make your own simpsons character
The Simpsons have alwaysbeen an all-time favorite TV cartoon series. Since its inception, people havealways had different ways and platforms that they can use to show how much theyare a fan of the series. In the past, it was not uncommon to see people walkingwith branded T-shirts of one of the members of the Simpson family. This was thesame case for dolls and other portable items or keepsakes that could bemanufactured at the time. In the present world, technology has made everythingchange. As a result, people are able to relate with their favorite simpsonize me in both a physical and digital platform.
make your own simpson character
Even though the series was popular a long timeago, it is currently still popular with the new generation and the generationbefore it. The older generation who were and still enjoying the series haveproven to be more likely to warm up to the available fan base options that thanthe newer generation that is warming up to the cartoon show. With this in mind,it is currently possible to make you own Simpsons character either offline oronline. If you are making it online, you will need to follow a few proceduresand selecting the best method for your preferences. On the other hand, theoffline option is quite easy as all you have to do is get a guide on the same.So how would you start going about doing either?
simpsons character generator
The best advice would be to get an insight onhow you can make these characters effectively. Keep in mind that the maincharacters, namely the Simpsons family, are the priority you should take intoconsideration. As much as they are not all equally popular, there will beenough attention for each character in terms of their availability. With thisin mind, it should not be very hard to come up with or make your own simpsons character. The following are two different ways to go about it.
Designinga Simpsons Style Character
Despite popular belief, it is very easy tocome up with your own Simpsons character. The following is some steps that youcan use to not only draw a character from the cartoon series, but to also drawsomeone crazy!
simpsons character maker
Start by drawing the nose. It is usuallyachieved by drawing a backward C. Once it is done, you can know draw the toplip. This is done by drawing something similar to a backward L. Make sure itstarts just below the tip of the nose if you want your character to come outwell. The bottom lip should be drawn next and it should be done by drawingsomething that is like the bottom right quarter of a circle. The best effectcan be achieved by making sure it starts midway along the top lip’s bottom. Youcan then draw a circle for the eye.
make a simpsons character
Even though the circle should be a littlelarger than the nose, it should not be too big. The second eye should be drawnto the right of the first. Not only will such a move make the characters more realistic,but it will also ensure you draw all characters differently. Ensure that whenyou are drawing the second eye it should look like it is slightly behind thefirst eye and nose. Finish by inserting pupils, which should basically be smalldots in the eyes.
simpson character generator
Drawing the hairline is the next step. Keep inmind that Simpson style heads stick out at the back and are very rounded at thetop. The hairline will also be different for each character. Check to see ifthe character’s hair covers the ear. If it does not, it will be time to drawthe ear too. The ear should look like a small forward C that has a smaller Cinside. It should be at the same level as the bottom of the nose. Once you havecompleted the hairline, it will be time to draw the rest of the hair. Do notworry if it does not come out natural. For example, in real life you would notcome across hair like Marge’s.
simpsons caricature
The neck is next if you want to make a simpsons character properly. It should consist of two mainly vertical, but slightlycurved lines. The best place to begin is at the far left of the bottom jaw /lip. If you are drawing a character with short hair, you should also startdrawing the back of the head. To get the idea of the right shape try looking ata picture of Homer’s head. The next step is the neckline. It will be determinedby the type of top the character is wearing. The easiest way to go about itwould be drawing a line, slightly curved, joining a side of the neck to theother.
make simpsons character
At this point, you should draw the front partof the torso and part of the arm. When you are about to draw the rest of the handand arm, take note that Simpson characters have a thumb and three fingers. Sinceit is quite challenging to draw them, it would be advisable to have their handsin the pocket for the first few characters. Simply draw a line at an angle atthe bottom of their arm. Draw the rest oftheir T-shirts and their back. It is quite simple in that if your character ifyour character is wearing a cat suit or a dress, you do not have to draw in thebottom of the top.
turn yourself into a simpson character
The legs and trousers come next. It can bedone using two vertical lines for males which should be practically straight. Forfemale adults, shape should be a little emphasized depending on the clothesthey are wearing. Dresses and skirts are easy enough to draw. The knees shouldnot be overly defined if they are wearing shorts or a shot skirt. They are notoverly defined, but are simple in that they have a short line to shadow and havea slight indentation at the sides. Defining the two legs can be done by drawinga straight-line the flick to the top-right (ensure you part the way up if yourcharacter is wearing trousers. The flick should be curved for a character likehomer, and it should extend to meet his stomach’s remainder. Finish by drawingthe shoes which look similar to triangles with a curved hypotenuse.
make a simpson character
Make sure you color in by ensuring the character’sskin is yellow (orangey brown is the color for Indian and Asian characters). Thereare other things you should try adding such as high heels for Marge, slouch forHomer, jewelry for either Marge or Lisa and facial hair for Homer. You can alsoconsider adding a name for your character and making a personality for him /her. If you find this to be too much work, you should opt to use the ‘create anavatar’ option on the official Simpsons movie website.
