How to Describe a Picture in English - Video (2024)

1. Summarize What You See

What’s the best way to start your description?

Start with a summary, giving a general description of what’s in the picture and what you can see.

It’s useful to imagine that the person you’re talking to can’t see the picture. Think: what does the other person need to know? What do you need to say so that other people can understand what’s in the picture?

Let’s do an example.

How to Describe a Picture in English - Video (1)

You want to summarize what you see in one or two simple sentences. How could you do that?

You could say:

  • There are several small boats next to a beach.
  • The picture shows a beach, with many small boats in the water nearby.

Simple summaries like this make it easy to understand the general contents of the picture.

Let’s do one more:

How to Describe a Picture in English - Video (2)

What could you say here?

Here are some possible answers:

  • There are three people cooking in a kitchen.
  • The picture shows three young friends cooking together.

Okay, now it’s your turn. Here’s another picture:

How to Describe a Picture in English - Video (3)

You need to make a summary of what you see.

You can use these phrases:

  • There is…
  • There are…
  • The picture shows…

Pause the video, and make one or two sentences. You can write down your answers if you want.

Okay, after your summary, you can start giving more detail about what you see in the picture.

2. Talking About Where Things Are

To start giving detail, you can talk about where things are in the picture.

Here’s some useful language to help you do this:

How to Describe a Picture in English - Video (4)

Let’s do an example.

How to Describe a Picture in English - Video (5)

You could say:

  • On the left, there’s a girl with dark, curly hair. She’s holding half a cauliflower.
  • In the middle, there’s a man who’s chopping vegetables.
  • At the bottom, we can see a counter with many different vegetables on it.

When talking about photos, you might also need the phrases:

  • In the background…
  • In the foreground…

For example:

How to Describe a Picture in English - Video (6)

  • In the foreground, there’s a sandy beach with three metal anchors on it.
  • In the middle, there are several small boats, which are close to the beach.
  • In the background, we can see the blue sea stretching to the horizon.

Let’s put all of this language together in another example:

How to Describe a Picture in English - Video (7)

Think first: what could you say about this picture?

Okay, let’s look at what you could say:

  • On the left, there’s a cat sitting on a table.
  • On the right, there’s a man standing, though we can’t see his face.
  • In the background, we can see blue sky and snowy mountains.

Now it’s your turn! Here’s a picture:

How to Describe a Picture in English - Video (8)

Pause the video, and make at least three sentences. Use the useful language you saw in this section.

Again, you can write your sentences down if you want to!

Okay? What’s next?

3. Adding More Detail to Your Description

Now, the person you’re talking to should have a good general idea about what’s in the picture you’re describing, and where things are.

Next, you should start describing your picture in more detail.

Let’s look at a picture you’ve seen before:

How to Describe a Picture in English - Video (9)

When adding detail, don’t try to describe everything in the picture. It’s not necessary or useful. You should add detail to the most important parts of the picture.

So, for this picture, what do you think the most important parts are?

Probably, the person who took this photo took it because of the people. So, you should focus your description on the two people.

Think: what do they look like, and what are they doing?

You could say:

  • The two people both look unhappy or irritated.
  • They’re sitting at the kitchen table together, but they aren’t talking to each other.
  • The man is staring down at the table, while the woman is stirring her tea with a spoon.

That’s just three sentences, but they add a lot of detail to your description.

Let’s try one more:

How to Describe a Picture in English - Video (10)

In this picture, what do you think you should focus on in your description? Fairly obviously, you should talk about the horses.

Let’s try:

  • The horses are running through the grass.
  • Two of them are black, but the one in the middle is white and grey.
  • They don’t have saddles or anything, so they could be wild horses.

Again, you can see that you can do a lot with just a few sentences.

Alright, now it’s your turn!

Let’s take a picture you’ve already seen:

How to Describe a Picture in English - Video (11)

Pause the video and make at least three sentences to describe the picture in detail. Try to include as much important information as you can.

How was that? If you want more practice, you can do the same exercise with other pictures from this lesson, or you could use your own pictures!

At this point, you’ve described the picture in detail. So, what else can you do?

4. Speculating About the Picture

Speculating… What does that mean?

Speculating means talking about possibilities.

For example, look at this picture:

How to Describe a Picture in English - Video (12)

Think about some questions:

Why are the umbrellas there?
Who put them there?

By trying to answer questions like this, you are speculating; you’re talking about possibilities and giving your opinion about the picture.

Speculating can help you to make a longer, more detailed answer when talking about a picture.

