Recipe This | 7 Day Cabbage Soup Diet Plan (2024)

Cabbage Soup Diet Plan. Introducing you to the 7 day cabbage soup diet plan. I decided to do the most famous soup diet in the world, for 7 days only and to share with you my results from the original cabbage soup diet.

We also used both our instant pot cabbage soup recipe and our soup maker cabbage soup recipe. Ideal for if you have one of those two kitchen gadgets.

Recipe This | 7 Day Cabbage Soup Diet Plan (1)

Table of Contents

Cabbage Soup Diet Plan

Little secret that you probably don’t know about me and the cabbage soup diet. Long before we had Recipe This and long before we become food bloggers, I used to make my living on eBay.

The first thing I ever sold was the Cabbage Soup Diet Plan. I have it in a cute PDF and people paid for it by the hour, in the hope to lose weight by eating the cabbage soup.

It was a best seller and whenever I mentioned this to people, they were fascinated by it. Probably because back then, there was no bloggers, and the Kindle hadn’t been invented and most people didn’t even know what an ebook was.

So, it feels rather strange to be back all these years later (16 years to be exact), sharing with you the cabbage soup diet and the cabbage soup diet results that I have achieved.

What Is The Best Soup To Eat On A Diet?

I would recommend that the best soup to eat on a diet is the cabbage soup diet. There are of course other soup diets out there, but the cabbage soup is the easiest to structure into everyday life and the one with the easiest soups that you can mix and match with other ingredients.

What Is The Cabbage Soup Diet?

If you have not heard of the cabbage soup diet before and want to know what it is all about then here is the details:

The cabbage soup diet is a 7 day diet plan that helps you lose 10 pounds in a week. It is a very strict calorie-controlled diet that is very low carb. Ideal for people like me that retain a lot of water and tend to gain weight quickly when carbs are eaten.

The biggest confusion (in my opinion) with the cabbage soup diet is that it has a zillion different names and hyped up quotes associated it. What many people don’t realise is that these are all one of the same.

Here are just a few of the names given to the cabbage soup diet:

  • Soup Diet
  • Detox Cabbage Soup
  • Fat Burning Cabbage Soup
  • Original Cabbage Soup Diet
  • 7 Day Soup Diet
  • Wonder Soup
  • Soup Fast
  • Cabbage Soup Cleanse
  • Heart Diet Soup
  • Miracle Soup
  • Detox Soup Diet
  • Cabbage Stew Diet
  • Wonder Soup Diet
  • Surgery Soup Diet

And OMG I feel like I need a sleep after that long list, and I am not even 10% in on all the different names that have been given over the years to what is technically the 7 day cabbage soup diet.

Back when I used to sell it on eBay it was sold back then as the heart diet soup. That surgeons gave it to patients before surgery. Can you believe that? Yet back then I saw a lot weirder things being sold on eBay compared to what I was selling. I think I was rather normal!

Is Cabbage Soup Good For Weight Loss?

Yes it is. But many people will tell you that it is just a short term weight loss. The cabbage soup diet plan will have you losing around 10 pounds in 7 days, then if you return to eating a lot of carbs the next week you will gain a bit of the weight back.

How Many Calories In Cabbage Soup?

The cabbage soup calories will vary between different cabbage soups. You need to factor in if stock is used instead of water, if yoghurt is added to make the soup creamier, or if chicken has been added to the cabbage soup.

Also consider what vegetables have been loaded into the cabbage soup.

I find that it can vary from 60 calories a portion up to 200 calories a portion. Imagine if you replace two meals a day with cabbage soup then you can easily be reducing those mealtimes calories by 75% if not more.

When we loaded our cabbage soups into a nutritional calorie counter we found that:

  • Instant Pot Detox Cabbage Soup was 90 calories
  • Soup Maker Cabbage Soup was 60 calories

Does The Cabbage Soup Diet Work?

Yes it does. But the cabbage soup diet results can vary from person to person. If you are eating a low calorie diet before the cabbage soup plan starts, then you are likely to see less of a result, compared to someone that was at an all inclusive beach resort the week before.

I have tried the cabbage soup diet a few times now and have found that I can be anywhere from 3 pounds off to 8 pounds off. Never the 10 pounds off that some people achieve.

How Does The Cabbage Soup Diet Work?

The 7 day cabbage soup diet is an all you can eat cabbage soup meal plan. You replace your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack times with the wonder soup and then when you are hungry you eat more.