Usingsoftware to create Simpsons characters
If you are thinking of creating Simpsons charactersusing an application or software, you will need to look for a simpsons character generator. A good character generator is one that will allow you togenerate the character of your choice. There are plenty of such generatorsonline and finding one should not be a problem. Usually, they are two maintypes of character generators; online and offline. The online version can beused to create characters for fun and allow you download them to your computer.The only downside with such a platform is that you will always need to have aninternet connection for it to work. The offline version works in a similarfashion as the online platform, but you will not need an internet connectionfor it to work.
make simpson character
The online version of a simpsons character maker is usually limited, but efficient. You will have to start by getting agood photo of yourself. A good photo should be one that has a clear background.For example, the background should be preferably of a single color, with white,light blue and similar hues being the best. Avoid photos with multiple colorbackgrounds as they may interfere with the whole character generation process. Thebest option would be taking a full body sized photo, similar to one that youwould use for a job application. In some cases, an online version will requireyou to meet some guidelines. This is normally in terms of the amount of pixelsrequired and size of photo in megabytes.
simpsons make your own character
Once you have made sure your photo meets therequirements, you can now start uploading it. The time it takes to upload willbe determined by the internet connection you have. Since most people use 3G or4G networks, you should not have to wait for more than a minute for your phototo be uploaded. An effective Simpsons’ character maker should not take morethan a minute to upload your photo. Afterthe photo has been uploaded, you will now need to choose the character youwould like. At this point, it would be prudent to choose a character that hasthe same gender as you. If you are female, choose either Lisa or Marge. If youare male, you should opt for Bart or Homer. Take note that these are just themain characters in the cartoon series. You will find that you can easily chooseother characters as long as they are available in your particular Simpsons’character generator.
build your own simpsons character
The next step is clicking ‘create’ or ‘start’or the option that your generator uses to start making your character. Thisprocess may take some time depending on your network speed as well as theapplication you are using. Making a simpsons caricature using your imageshould be s easy as that. Take note that not all online platforms are userfriendly. Some may be able to give you what you want while others may bechallenging to use. It may be wise to go through a few before you make adecision on the generator you are going to use to make simpsons character.
The offline method is the other option you canuse to turn yourself into a Simpsons character. In this case, you will have tostart by downloading the application. There are numerous applications onlinethat are used to create caricature characters. All you have to do is find onethat will not only suit your needs, but it is also effective. Since the taskmay be a bit challenging, it would be wise to have information on the ways youcan make the process as easy as possible. One way to go about this would belooking at reviews from previous users. Such reviews are quite helpful as theywill give you an idea of how to go about the whole process. Reviews written byprevious users have information such as the ease of using the application, itseffectiveness and so forth. This information should be used to make yourdecision.
Once you have found an application that youcan use, check out the process needed to turn yourself into a simpson character. It should not be difficult as long as you know your way around acomputer. Most of the applications are easy to use and you can start creatingyour Simpsons cartoon character with ease. In case you get stranded, theapplications have a help option that you can use to guide yourself through thewhole process. You will need to ensure you have the photo you want to use inyour computer. This photo should be uploaded to the application then used togenerate the character of your choice. The offline method is one of the best asit can ensure you make a simpson character effectively.
Tipsto consider
Whether you choose the offline or onlinemethod, you should not have any trouble generating any of the availableSimpsons characters. In some cases you may find that the option you have chosenwill not allow you to make simpson character of your choice. Some of thecharacters are not very popular and they may not have been included by thedevelopers of the program. To avoid such a situation, you should make sure youcheck and find out if the program you want to use actually has the characteryou want. You will discover that the minority of the programs are the ones thathave each and every character that has appeared in the Simpsons cartoon series.
Another thing you should take intoconsideration when you want to start simpsons make your own character endeavoris the systems requirements of the application. Although most programs willrequire any Pentium 4 or higher computer and any operating system, you may findthat some may require a certain graphics standard. The system requirements willinform you the display requirements that the program requires. This informationshould be taken into consideration as it will determine if the application willwork on your computer or not. It is not difficult to build your own simpsons character. If you follow any of the three options above, you should be able tocreate one successfully. Consulting forums, social media sites and any otheronline materials available about the Simpsons cartoon series can help you speedup the process.