9 Tips for Dramatic Ice Photos (2024)

Frozen water makes an amazing subject. It’s graphic, reflective, textured— and its sparkle mirrors the colors of its surroundings. Sure, there are a few considerations to keep in mind when working with ice, but the results are worth the effort.


**1.) See into the depths. **

9 Tips for Dramatic Ice Photos (1)

A polarizing filter let these photographers see deeper into Abraham Lake in Kootenay Plains, Bighorn Wildlands, Alberta, Canada. Shot with a Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III and 24mm f/3.5L II tilt-shift Canon lens; 6 sec at f/11, ISO 100.

If a lake or stream has frozen clear, mount a polarizing filter to your lens. By removing reflective glare, you’ll be able to peer down into the lake’s depths. Rocks, vegetation, bubbles, and even logs become wobbly and distorted when photographed through ice. To find clear ice, scout early in the winter before snowfall buries it. Later in the season, seek out areas where the wind has blown the snow off of the ice. Of course, before you venture out on frozen water, make sure it’s thick enough (at least six inches) to hold your body weight. Outfit your boots with trail crampons [spiked metal cleats] so you don’t slip.

2.) Forget color.

9 Tips for Dramatic Ice Photos (2)

The couple went for a monochrome abstract on the North Saskatchewan River in Kootenay Plains, Alberta, using the 1Ds Mark III and a 90mm f/2.8 tilt-shift Canon lens. Exposure 1/4 sec at f/8, ISO 100.

Winter scenery is often devoid of color, but you can make an amazing image solely from the interplay of dark and light tones. To help visualize the tonal contrast you’ll capture, set your camera’s picture style to shoot in monochrome—the images will appear on your LCD as black-and-white. Shoot in RAW plus JPEG mode so that your JPEG acts as a reference and the RAW file retains the information you need to make more advanced conversions. After processing, try toning your b&w image with a blue monochrome to evoke an icy chill.

3.) Find frozen nature.

9 Tips for Dramatic Ice Photos (3)

Aspen leaf frozen on Abraham Lake in Kootenay Plains, Alberta. Shot with a Canon EOS Rebel T2i and a 17–50mm f/2.8 Sigma lens. Exposure was 1/13 sec at f/14, ISO 100.

The edges of streams and lakes harbor leaves, pinecones, and other vegetation suspended in ice. Dig out your macro lens and make abstract renditions of these captured objects. Use your polarizer to help remove the sheen from the ice and bring out details below the surface. Be sure to use an aperture that will give you the depth of field needed to maintain sharpness across your scene.


4.) Record movement.**

9 Tips for Dramatic Ice Photos (4)

Ice is just water in solid form, and capturing it in both states simultaneously can be magical. Scout along the edges of streams and rivers for places where ice meets moving water. To enhance the contrast between static and dynamic elements, add a neutral density filter. Filters with five stops or more will dim the light that reaches your camera and allow for long exposure times of 1 to 30 seconds. Of course, such long exposures demand a solid tripod and remote release to ensure sharp results. Don’t forget that snow moves, too: Try a frozen, windswept lake with patches of exposed ice and swirling, blowing snow. Use longer exposures to capture streaking drifts against the solid ice.

5.) K****eep it simple

9 Tips for Dramatic Ice Photos (5)

Icicles hang from frozen Panther Falls in Banff National Park, Alberta. Chrysanthou and Wiggett homed in on them using a Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III and a 15mm f/2.8 Canon EF fisheye lens. Exposure was 1/80 sec at f/10, ISO 400.

Clutter kills pictures—a good photographer is a master of exclusion. Clean, simple, graphic compositions work best with ice photography. It’s easier to distill a scene to its essence with a telephoto or macro lens, as a wide-angle lens will see too much of the scene. No matter what lens you choose to use, keep simplicity as your mantra when shooting ice.

6.) Demonstrate scale.

9 Tips for Dramatic Ice Photos (6)

With frozen waterfalls or big ice formations, it’s often not enough to photograph the ice alone. To convey a sense of scale, add a person. If you’re lucky enough to arrive when climbers are scaling frozen waterfalls, ask permission to make an image of their ascent. One caveat: Avoid the “butt shot,” where you stand below the climber and shoot upward. Side, straight-on, or top-down views are more exciting if you can manage to catch them. For safety, stay clear of the wide debris zone where ice and rocks tumble from climbers’ axes and crampons. A wide-angle lens will bring in the surroundings for an environmental portrait of the climbers. What if there is no one to add scale to the shot? Here, again, a wide-angle lens will help: Use it to show a foreground element and put the background in context.

7.) Use Reflective Contrast.

9 Tips for Dramatic Ice Photos (7)

Canada: Alberta: Kootenay Plains

The human eye is attracted to contrast, whether it’s found in color, tone, or both. To find contrast, look for a section of ice in the shade with a background that is lit by the sun. The ice will reflect the warm hues of the sunlit scene as well as portions of the blue sky, and the resulting interplay of warm and cool tones will add energy to your shot. Here is a case where you don’t want to use your polarizer—it will remove the strong reflective highlights you’re seeking to capture.

8.) Light the background.

9 Tips for Dramatic Ice Photos (8)

Contrasting colors appeared in this ice rift, also shot at Abraham Lake. The pair used the 1Ds Mark III and a 120–400mm f/4.5–5.6 Sigma DG OS lens. Exposure was 1/80 sec at f/5.6, ISO 100.

Ice is often most appealing when it’s transparent. As with photographing glass, clear ice often looks best when the background is lit and the ice itself is not. If the ice is in the shade but the background is being lit by the sun, get behind the ice and shoot through it. Try a shallow depth of field so only the ice is in focus and the background is a blur of color or tone. Use a greater depth of field to see a sharp background through the clear ice. However you choose to do it, shooting through the ice to a brighter background can produce a dynamic image.