You can eat as much (or as little) cabbage soup over a 7 day period along with other foods that you are also allowed on set days.

It is then recommended that you make ahead your cabbage soup so that you quickly reheat some soup whenever you are hungry.

Cabbage Soup Diet Rules

The cabbage soup diet rules are simple and easy to remember.

  • Day 1 – Cabbage soup + fruit (no bananas)
  • Day 2 – Cabbage soup + vegetables (no starchy vegetables) + 1 Baked Potato
  • Day 3 – Cabbage soup + fruit and vegetables from day 1 and 2
  • Day 4 – Cabbage soup + bananas + yoghurt + milk
  • Day 5 – Cabbage soup + protein + tomatoes
  • Day 6 – Cabbage soup + lean meat + vegetables (no starchy vegetables)
  • Day 7 – Cabbage soup + fruits + vegetables + fruit juice (no bananas and no starchy vegetables)

What are starchy vegetables? You are probably like me when I first did the cabbage soup diet and wondering what on earth is meant by starchy vegetables?

Well, your favourites that are either higher in carbs or you know are not good for you and are certainly not going to help you with your weight loss. I am talking about butternut squash, corn, beans, peas, parsnips, and potatoes.

But if you are not the biggest fan of cabbage soup, then it okay too. I don’t envy the idea of bad wind for a week and Dominic was surprised when I made the cabbage soup to how much cabbage was in it.

The cabbage ingredient was just one of many vegetables and you can mix and match with your favourites.

As you know Recipe This is all about kitchen gadgets and both the cabbage soup recipes enjoyed during our 7 day cabbage soup diet plan were made with kitchen gadgets.

We had either our instant pot detox cabbage soup, or our soup maker cabbage soup. Both were delicious and it depends on which kitchen gadget you prefer to use.

Recipe This | 7 Day Cabbage Soup Diet Plan (3)

My 7 Day Cabbage Soup Diet Plan

Below is EXACTLY what cabbage soup I enjoyed during the 7 day cabbage soup diet plan. It includes the slight cheats that I did and what extras I had alongside the cabbage soup.

Ideal for inspiration before you complete the cabbage soup diet.

Cabbage Soup Diet – Day 1

Its Monday morning, I prepped a batch of cabbage soup yesterday in the soup maker and I am ready to go!

  • 8am – 2 ladles of cabbage soup
  • 12.30pm – 3 ladles cabbage soup
  • 8pm – 3 ladles cabbage soup

I also snacked on two pears and a handful of frozen blueberries and frozen strawberries and successfully made it through day one.

Recipe This | 7 Day Cabbage Soup Diet Plan (4)

Cabbage Soup Diet – Day 2

Its Tuesday the day of vegetables and no fruit. After starting the day with some Body Combat on You Tube it is time to tuck into the cabbage soup.

  • 8am – 2 ladles of cabbage soup
  • 1pm – 3 ladles cabbage soup
  • 6pm – 1 ladles cabbage soup

Because we can also have vegetables today, I added them to the soup to make mealtimes less boring.

With lunch I had sweet potato cubes over the soup and then for dinner I had cinnamon flavoured steamed carrots and some orange peppers.

Note, that on day 2 of the cabbage soup diet you are also allowed potatoes. This can be white or sweet, but many suggest having it for breakfast. Instead, I went with adding sweet potato cubes over my soup for lunch.

Cabbage Soup Diet – Day 3

Its Wednesday, also known as the day, when you can combine both fruits and vegetables into your meal plan.

  • 8am – 1 ladles of cabbage soup
  • 1pm – 2 ladles cabbage soup
  • 6pm – 2 ladles cabbage soup

As well as my soup I also enjoyed air fryer peppers that I cooked without oil. I also had frozen mango, strawberries, and blueberries. As well as this the hubby bought me a small fruit salad from the supermarket.

Then would you believe it, but my soup maker died on me. Right in the middle of making a batch of soup maker soup and it just went up to kitchen gadget heaven. Though, every cloud has a silver lining and Dominic ordered me the Ninja Foodi Soup Maker that I have wanted for ages.

But while I was waiting for an emergency pot of soup, I find myself bingeing on an air fryer full of fried onions. So, so hungry, but better than a carb binge I suppose.

