Painter & Decorator rates near you for 2024 (2024)

Painter and decorator cost per hour

Painter & Decorator rates near you for 2024 (1)

The average hourly rate for a painter and decorator in the UK is £24 per hour. If you have a small job then you will hire a painter or decorator by the hour. Ask them if there are any other charges such as; call out, parking, materials and collection etc. You can ask for an estimate for the job over the phone or a full quote so you know exactly how much you will pay (this will probably require an extra visit possibly with a call out cost). Choosing a local painter and decorator with low overheads will save you money.

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Painter and decorator cost per day

The average day rate for a painter and decorator in the UK is £170 per day. Rates can vary depending on where you live and we have painters and decorators in all areas of the UK that charge from £120 to £400 per day. London and the South East tend to charge more and sole traders who are not VAT registered charge less .If you have a large painting or decorating project like painting a house or wallpapering a room in your home then you should get an agreed quote based on day rates. Don’t forget that you will have to pay for the paint etc. but they will be able to purchase it for you on a trade account.

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Choosing a painter and decorator

Painting and decorating a room or an entire house can totally transform your living area and add value onto your home. When choosing a Painter & Decorator try to get a few quotes so you have a feel for the price of the job. You will sometimes get widely different quotes so it might be best to get another to just make sure you are paying the right price. Ask if your Painter & Decorator is VAT registered so there are no hidden extras. Insist on being given a ‘written quote’ to avoid disputes over payment and job expectations at the end of the project. Almost all painters and decorators will expect payment on completion and normally by bank transfer. Having an invoice for work completed is something handy to refer to and keep. Sole traders working alone tend to have lower rates than established companies. So if the budget is tight you can find a cheaper alternative out there.

When receiving a quote, discuss if the quote includes materials or what materials you still need to purchase. If you looking for ways to save money and the quote includes materials, ask if it will be cheaper for you to source them yourself to avoid any mark-up for collection costs from the painter and decorator, although they may get better trade discounts on materials (such as paints, solvents, rollers…) than you can.

Ask to see recommendations from previous clients and if you can contact them ask if they recommend them to you. Also ask to see ‘before and after’ projects of work carried out that are similar to your project. It is important to know before the job commences, what kind of protection you might have so do ask if the painter and decorator will offer any guarantee on workmanship and check if they are insured in case any accidents occur while working in your home.

Around now it should be made clear to you if the painter and decorator will be using a sub-contractor or bringing a colleague around as you will want to know who will be working in your home and if you are paying extra labour charges. If you live in an area where parking or other vehicle access charges are made make sure you agree whether these are included as over a long period these costs can add up.

Painter and decorator costs

Cost to paint a double room

Depending on the preparation required, and if you need to paint the ceiling and wood, the cost of painting a double room based on an average daily rate of £170 per day should be between £300 and £400. This also depends on the price of the paint you choose and if there is access to all the walls. If you are choosing Farrow and Ball for example you will need to pay extra. Alternatively, you can get your Farrow and Ball paint mixed at Johnstones or Dulux decorating centres to save money.

Cost of painting a 3 bedroom house

Despite the initial bigger outlay of cash it will work out cheaper overall to have the painter and decorator do multiple rooms in one project rather than numerous small projects of single rooms at a time. To paint a 3 bedroom house for example it will cost approximately £1100 based on a daily rate of £170 per day. This is because paint takes time to dry and the decorator can be busy prepping and painting other rooms while he is waiting up to 4 hours for a wall surface to dry.

Decorator Tips

  • Remember when painting walls, it is a good idea to stretch the budget to include painting the woodwork and doors. Against fresh paint the woodwork can suddenly look grotty.
  • Point out any walls that may need to be repaired, eg plastering, before painting or walls that first need wallpaper removed.
  • Point out any stains or damp marks so the repair work can be added to the initial quote rather than a surprise on the end bill.
  • Ask the decorator to recommend the ‘best value paint brands’ to suit the colours you want and the surfaces you want painted. Discuss how light or dark colours or patterns you are considering might affect a room e.g. whether a room is south or north facing.

Costs to paint a room or wallpaper a wall

Painter & Decorator rates near you for 2024 (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.