If you announce your new baby in the local newspaper, send several copies to your workplace or ask a co-worker to hang the article in a public space at the office.

Mailed Birth Announcements for Work

If you are already mailing out birth announcements, consider sending one to your workplace if it is large or one to each co-worker if there are fewer than 20 employees. Minted birth announcements are elegant and affordable starting at just over $1 per card. Shutterfly birth announcements have more modern and fun designs starting as low as 39 cents per card. Simply add your baby's photo and customize the text. Cheap birth announcements are still simple to create and can include any of the email announcement wording suggestions.

Getting the Message Across

Sending your baby's birth announcement through email is a quick, easy, and free way to let co-workers know your new baby has arrived. Whether you use a template or create a unique message, people generally appreciate the opportunity to share in your joyous news.

© 2022 LoveToKnow Media. All rights reserved.

Sample Email Messages to Announce a Baby at Work | LoveToKnow (2024)


How do I announce my work baby email? ›

Dear Sir/Madam: Please accept this email and supporting photograph as an announcement of (Employee Name's) new baby. My name is (Baby First Name) and I was born on (Date) at (Time). I am currently (Height) inches tall and weigh (Weight).

How do you write a informing message for a newborn baby? ›

Basic Birth Announcements
  • Welcome to the world, (baby name)!
  • Meet the new love of our lives, (baby name).
  • The wait is finally over! We're thrilled to welcome (baby name).
  • Hello, world! ...
  • On (birth date), we were blessed with the arrival of (baby name).
  • Dreams do come true!
  • It's official! ...
  • Hello, my name is (baby name).
5 Aug 2020

How do you announce birth to colleagues? ›

Most colleagues will probably be excited about the baby's birth and be happy to wish you well. Although you can choose any way of announcing the birth, a simple email will probably be best in this case. You can add both parents and the baby's name, and include the birthday.

How do you share news with a new baby? ›

Easy peasy!
  1. She/He/They're Here!
  2. Proudly Presenting…
  3. Just the stats. (Name, date/time of arrival, length, weight. Done!)
  4. Welcome, [Insert Baby's Name Here]
  5. Big Brother/Sister [Name] is Thrilled to Announce…
  6. Look who's here!
  7. We're thrilled to share the news…
  8. OMG, we're parents!

How do you announce a pregnancy to colleagues emails? ›

It can be as simple as saying, “I have some personal news to share. I'm pregnant, and due at the end of July. In the coming weeks, I'll have more info to share about my maternity leave and the plan for coverage, but for now I just wanted to share the news.”

How do you write an email telling your boss you're pregnant? ›

Dear [name of employer], I am writing to notify you of my pregnancy. My expected week of childbirth is [insert date]. I would like to start my maternity leave on [insert date you would like to start your maternity leave].

How do you respond to a birth announcement? ›

Again, I appreciate your sending me the birth announcement. You two are among the finest people I know, and I want to wish you all the happiness in the world as you raise your child. You're an inspiration. I hope it will not be long before we can have the same happiness.

How do you announce the birth of a baby girl? ›

Baby Girl Announcement Ideas
  1. Pretty in pink! ...
  2. Once upon a time, a little princess was born. ...
  3. Announcing our darling daughter, (baby name).
  4. It's a sweet little baby girl!
  5. We're tickled pink to announce the arrival of (baby name), our new baby daughter.
  6. Introducing (baby name), the new queen of our hearts.
  7. She's sugar.
10 Jun 2021

How do I announce my pregnancy? ›

50 Best Ways to Announce Your Pregnancy to Family (2022)
  1. Family Game Night. ...
  2. Ice Cream Social (With Personalized M&M's!) ...
  3. Surprise Family Portrait. ...
  4. Custom Cookies. ...
  5. Sidewalk Chalk Announcement. ...
  6. Ultrasound Embroidery. ...
  7. Pregnancy Reveal Puzzle. ...
  8. Custom Book.
19 Feb 2022

How do you tell your work colleagues you're pregnant? ›

How do I tell my colleagues I'm pregnant? Try not to stress about the big reveal. If you're anxious, just remember that this is good news and your colleagues are more than likely to be happy for you. It's fine to use email if your colleagues are far flung/home workers and you want to tell everyone all at once.

How do I announce my pregnancy to my boss? ›

I'm thrilled to announce that I'm pregnant! I recently found out, and I wanted to share the news so we'll have a lot of time to plan for the next two quarters. I know that we have [initiative/goal] on the horizon. I'm excited to work on it and I'm planning to be here until [number of weeks before] my due date.

When should you tell HR you are pregnant? ›

When should I tell my manager that I'm pregnant? One concrete recommendation is to notify your employer at the end of the first trimester (12-13 weeks). Around this time, some women begin to show, and the risk of miscarriage is lower.

When should you tell employer about pregnancy? ›

There's no right or wrong time for when to tell your boss you're pregnant, but most women wait until shortly after their first trimester – when the chance of miscarriage has decreased significantly – and before their pregnancy has started to noticeably show.

How do you address a baby announcement? ›

Birth announcements wording typically start out with some type of introduction such as “We are delighted to announce the birth of our daughter”, then you will go on to list at least the following information: baby's name, date of birth and parents' names.

How do you say I'm blessed with a baby girl? ›

God has blessed us with this lovely baby girl. We're finally blessed with a little angel who has made our lives so much better now. Ten little fingers, ten little toes for the perfect newborn I call my daughter. The joy in our hearts and soul cannot be compared to anybody on this planet right now.

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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.