Cabbage Soup Diet – Day 4

Its Thursday, also known as the banana day and the day I have been looking forward to all week. That is because I can have banana smoothies, banana nice cream and anything else I want that is made from bananas.

  • 8am – Banana + Banana Nice Cream
  • 1pm – 2 ladles cabbage curry soup
  • 6pm – 2 ladles cabbage curry soup

As well as my soup I also enjoyed another batch of banana nice cream in the evening and a banana smoothie.

If you have not had nice cream before, then check out our blender nice cream recipe.

Recipe This | 7 Day Cabbage Soup Diet Plan (5)

In a nutshell you blend frozen bananas to make an ice cream. It is creamy and yummy and its what many vegans and healthy eaters have in place of dairy loaded ice cream. You can also add in extra frozen fruit and some add in chocolate chips too.

Cabbage Soup Diet – Day 5

Its Friday and the next two days are fantastic for the cabbage soup diet because you can have protein. Those days of just fruit and vegetables are over for a couple of days.

  • 8am – 2 ladles cabbage soup
  • 1pm – chicken salad
  • 7pm – 2 ladles cabbage soup

It was nice to have normal food again for lunch today and I did slightly cheat. I made a salad dressing with honey, garlic puree, extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar. It was amazing and well worth it for transforming your salad. My salad also had chicken breast, avocado, cherry tomatoes and peppers in it.

Then in the evening, my final soup of the day included some chicken breast which really helped energy levels.

Recipe This | 7 Day Cabbage Soup Diet Plan (6)

Cabbage Soup Diet – Day 6

Hello day 6 and welcome to the weekend! Its also a day when you can enjoy either poultry or red meat along with vegetables.

  • 10am – 2 ladles cabbage soup
  • 1pm – sirloin steak + pumpkin
  • 7pm – topside beef + broccoli + pumpkin gravy

I also started my period today and maybe its all the fruit lately because I have no sugar cravings and don’t feel as bloated as I normally do. In fact, I feel amazing.

I thought I would enjoy some red meat with the family and the beef doesn’t disappoint. Then to get the gravy, I added pumpkin to leftover beef juices to make a gravy. Isn’t that amazing? You can read more about how I do it, in our how to thicken gravy post.

Cabbage Soup Diet – Day 7

It’s the final day! Just one last day to go before you dream about amazing weight loss and wonder if you have lost a few pounds. But why is it on the last day you want to cheat so much?

  • 8am – 2 ladles cabbage soup
  • 1pm – Brown rice + cabbage soup
  • 7pm – 2 ladles cabbage soup

I noticed that in the original cabbage soup diet that can also have brown rice on this day. Yet the more up to date versions of the cabbage soup diet don’t include it. I went with it and had some instant pot brown rice alongside one of my soup portions.

Recipe This | 7 Day Cabbage Soup Diet Plan (7)

I also made myself a late morning slush drink. Made with just frozen blueberries, ice and water it was amazing. I must do this again!

As well as that, today I cheated and had a low carb Atkins style chocolate bar which was yummy. The kids also gave me a few of their sweets.

Cabbage Soup Diet Results

As you can see from what you read above, I enjoyed banana ice cream, delicious homemade cabbage soup, cheated with fried onions, ate chocolate, and made blueberry slush drinks.

But worst of all I started my period on the 6th day and I always have weight gain with the dreaded monthly’s. This of course ruined my results.

However, I STILL managed to lose 2.35kg or 5 pounds in 7 days. Then while most people gain weight the week after I lost another 2 kg (4.4 pounds). Giving me a total cabbage soup diet before and after weight loss of 9.4 pounds.

Your Cabbage Soup Diet Plan

Now it is your turn to do the cabbage soup diet plan. I recommend you start by printing off the cabbage soup diet recipe that you plan to follow:

  • Instant Pot Detox Cabbage Soup
  • Soup Maker Cabbage Soup

And then plan when you are going to do the cabbage soup diet. I ran the cabbage soup diet from Monday to Sunday because it was easiest. But for you it might be easier to change the days around to fit in with a meal out, when you could do the chicken or protein day.

And best of luck and do tell us how much weight you lose on your cabbage soup diet.

Can’t read it now? Then pin it for later!

Recipe This | 7 Day Cabbage Soup Diet Plan (8)

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Recipe This | 7 Day Cabbage Soup Diet Plan (2024)


How much weight can you lose on the 7 day cabbage soup diet? ›

The Cabbage Soup Diet is a short-term weight loss diet. Proponents of the diet say that it can help you lose up to 10 pounds (4.5 kg) in a single week, but many health experts warn that the diet does not promote health and wellness, and results are unsustainable.

