New Game+ (2024)

New Game Plus or "New Game+" is a recurring feature in the Fire Emblem series. After playing a game to completion, the player may start a New Game+ with extra features and additional bonuses made available.

First introduced to the franchise through the spin-off Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE, the first main series Fire Emblem game to feature a New Game Plus mechanic was Fire Emblem: Three Houses.


  • 1 Appearances
    • 1.1 Fire Emblem: Three Houses
    • 1.2 Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
    • 1.3 Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE (Encore)


Fire Emblem: Three Houses[]

Upon completing a playthrough, a Sothis mark will appearon the game file andthe player will begiven the option to start aNew Game+ playthrough over the same save slot.

The game will retain the following progress from previous playthroughs into the next one:

The followingfeatures are available in New Game+:

  • New appearance options become available via the journal in Byleth's room. However, the player can only change the appearance of units that they have currently recruited.
    • Characters can be switched freely between their pre-and-post timeskip default appearances. This also applies to DLC costumes.
    • Edelgard, Claude, and Dimitri have alternative hair styles that can be accessed after choosing their respective routes.
  • Renown gains additional purpose outside of the Saint Statues. In Byleth's room, the player can access their Journal in order to purchase useful advantages that they earned from previous playthroughs:
    • Byleth's highest Professor Rank.
    • Byleth's support rank witheach character.
    • Skills obtained through Class Mastery.
    • Special Crest items that grant them the power of specific crests to whoever holds them.
  • Renown is also gained upon beginning of a new New Game+ file based upon the difficulty of the previous playthrough, scaling up to about 125,000 renown when starting from a Maddening file.
  • The amiibo Gazebo also gains new functionality in a New Game+if a Fire Emblem amiibo has been scanned. When accessed, the player can choose to scan amiibo figures as usual, or be transported to the Holy Tomb. The Holy Tomb features rare item and ingredient spawns, and Sothis can also be found here until the end of Chapter 10, upon which she will be replaced with the opposite gender Byleth. By interacting with Sothis or NPC Byleth, Byleth will gain a special New Game+ combat ability, the Sothis Shield.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes[]

The New Game+ appears as an option on the game's main menu after finishing the game and saving game-clear data. Completing the game also unlocks the ability to play the game on Maddening difficulty. Data for the protagonist will be carried over during the second battle (Chapter 1), while all other data will be carried over during the third battle (Chapter 2). The main exception is the Merc Whistle, which will be lost if unused before starting New Game+. However, the bonus accessories obtained from trading the Merc Whistle are kept.

The game will retain the following progress from previous playthroughs into the next one:

  • Character levels (on a per unit basis)
  • Support levels
  • Class levels
  • Unlocked equipment and unique accessories
  • Gold
  • Renown points
  • Base Camp facilities' upgrades.

The following features are available in New Game+:

  • The Record Master, unlocked after beating Chapter 4 in the main story as in a standard New Game, now allows the player to replay any battle from any completed route with any unit ever acquired.
  • Equipment and Crest items are added to the renown exchange.
  • Unlockable units can be purchased from the renown exchange: These characters start at level 50, and cannot be used in story battles, be trained, or interacted with in camp. However, they can gain experience in auxiliary battles, trade their weapons with other characters and acquire new classes via the Training Grounds.
  • The Vanguard Whistle can be purchased: This item can be used on the War Map to skip most territory battles while still receiving strategy resources, capture reward, and access to the surveying spots in that territory. However, this does not work on battles that contain quest restrictions, nor the final battle of a chapter.

If a New Game+ is started after completing two playthroughs, the Gatekeeper will be added to the roster at the start of Chapter 5: Unlike the other unlockable characters, the Gatekeeper is a member of the player's force in the game's story. He also has his own Paralogue battle, and can engage in Base Camp activities like the Training Grounds, sharing meals, and going on Expeditions, but he does not have Support Conversations.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE (Encore)[]

Upon loading a completed playthrough save, the player will be given prompts to select a difficulty first. With the exception of Lunatic Mode, the player can choose to bring all available bonuses or choose to only bring select few bonuses for their next playthrough. A New Game+ save file will be labeled as "Season #", with # indicating the current playthrough. (i.e. "Season 2" if New Game+ is used for the first time, "Season 3" for the second time and so on). This is important for completion, as some achievements can only be obtained in New Game+.