**9.) Stay warm **

9 Tips for Dramatic Ice Photos (9)

Finally, you won’t be creative if you or your camera succumbs to the weather. To keep your camera in operation, nest a spare battery in an inner coat pocket. When the battery in your camera gets cold and threatens to give up, swap it out with the warm one. The cold one will soon warm up and regain its charge. When you’re finished shooting, never go from the frigid outdoors to a warm environment without putting your camera in a plastic bag or zipping it tight in your camera bag. Let the camera slowly come up to room temperature. Bringing a camera in from the cold without a buffer will cause condensation on and in your camera and lens.

When working in the elements, your hands and feet are the weakest links, so dress in layers. Thin silk gloves with hand warmers against the skin can serve as the first layer. Over these gloves, wear mittens attached to your coat sleeves. The attachments will allow you to pop your mittens off (without losing them) for fine camera adjustments; change the controls and dive back into the mitts to keep your hands warm between shots. Layer your socks with a thin silk sock as the first layer and a thicker, woolen sock for extra insulation. Wear winter boots that aren’t too tight to keep your tootsies from tingling and keep you out there shooting.

_Photographers Samantha Chrysanthou and Darwin Wiggett run workshops and publish eBooks on their website, oopoomoo.com. _

9 Tips for Dramatic Ice Photos (2024)


9 Tips for Dramatic Ice Photos? ›

Use a fairly high shutter speed of 1/500th of a second and a zoom lens to sufficiently fill the frame with your subject. Of course close-up opportunity depends on where you are sitting! Try to capture moments when the figure skater is balancing and holding a pose.

How to photograph ice skaters? ›

Use a fairly high shutter speed of 1/500th of a second and a zoom lens to sufficiently fill the frame with your subject. Of course close-up opportunity depends on where you are sitting! Try to capture moments when the figure skater is balancing and holding a pose.

What settings should I use for ice skating photography? ›

To capture movements sharply, use a large aperture of at least f/2.8 and a fast shutter speed, like 1/1000 s (seconds). The faster your shutter speed, the darker your images are. To compensate for this, increase your ISO. You won't ruin your photos with grain if you don't use an extremely large number.

How to photograph frozen water? ›

Place objects in a lunchbox, fill with water, pop it in a freezer and once frozen, put the frozen block in front of your lens. If you can, use a reflective surface to photograph it on and light from both sides.

How to take pictures of ice? ›

Maximize depth of field.

Use a small aperture (high f-number). If shooting with a long lens, choose a small subject rather than a whole landscape, and put some distance between the camera and subject. Focus stacking could also help.

How do you take good pictures in ice hockey? ›

Shoot in RAW mode.

Ideally you could shoot at 1/50th of a second to get the entire light cycle captured. In a fast sport like hockey 1/50th will give you a great blur. You may get some great panning shots that way. The light is always changing, and you can't properly set a white balance.

What is the best shutter speed for skating? ›

To do this, use a fast shutter speed of at least 1/500th of a second. This will result in sharp, detailed images of skaters performing tricks and jumps. Related article: How to Shoot Action Sports Photography with Freeze Motion?

What camera settings are needed for ice? ›

When shooting ice hockey, you are trying to freeze the action. Therefore, I usually set my camera to 1/1600 shutter speed and the widest aperture I can to blur the background. My ISO is usually set around 2,500. The lighting inside the arena is constant so, once I have my settings, I usually do not need to change them.

What shutter speed will freeze water? ›

Shutter speed — A 1/1000 shutter speed will freeze just about any water droplet. A slower shutter speed of around 1/250 works best for bigger splashes. Aperture — A wider aperture between f/4 and f/8 is ideal for a sharp focus on small drops. For bigger splashes, aim for around f/14 to keep the wider area in focus.

How do you take frozen pictures? ›

You'll get the best results with a macro lens. But you can create similar photos using something like an 18-55mm kit lens or 50mm prime lens with an extension tube. A short telephoto lens matched with a close-up lens is another good alternative. I used a large silicon ice cube tray to create my frozen objects.

How do you take pictures in extreme cold? ›

Put your cameras and lenses into a plastic bag and seal them up before you bring them indoors. Once inside, place them in the coldest area you can find so they slowly warm up to the new temperature. We always travel and shoot with rain covers (after all, snow is wet) to prevent the bodies and lenses from getting damp.

How to photograph a glacier? ›

Exposure is an important consideration. Glaciers reflect a lot of light and can lead to overexposure. So it's important to monitor exposure carefully and make exposure corrections if necessary. Using a polarizing filter can also help reduce reflected light and improve contrast.

How to photograph hoar frost? ›

To capture these beautiful ice forms a macro lens or telephoto lens with close-focusing capability is ideal. I also recommend using a tripod for the sharpest pictures.

How do you take pictures of skateboarders? ›

Freeze the Action

To do this, use a fast shutter speed of at least 1/500th of a second. This will result in sharp, detailed images of skaters performing tricks and jumps.

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Embrace Motion Blur

Roller skating is all about movement, so don't be afraid to embrace motion blur in your photos. Use a slower shutter speed to capture the sense of speed and fluidity, creating a dynamic and lively atmosphere in your images.

How do you photograph frozen objects? ›

You'll get the best results with a macro lens. But you can create similar photos using something like an 18-55mm kit lens or 50mm prime lens with an extension tube. A short telephoto lens matched with a close-up lens is another good alternative. I used a large silicon ice cube tray to create my frozen objects.

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