Can you drink coffee on a cabbage soup diet? ›

While there are no strict portion limits for the cabbage soup itself, you should listen to your body's hunger cues and eat until you are satisfied but not overly full. You should also remember to drink plenty of water and moderate amounts of herbal tea and black coffee to stay hydrated throughout the day.

Can you cheat on a cabbage soup diet? ›

The cabbage soup diet has low calories. Eat as much cabbage soup as you would like to keep your stamina up and drink plenty of water. If I start to feel sluggish, I cheat and have a baked sweet potato, a protein shake, or some juice.

How many bananas should you eat on the cabbage soup diet? ›

Day 3: Eat cabbage soup and raw, low fat fruits and vegetables, but no potatoes or bananas. Day 4: Eat cabbage soup, skim milk, and no more than eight bananas. Day 5: Eat cabbage soup, six tomatoes, and 565 grams of beef (or a substitute for beef, such as pork, fish, or chicken).

How many bowls of cabbage soup can you eat a day? ›

Most variations of this diet suggest that people eat this soup two to three times a day, although some variations enable the participants to consume even more of the soup. The cabbage soup used in this diet combines ingredients like broth, nonstarchy vegetables, pepper, herbs and, of course, cabbage.

How to lose 10 pounds in a week? ›

To lose 10 pounds in one week, you'll need to burn between 3,500 and 5,000 calories more than you consume each day by restricting your diet to small portions of nutritious yet low-calorie foods, and significantly increasing your aerobic exercise with interval training, sports, and other vigorous activities.

How quickly can I lose 15 pounds? ›

How long does it take to lose 15 pounds? “The safest and most sustainable timeline to lose about 15 pounds would be about two to four months,” says Jonathan Valdez, RDN, owner of Genki Nutrition and spokesperson for New York State Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Does cabbage soup burn belly fat? ›

The cabbage soup diet stimulates the body's metabolism and fat mobilization. This diet limits your calorie intake and causes your body to burn fat for energy. Low sodium, low calories, and high fiber allow you to lose weight faster if you followed a reasonable long-term dietary plan.

What can you not eat on a cabbage soup diet? ›

You cannot eat (or drink) any food or beverage that is not on the 7-day cabbage soup meal plan. This includes alcohol, most grains and bread products, sugary drinks and fruit juices, and high-fat foods.

How long can I stay on the cabbage soup diet? ›

This diet is designed to be followed for a maximum of seven days and should not be considered a long-term eating plan. It consists of homemade cabbage soup, along with specified low-calorie foods such as fruit, vegetables and skimmed milk.

Can I eat popcorn on a cabbage soup diet? ›

popcorn is just corn that is popped. conclusion: popcorn is part of the cabbage soup diet.

What is the Dolly Parton diet? ›

You may have heard of something called the Dolly Parton Diet — which consists of eating cabbage soup (yes, cabbage soup!) as your main meals along with fruit and vegetables. It's also known as the TWA Stewardess Diet and, well, the Cabbage Soup Diet.

Which soup is best for belly fat? ›

5 Best Soups That Will Help To Burn Belly Fat
  1. Vegetable soup. Lean protein from chicken combined with a variety of vegetables can make a satisfying and low-calorie soup that can help you feel full and satisfied.
  2. Chicken and vegetable soup. ...
  3. Black bean soup. ...
  4. Lentil soup. ...
  5. Tomato soup.
Nov 4, 2023

Is it healthy to eat cabbage soup everyday? ›

Very restrictive, short-term diets like the cabbage soup diet may provide initial weight loss. However, it's not sustainable and can lead to unhealthy eating patterns.

What can you eat on day 2 of the cabbage soup diet? ›

Make vegetables a big part of day two: You can eat any kind of cooked or raw vegetable as much as you like along with your soup. Try to pile up on leafy dark vegetables while avoiding those dry peas, beans and corn.

How many calories should you eat on the cabbage soup diet? ›

According to research from 2017 that looked at the use of functional foods in fad diets, the cabbage soup diet calls for eating just 1,000 calories a day or less during the first few days. (3) Throughout the rest of the week, you gradually increase your calorie intake to about 1,200 calories per day.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.