The things that automatically carry over from playthrough to playthrough include:

  • Play records and rewards earned.
  • Unlocked Shop Stock
  • Artwork collected from the Anzu Tokyo Store.
  • Analysis information on previously-defeated enemies (excluding bosses' stats).
  • The ability to reforge Carnages (normally unlocked in chapter 4).
  • Urahara Arena titles.
  • Unlocked Costumes.
  • Trophies
  • Overall Playtime

The optional data that can be kept or reset when starting a new game (except on Lunatic mode, where all optional data will automatically reset), includes:

  • Experience and levels
  • Stage Ranks
  • Carnages
  • Accessories
  • Items (Performa, Arena Coins, and story-critical Key Items will be lost regardless)
  • Map progress
  • Money

The following additional bonuses apply if a New Game+ is begun in any way after defeating the final boss at least once:

  • The player can select Lunatic Mode. Only your achievements, costumes, trophies and overall playtime carry over if you select this difficulty.
  • A new "Legendary" difficulty in the Urahara Arena will be unlocked: This difficulty awards the player with War Testament Performa at certain point thresholds, which can be used to create/strengthen the strongest carnages for each character.
  • A secret boss battle is accessible upon meeting certain prerequisites, as well as Requests 49 and 50, with Request 50 being said boss battle.
  • The player will gain the ability to buy certain Carnages.
  • An additional costume for Itsuki should the player get the best ending during the epilogue, which in turn unlocks his Best Dressed Play Record. This is unlocked after the first battle.
  • The following features are exclusive to the Wii U version, as the Encore version makes them available in a regular playthrough instead:
    • A Tiki costume will become available at the Anzu lottery.
    • The ability to rewatch cutscenes.
  • The following features are exclusive to Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore:
    • The ability to swap Itsuki out of the active party.
    • Itsuki can learn the Radiant Skill, Open Audition, which in turn unlocks his Radiant Star Play Record.

Other Characters

Flame Emperor ArmyFlame Emperor - Death Knight - Metodey
Those Who Slither in the DarkThales - Solon - Kronya - Cornelia - Myson - Odesse - Bias - Chilon - Pittacus
ThievesKostas - Miklan - Pallardó
Royalty & NobilityAcheron - Baron Dominic - Baron Ochs - Christophe - Claudia - Count Charon - Count Ordelia - Count Rowe - Derick - Duke Gerth - Emile - Erwin - Fleche - Glenn - Godfrey - Grégoire - Gwendal - Holst - Ionius IX - Judith - Klaus I - Kyphon - Ladislava - Lambert - Leopold - Lonato - Loog - Ludwig - Lycaon I - Lycaon III - Margrave Edmund - Marquis Vestra - Matthias - Nader - Oswald - Pan - Patricia - Randolph - Rodrigue - Rufus - Tiana - Volkhard - Waldemar - Wilhelm I - Viscount Kleiman
DivinesGoddess - Seiros - Sitri - Nemesis
Four SaintsCethleann - Cichol - Indech - Macuil
Ten ElitesBlaiddyd - Charon - Daphnel - Dominic - Fraldarius - Gautier - Gloucester - Goneril - Lamine - Riegan - Maurice
Four ApostlesAubin - Chevalier - Noa - Timotheos
Children of the GoddessLuca - Iris - Chevalier - Bernhard - Gajus - Wilhelm - Marcelle - Simone


Adrestian EmpireAegir - Airmid River - Arundel - Bergliez - Boramas - Brionac Plateau - Enbarr - Fódlan's Fangs - Fort Merceus - Gronder Field - Hevring - Hrym - Mach - Morgaine Ravine - Nuvelle - Ochs - Remire Village - Rusalka - Southern Church - Varley
Holy Kingdom of FaerghusArianrhod - Charon - Conand Tower - Dominic - Fhirdiad - Fraldarius - Galatea - Gaspard - Gautier - Gideon - Itha Plains - Kleiman - Lake Teutates - Magdred Way - Mateus - Rhodos Coast - Rowe - Sacred Gwenhwyvar - Tailtean Plains - Western Church
Leicester AllianceAilell - Daphnel - Derdriu - Eastern Church - Edmund - Fódlan's Locket - Fódlan's Throat - Gloucester - Goneril - Great Bridge of Myrddin - Kupala - Ordelia - Sauin Village
Other Locations in FódlanAbyss - Barg Mae - Caledonian Plateau - Garreg Mach Monastery - LibraryOfficers Academy - Oghma Mountains - Shadow Library - Shambhala - Zanado
Other LandsAgartha - Albinea - Almyra - Blue Sea Star - Brigid - Dagda - Duscur - Morfis - Nabatea - Sreng - Zahras