Let’s do an example:

  • I suppose it might be some kind of art project.
  • Maybe one person put an umbrella up there as a joke, and then other people started doing it, too.

Let’s look at one more picture:

How to Describe a Picture in English - Video (13)

Think, if you wanted to speculate about this picture, what could you say?

Another way to think about it: what questions could you ask yourself about this picture?

Possible ideas are: who made the footprints, and why? Where were they going? Where is the person who made the footprints now?

There are other possibilities, of course, so feel free to use your own ideas, too!

Okay, so what could you say to speculate about this picture?

Here are some examples:

  • The footprints must have been made by a climber or a mountaineer.
  • The person who made the footprints might be standing on top of the mountain now.

In our examples, you’ve seen some useful language which you can use to speculate about a picture. Do you remember?

You can use language like:

  • I suppose…
  • Maybe…
  • [It] must…
  • [He] might…

Let’s practise using these once more with another picture:

How to Describe a Picture in English - Video (14)

Could you make four sentences, using the useful language we just saw?

Let’s do an example together:

  • I suppose the guy is a climber, or he’s on an adventure holiday.
  • Maybe he climbed something, and now he’s on the way down.
  • He must have a lot of experience, because his body language is quite relaxed.
  • He might be focusing on what he’s doing, but he might just be enjoying the view!

Okay, now it’s your turn. Let’s take another of our pictures:

How to Describe a Picture in English - Video (15)

Can you make four sentences to speculate about this picture, using the language you’ve learned in this section? Pause the video and think about your answers!

Now, you have one more thing to do.

5. Speculating About the Context of the Picture

When you speculate, you can speculate about what you can see in the picture. However, you can—and should—speculate about what you can’t see, too.

How’s this possible? Well, think about this picture:

How to Describe a Picture in English - Video (16)

You can think about questions like: where and when was the picture taken? Who took the picture? What was the photographer doing there?

For example:

  • I think this could be in the USA, or maybe Russia.
  • It’s a good photo, so perhaps it was taken by a professional nature photographer.

You see? Talking about what you can’t see in the picture can be very useful, and can help to add details to your answer.

Let’s do one more example:

How to Describe a Picture in English - Video (17)

What could you say about this picture?

Let’s do this one together. You could say:

  • This must be somewhere tropical, like the Caribbean or the Maldives.
  • Perhaps it was taken by a tourist who came to the beach on one of those boats.

Okay, one more. This time, you have to do it yourself!

Here’s your picture:

How to Describe a Picture in English - Video (18)

Make at least two sentences to speculate about the context of the picture. Think about where and when it was taken, who took it, and what the photographer was doing there.

How was that? Hopefully you feel more confident describing pictures in English now.

Let’s put everything you’ve learned together and practise making longer, fluent descriptions.

6. Making a Longer Answer

When you describe a picture, you should:

  1. Give a summary of what you see.
  2. Talk about where things are in the picture.
  3. Add details.
  4. Speculate about what’s in the picture.
  5. Speculate about the context of the picture.

Let’s make a longer answer together. We’ll start with a picture we’ve used already:

How to Describe a Picture in English - Video (19)

Here’s a possible longer answer:

  • In the picture, there are two people sitting at a table, looking unhappy. There’s a woman on the left and a man on the right. In the middle of the picture, we can see some things on the table, like cups of tea, biscuits, milk and so on. The two people look sad or irritated, and they aren’t speaking to each other. They’re both looking down at the table. I suppose they had a fight and now they aren’t talking to each other, or they might just be bored and not have anything to talk about. I guess it’s a stock photo because otherwise, why would the photographer be in the kitchen with them?

Do you think you could make an answer like this? Remember, all the language you need is in this lesson. You just need to take the things you practised in each part, and then put them together.

Let’s do one more example together:

How to Describe a Picture in English - Video (20)

  • The picture shows umbrellas hanging in the air. In the foreground, we can see a streetlight, and the umbrellas fill the picture from left to right. The umbrellas are of many different colours, mostly bright colours like pink, yellow or green. They’re hanging from wires. I can see at least four lines of umbrellas hanging down in this way, but there could be even more. Maybe this is some sort of art project. It might also be a festival or tradition, that people decorate the street with colourful umbrellas like this. I suppose the picture was taken in a city or town, though I can’t tell where exactly. Perhaps the photographer was a tourist, and was just walking around the city when he saw this amazing and strange scene.

