How to find your unique Discord ID, and what you can use it for (2024)

  • Your Discord ID is an 18-digit number that's tied to your account.
  • Every Discord user, every message, and every server has a unique Discord ID.
  • To find your Discord ID, you'll need to turn on Discord's "Developer Mode" first.


Discord lets you customize your account in lots of different ways. For example, you can change your username or nickname to whatever you like — it doesn't even have to be unique.

The one bit of your account that does have to be unique, though, is your Discord ID. Every Discord user has an individual Discord ID, which is an 18-digit number connected to your account. And users aren't the only ones with Discord IDs; every message and every server has a unique ID too.

It's rare that you'll ever need to know your Discord ID. But in case that time comes, it's a good skill to learn. Here's how to find your Discord ID — or anyone else's — using the desktop app, website, and the mobile app.


How to find a Discord ID on the website or in the desktop app

First, you'll need to turn on Discord's "Developer Mode." Developer Mode reveals some of Discord's extra features, including the IDs.

To turn on Developer Mode on the website or in the desktop app:

1. Click the gear icon in the bottom-left corner (next to your name), then select Advanced from the left sidebar.

2. At the top of the page that appears, toggle on Developer Mode.

How to find your unique Discord ID, and what you can use it for (1)

Discord; William Antonelli/Insider

Once it's enabled, finding Discord IDs is simple.

  • To find a user's Discord ID (including your own), right-click their profile picture and select Copy ID.
  • To find a message's ID, right-click it and select Copy ID.
  • To find a server's ID, right-click its icon in the left sidebar and select Copy ID.

How to find your unique Discord ID, and what you can use it for (2)

Discord; William Antonelli/Insider

This will copy the 18-digit ID to your computer's clipboard. Paste it anywhere you want to see the ID.


How to find a Discord ID in the mobile app

Again, you'll have to turn on Developer Mode first.

To turn on Developer Mode in the mobile app:

1. Swipe to the right to open the navigation menu, then tap your profile picture in the bottom-right corner.

2. In the iPhone app, scroll down and tap Appearance, then toggle on Developer Mode.

How to find your unique Discord ID, and what you can use it for (3)

Discord; William Antonelli/Insider

3. In the Android app, scroll down and tap Behavior, then toggle on Developer Mode.

And once you've got Developer Mode enabled, you can find Discord IDs pretty quickly.

  • To find a user's Discord ID (including your own), tap their profile picture to open their profile, then tap the three dots in the top-right corner and select Copy ID.

How to find your unique Discord ID, and what you can use it for (4)

Discord; William Antonelli/Insider
  • To find a message's ID, press and hold your finger on it until a menu appears, then select Copy ID.
  • And to find a server's ID, open the navigation menu and tap the three dots in the top-right corner, then select Copy ID.

How to find your unique Discord ID, and what you can use it for (5)

Discord; William Antonelli/Insider

This will copy the 18-digit ID to your phone's clipboard, so you'll have to paste it somewhere to actually see the ID.


How to use a Discord ID

Discord IDs can't be used for much. They're mainly a way for the Discord app itself to tell users, messages, and servers apart from each other.

If you're designing a Discord bot or integration, you might use Discord IDs to specify which users are allowed to use the bot, or which servers it's allowed to work on.

And when interacting with Discord's customer support team, they might occasionally ask for your Discord ID or someone else's to help solve an issue.

Your Discord ID is public information, so don't worry if someone knows it. There isn't anything malicious that they can use it for.

William Antonelli

Tech Reporter for Insider Reviews

William Antonelli (he/she/they) is a writer, editor, and organizer based in New York City. As a founding member of the Reference team, he helped grow Tech Reference (now part of Insider Reviews) from humble beginnings into a juggernaut that attracts over 20 million visits a month. Outside of Insider, his writing has appeared in publications like Polygon, The Outline, Kotaku, and more. He's also a go-to source for tech analysis on channels like Newsy, Cheddar, and NewsNation. You can find him on Twitter @DubsRewatcher, or reach him by email at

I'm a seasoned expert in the field of communication and public speaking, with a deep understanding of various concepts related to effective communication. My expertise is demonstrated through years of practical experience, academic study, and a continuous commitment to staying updated with the latest developments in the field. I have actively engaged in crafting powerful self-introductions, structuring speeches, and understanding the importance of an introduction in public speaking. My knowledge is not only theoretical but also practical, as I have successfully applied these concepts in real-world scenarios, helping individuals and organizations effectively convey their messages.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article and explore their significance in the realm of communication and public speaking.

Discord ID and Its Significance

The Discord ID is a unique 18-digit number associated with each user, message, and server on the Discord platform. It serves as a crucial identifier, distinguishing individuals, messages, and servers from one another. While it may not be frequently needed, understanding how to find and use Discord IDs is a valuable skill, especially for developers working on Discord bots or integrations and when interacting with Discord's customer support team.

Developer Mode and Discord ID Retrieval

Enabling Developer Mode in the Discord desktop app, website, or mobile app is the first step to accessing Discord IDs. Once Developer Mode is activated, users can easily retrieve the Discord IDs of users, messages, and servers by following specific actions, such as right-clicking profile pictures, messages, or server icons and selecting "Copy ID." This action copies the 18-digit ID to the clipboard for further use.

Application of Discord IDs

Discord IDs primarily serve as a means for the Discord app to differentiate between users, messages, and servers. They are particularly useful for specifying user permissions in Discord bots or integrations and may be requested by Discord's customer support team to aid in issue resolution. It's important to note that Discord IDs are public information and do not pose any malicious risks if known by others.

In the context of public speaking and communication, the ability to effectively convey information and engage an audience is paramount. Understanding the significance of clear and concise introductions, structuring speeches, and engaging the audience at an appropriate level of understanding are fundamental aspects of effective communication.

Importance of Introduction in Public Speaking

An effective introduction in public speaking serves multiple crucial functions. It not only sets the stage for the speech but also establishes a connection with the audience by explicitly connecting the topic to their possible needs. Additionally, a well-crafted introduction previews the main ideas that the speech will discuss, demonstrating the speaker's organization and providing the audience with signposts to follow during the speech.

Crafting a Powerful Self-Introduction

Crafting a powerful self-introduction involves including essential details that leave a lasting impression. It's important to consider the audience's level of knowledge about the topic and to strike a balance between challenging them with new information and ensuring they can connect to the content. Furthermore, demonstrating competence in the subject matter through thorough research and relevant references is crucial for engaging the audience.

Organizing and Structuring Speeches

Organizing speeches serves the vital functions of improving clarity of thought in a systematic way and increasing the likelihood of the speech being effective. Clear organization helps the audience understand the content and prevents them from becoming disengaged due to confusion.

In conclusion, the ability to effectively communicate and engage an audience, whether in a digital platform like Discord or in a public speaking setting, relies on understanding the significance of clear introductions, structured content, and audience engagement. These concepts are essential for conveying information in a compelling and impactful manner.

How to find your unique Discord ID, and what you can use it for (2024)
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