Part I: White CloudsP An Inevitable Encounter - C1 Three Houses - C2 Familiar Scenery - C3 Mutiny in the Mist - C4 The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth - C5 Tower of Black Winds - C6 Rumors of a Reaper - C7 Field of the Eagle and Lion - C8 The Flame in the Darkness - C9 The Cause of Sorrow - C10 Where the Goddess Dwells - C11 Throne of Knowledge
Part II: Crimson FlowerC12 Outset of a Power Struggle - C13 Beyond Escape - C14 The Master Tactician - C15 Tempest of Swords and Shields - C16 Lady of Deceit - C17 Field of Revenge - C18 To the End of a Dream
Part II: Azure MoonC12 To War - C13 Reunion at Dawn - C14 The Delusional Prince - C15 Valley of Torment - C16 The Rose-Colored River - C17 Blood of the Eagle and Lion - C18 The King's Triumphant Return - C19 The Golden Deer's Plea - C20 The Impregnable Fortress - C21 Our Chosen Paths - C22 Oath of the Dagger
Part II: Verdant WindC12 To War - C13 Reunion at Dawn - C14 The Alliance Leader's Ambitions - C15 Valley of Torment - C16 The Rose-Colored River - C17 Blood of the Eagle and Lion - C18 The Golden Scheme - C19 The Chaos of War - C20 Conclusion of the Crossing Roads - C21 The City Without Light - C22 Fódlan's New Dawn
Part II: Silver SnowC12 To War - C13 Reunion at Dawn - C14 A King Without a Kingdom - C15 Valley of Torment - C16 The Rose-Colored River - C17 The Impregnable Fortress - C18 The Chaos of War - C19 Conclusion of the Crossing Roads - C20 The City Without Light - C21 Following a Dream
Sidestory: Cindered ShadowsC1 The Fourth House - C2 What Lies Beneath - C3 The Rite of Rising - C4 Danger in the Dark - C5 Betrayal - C6 Return to Me - C7 Wolf Pack
ParaloguesWar for the Weak - Land of the Golden Deer - Rumored Nuptials - The Forgotten - Sword and Shield of Seiros - Tales Of the Red Canyon - True Chivalry - Death Toll - Oil and Water - An Ocean View - Falling Short of Heaven - Dividing the World - Weathervanes of Fódlan - Insurmountable - Darkness Beneath The Earth - Legend of the Lake - Foreign Land and Sky - Forgotten Hero - The Face Beneath - Eternal Guardian - Retribution - The Sleeping Sand Legend - The Silver Maiden - The Secret Merchant - A Cursed Relic - Black Market Scheme


Pre-TimeskipBolstering Forces - A Visit to Jeralt - Leading the Charge - Know your Enemy - No Stone Unturned - Informal Introductions - Tending to the Saints - Creative Cuisines - A Passion for Music - Fresh Catch - Green Thumb Beginnings - Share a Bite - Lost? Found! - Only the Bold - Tea for Two - Forge the Way - Learning from the Best - Words of Wisdom - Herbal Remedies - Troubling Rumors - In Hiding - Fishing Tournament - Catherine's Request and Shamir's Request - Missing Students - Adventures in Wood Carving - Special Delivery - Carried Away - Secret Messenger - Herbs Fit for a Horse - Maintaining Your Training - Banish the Bandits - The Best of the Best - The Cream of the Crop - Clearing the Way - Something to Prove - Esteemed Company
Post-TimeskipSupply Run - Fishing for the Big One - Dealing with Deserters - Pirates in the North - A Piece of History - Undercover Commerce - The Secret Shop - Floral Tribute - Worried Warrior - Fighting Alongside Death
DLCAbyss Rumor - Anna's Heirloom - Feline and Canine Friends - Flowers for Her - Learning to Teach - Sauna Time - A Servant's Essentials - A Question of Conduct - A Peculiar Trend - Roster Retrieval - Thieves at the Throat - Divining Destinies - Banned Books