Alright, now it’s your turn. We’ll give you a new picture:

How to Describe a Picture in English - Video (21)

Pause the video and try to make a longer answer, like we just did. Follow the same structure.

Finished? I don’t think so! You should practise as much as you can. Take the other pictures from the lesson, and make longer answers about them, too.

Practise your answers several times, until you can do it fluently and comfortably. Post your responses on the Oxford Online English YouTube channel and we’ll give you feedback!

Do you want more practice with vocabulary? Watch our lesson to get advice on keeping a vocabulary notebook.

Thanks for watching!

How to Describe a Picture in English - Video (2024)


How do you introduce a picture in description? ›

Only right don't roam about here and there talk directly about the picture don't talk about any

How do you describe a good picture? ›

10 Characteristics of Great Photos
  • 1 – Compelling Composition (Must Have) ...
  • 2 – Display Of Emotion. ...
  • 3 – Simple Storytelling. ...
  • 4 – Elliptical Storytelling. ...
  • 5 – Iconic Moments. ...
  • 6 – Unique Moments. ...
  • 7 – Juxtaposed/Contrasting Concepts. ...
  • 8 – Unique Lighting and Color.

What is a description of a photo? ›

Image description: a detailed explanation of an image that provides textual access to visual content; most often used for digital graphics online and in digital files; can be used as alt text in coding to provide access to more complete information.

How do you compliment a photo? ›

Tell her that she sparkles and shines in her picture.

Give her a simple, kind compliment that really can't be taken the wrong way. It's just a nice thing to say and she'll appreciate it. You could try, "I can't quite put my finger on it, but you've got something special going on" or "Whatever it is, you've got it!"

How do you say beautiful in a picture? ›

Synonyms for Beautiful photo
  1. nice photo. n.
  2. beautiful picture. n.
  3. nice picture. n.
  4. pretty picture. n.
  5. great photo. n.
  6. good photo. n.
  7. good picture. n.
  8. great picture. n.

How do you describe a picture in an essay? ›

Basic Guidelines On How To Write An Essay Describing A Picture
  1. Choosing words carefully. Perhaps you think that describing a picture is actually quite a simple process. ...
  2. Describe the picture with all five senses in mind. ...
  3. Show, don't tell. ...
  4. The picture in contextual terms. ...
  5. The form of the essay.

What is another way to say nice picture? ›

»beautiful image exp. »good shot exp. »lovely photo exp. »good photograph exp.

What are some describing words? ›

Adjectives as Descriptive Words
15 more rows

How do you describe a good picture in one word? ›

Picture-perfect Synonyms - WordHippo Thesaurus.
What is another word for picture-perfect?
77 more rows

What is description and example? ›

The definition of a description is a statement that gives details about someone or something. An example of description is a story about the places visited on a family trip. noun. 45.

How do you write a description? ›

How To Write Descriptions And Create A Sense Of Place
  1. Start Early. ...
  2. Be Specific. ...
  3. Be Selective With Your Descriptive Details. ...
  4. Write For All The Senses. ...
  5. Get Place And Action Working Together. ...
  6. Use Unfamiliar Locations. ...
  7. Use Place To Create Foreshadowing. ...
  8. Think About Your Words – Nouns And Adjectives.

How do you describe a picture in present tense? ›

You can use whatever tense is appropriate to describe the photo. But since the photo still shows the same scene now, in the present, you can refer to it with the present simple. This is like pointing to a picture and telling us what it depicts: This is Bobby Joe when he is (or was) first learning to walk.

What means nice capture? ›

So that's where the “nice capture” happens for me. A polite way of saying, I saw your photo. Thanks for the distinction between “look at this” and “look at me” it's something I want to work on. May 26, 2013 Reply.

What should I write on my pictures? ›

Short Captions to Inspire Motivation
  • Happy days are here again!
  • A better version of me.
  • I just leveled up.
  • Life won't get easier. You just have to get stronger.
  • I'm built from every mistake I have ever made.
  • Be the best version of you.
  • Make today so awesome that yesterday becomes jealous.
  • I'm on top of the world.
13 Dec 2021

How do I compliment her pictures? ›

  1. You are gorgeous and ooze tremendous charm. ...
  2. Your pretty face makes me blush all the time because I don't know how to approach you.
  3. Your beauty is so refreshing. ...
  4. This looks like a skincare ad. ...
  5. I would do anything to bag you as my girl. ...
  6. I love your face and booty. ...
  7. Stay winning and stay being pretty.
21 Dec 2021

How do you comment beautiful? ›

Comment On Beautiful Girl Photo
  1. Wow, you look beautiful ❤️
  2. I think it's booty-full ❣️
  3. How are you always so perfect?
  4. Comments for Girls.
  5. You're Stunning! ✨❤️
  6. Stop being so perfect.
  7. This looks so beautiful.
  8. I wish I could like this twice.

What is a better word than gorgeous? ›

Some common synonyms of gorgeous are glorious, resplendent, splendid, sublime, and superb. While all these words mean "extraordinarily or transcendently impressive," gorgeous implies a rich splendor especially in display of color.

What is a good way to describe someone? ›

10 expressions to Use In Speaking And Writing:
  • Warm-hearted / friendly.
  • Good-looking.
  • Hard-working.
  • Bright.
  • Generous / Kind.
  • Full of energy / energetic.
  • Thoughtful / Considerate.
  • Easy-going.

How do you write a paragraph for a picture? ›

We need to write in a paragraph.
  1. Pictorial writing tricks. Look at the picture clearly. Image your own ideas about the given picture. ...
  2. Study the picture given below. 1×3=3. Write a description or an account of what the picture suggests to you in a paragraph. ...
  3. Study the picture given below. 1×3=3.

How do you analyze an image? ›

Analyze a Photograph
  1. Meet the photo. Quickly scan the photo. What do you notice first? ...
  2. Observe its parts. List the people, objects and activities you see. ...
  3. Try to make sense of it. Answer as best you can. ...
  4. Use it as historical evidence. What did you find out from this document that you might not learn anywhere else?
25 May 2021

What are 20 describing words? ›

20 Describing Words That Are Commonly Used in English

What are 10 describing words? ›

These are some other descriptive words you might find fun:
  • Beautiful.
  • Ugly.
  • Smart.
  • Clever.
  • Gorgeous.
  • Friendly.
  • Happy.
  • Sad.
20 Dec 2021

Is Beautiful a describing word? ›

As detailed above, 'beautiful' is an adjective. Adjective usage: Anyone who has ever met her thought she was absolutely beautiful. Adjective usage: The skater performed a beautiful axel.

What are different ways to say beautiful? ›

Some common synonyms of beautiful are comely, fair, handsome, lovely, and pretty.

How do you describe a picture in present tense? ›

You can use whatever tense is appropriate to describe the photo. But since the photo still shows the same scene now, in the present, you can refer to it with the present simple. This is like pointing to a picture and telling us what it depicts: This is Bobby Joe when he is (or was) first learning to walk.

Why do people put image description? ›

An image description gives more details than alt text and allows someone to learn more about what is in an image that goes beyond alt text. Alt text gives the user the most important information while image descriptions provide further detail.

How do you put an image in a HTML description? ›

The <figcaption> tag defines a caption for a <figure> element. The <figcaption> element can be placed as the first or last child of the <figure> element.

Which tense is used in picture composition? ›

Present tense for the picture, past tense for the subject. Use present tense to talk about the subject matter if the picture has just been taken.

Which tense is used to describe daily routine? ›

We use the present simple tense to talk about things we do frequently (habits and routines).

What writing uses images and descriptions? ›

Descriptive writing evokes images through rich description. You can find it in fiction, poetry, journal writing, and advertising. Persuasive writing aims to sway the reader toward the author's point of view.

How do you add captions to photos? ›

Open the photo, select "Edit" and tap the "More" (...) icon. Select "Markup," tap the "+" icon and select "Text." When the text box appears on the photo, double-tap it to raise the keyboard. Type the caption and use the options at the bottom of the screen to change the font, color and size.

What tag is used to caption a picture? ›

<figcaption>: The Figure Caption element.

How do I add an image in react? ›

Steps to Display Images using React App
  1. Create React App.
  2. Create required folders & files.
  3. Put an Image inside src folder.
  4. Import Image and reference its path.
  5. Render Image to front-end.
  6. Run App to display Images.
19 Jul 2021

How do you write a caption on Twitter? ›

  1. Upload a video to your Tweet. Select Upload caption file (. ...
  2. In the pop-up, select the Upload captions button, then choose the caption file from your computer.
  3. Select Done. ...
  4. If you're satisfied with your Tweet text, video, and caption file, select Tweet.

How do you Tweet a photo? ›

To quickly Tweet a photo, tap the camera icon from the top menu, or swipe left from your Home timeline. Tap to take a photo. You have the option to add Tweet copy and a location. Tap Tweet when ready to post, or tap Add to thread to connect it to your last Tweet, and then press Add to share it.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.