Main StoryP: Reincarnation - C1: A Star is Born - C2: Head over Heels for Her - C3: The Next Generation - C4: The Audition - C5: True Colors - C6: Fire Emblem - E: The Long Goodbye
Side StoriesTsubasa (Meet-and-Greet Pressure - Opening Your Heart - A Wind Colored Tsubasa) - Touma (Thrust to the Future - Touma in Leopard Print - The Hero Awakens) - Kiria (Poker Face - Not a Girl - Kiria in Wonderland ) - Eleonora (Read, Chat, Fall in Love - Princess of Horror - Blast Away Hollywood) - Mamori (Steel Heart - Fortuna Family's Sisters - Golden Child/Monster) - Yashiro (The Hungry Man - Dangerous Relations - Final Act) - Maiko (Booze and the Boss - Lost Memories - Godmother) - Barry (Only You - Troublesome Duo - Barry Forever) - Tiki (I'll Tiki-Tiki You (For Reals) - Coffee and Donuts - Sleepless in Shibuya)
EX Story (Encore Exclusive)EX1: Rolling Star - EX2: What About Love - EX3: Stay Gold

Related Media

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[view]Game Mechanics


MenuAdjutant - Attack - Augury - Battle Save - Bookmark - Capture - Direct - Dismount - Dragon Vein - Order - Pair Up - Rally - Rescue - Scout - Talk - Trade - Visit - Wait
BattleAccuracy - Attack Stance - Battle Bonuses - Battle Flow - Battle Formulas - Break - Buff - Class Bonus - Combination bonus - Critical Evade - Critical hit - Debuff - Dual System - Engage - Evade - Follow-Up Attack - Guard Stance - Hit Rate - Revival Stone - Smash Weapon - S-Rank Bonus - Trinity of Magic - Weapon Triangle
UnitAlly Units - Avatar - Battle Style - Bond Units - Bonus Experience - Capacity - Class Change (Reclassing - Certification Exam - Promotion Branching) - Decoy - Einherjar - Enemy Units - Equipment - Experience points - Fatigue - Hero - Other Units - Player Units - Rarity - Replacement character - Skills - Substitute character - Support (Bond Support - Child Character - Love System - Jealousy System) - Transformation gauge - Tutoring - Unit Type (Armored Unit - Beast Unit - Dragon Unit - Flying Unit - God Unit - Horseback Unit - Infantry Unit - Monster Unit) - Weapon Art
Play ModesCasual Mode - Classic Mode - Elite Mode - Hard Mode - Lunatic Mode - Lunatic Reverse Mode - Lunatic+ Mode - New Game+ - Phoenix Mode
ObjectivesDefeat the Boss - Defend - Escape - Protect - Rout the Enemy - Seize - Survive
GeneralAlly Phase - Barracks - Base Conversation - Base - Brigade - Chapter - Defeat Condition - Double Duel - Dungeons - Enemy Phase - Engrave - Event Tile - Everyone's Conditions - Fishing - Fog of War - Forge Cards - Forge Points - Forge - Gaiden chapter - Gold - HP Drain - Hidden Treasure - Home Castle - Hubba Tester - Link Arena - My Castle (Mess Hall - Accessory Shop - Lottery Shop - Prison) - Online Shop - Other Phase - Player Phase - Preference - Quests - Random Number Generator - Ranking - Reinforcements - Renown - Saint Statues - Seasons - Skirmish - Somniel (Farmyard - Fortune Teller Hut - My Room - Ring Chamber - Tower of Trials - Wyvern Ride) - Sound Room - SpotPass - StreetPass - Supply Convoy - Terrain - Town - Turn Rewinding - Unit Logbook - Victory Condition - WiFi battle - World Map - amiibo
New Game+ (2024)
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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.