22 Powerful Symbols of Kindness and What They Mean (2024)

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Dani Rhys

March 24, 2023

22 Powerful Symbols of Kindness and What They Mean (2)

Table of Contents

  • Universal Symbols of Kindness
  • Religious Symbols of Kindness
  • Tribal and Mythical Symbols of Kindness
  • Animalistic Symbols of Kindness
  • FAQs on Kindness Symbols
  • Wrapping Up

Acts of kindness can give us a new perspective, optimism, and hope for humanity. There are many symbols that represent kindness, compassion, and caring. Here’s a look at 22 powerful symbols of kindness and what they mean.

Universal Symbols of Kindness

There are symbols that only people of a particular culture or religion recognize, and then there are those symbols that anyone across the globe is familiar with. Universal symbols of kindness include the heart sign, the hug emoji, and bluebell flowers.

22 Powerful Symbols of Kindness and What They Mean (4)

1. The Heart Sign

22 Powerful Symbols of Kindness and What They Mean (5)

Recognized since ancient times, the heart symbol has long been in use in different cultures all over the world. Its origin is attributed to the heart being regarded as the center of human emotions and has thus come to represent affection, love, compassion, and kindness.

2. The Hug Emoji

Approved in 2015 under Unicode 8.0, the hug emoji is part of the group of short text symbols commonly used online to express emotions without having to articulate them through the use of words.

This symbol of a yellow smiley face with open hands is used to show affection as well as to offer consolation.

In 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Facebook launched a new hug emoji in the form of the old hug emoji hugging a heart. Their intention was for people to use it to express empathy for one another during the pandemic.

22 Powerful Symbols of Kindness and What They Mean (7)

3. Bluebells

22 Powerful Symbols of Kindness and What They Mean (8)

The use of bluebell flowers (otherwise known as harebells) to symbolize kindness traces back to the Victorian era. Now they are universally known as a symbol of warmth and care.

Religious Symbols of Kindness

Various religions have their own specific representation of kindness. We look at some of them here:

1. Buddhism

22 Powerful Symbols of Kindness and What They Mean (9)

Buddhists show and perceive kindness through various symbols that many in the West do not know the meaning of. Some of these symbols are as follows:

The Varada Mudra

22 Powerful Symbols of Kindness and What They Mean (10)

This is one of the mudras (hand signals) that represent the main aspects of the Adi-Buddha (first Buddha) used in prayer and meditation.

Presented by the hanging of the left hand naturally with a front-facing palm and extended fingers, the Varada Mudra is representative of generosity, compassion, and devotion towards the salvation of humans. It is often seen on statues of the Buddha.

The Parasol

22 Powerful Symbols of Kindness and What They Mean (11)

One of the auspicious signs of Buddha, the Parasol is the historical symbol of royalty and protection. It is viewed as a symbol of kindness because it stands for protection from the sun’s heat.

The metaphorical meaning of it is protection from suffering, discomfort, and trouble.

It symbolizes royalty because in most cultures, having the means to protect oneself from inclement weather. The umbrella’s dome symbolizes wisdom while its skirt stands for compassion.

The Red Lotus

22 Powerful Symbols of Kindness and What They Mean (12)

Buddhist iconography pays respect to the lotus plant that is known to rise from murky waters and flourish to produce a beautiful flower by using the dirty water’s impurities as nourishment.

It is believed that the specific color of the flower borne represents a specific quality of the Buddha that those who chance upon it are encouraged to embrace.

For instance, when a lotus plant bears a red flower, it’s seen as a representation of love and compassion.

The Endless Knot

22 Powerful Symbols of Kindness and What They Mean (13)

Yet another auspicious sign of Buddha, the endless knot is a representation of various qualities, including the endless cycles, the unification of all that exists, and the coming together of enlightenment, wisdom, and compassion.

The Stupa Spire

22 Powerful Symbols of Kindness and What They Mean (14)

Stupas are monuments that are often used as places of meditation. In general, the stupa spire at the top carries different meanings based on the specific parts of the representation of Buddha’s body.

The crown of Buddha specifically represents compassion.

The Om

22 Powerful Symbols of Kindness and What They Mean (15)

This is a set of incantations made during worship, reading of the religious text, and in religious ceremonies.

In Tibetan Buddhism, the Om forms the first syllable of ‘Om mani Padme hum,’ a popular mantra associated with compassion.

2. Abrahamic Religions

The Dagger

22 Powerful Symbols of Kindness and What They Mean (16)

Abrahamic traditions believe that the archangel Zadkiel is the cherub in charge of freedom, mercy, and benevolence.

Additionally, they believe that Zadkiel was sent by God to Abraham to tell him that he didn’t have to sacrifice his son Isaac.

The association of these two beliefs has the archangel’s symbol represented with him holding a dagger, similar to the one Abraham almost used on Isaac. This symbol is viewed as a representation of compassion.

The Pelican

22 Powerful Symbols of Kindness and What They Mean (17)

This strange bird is exclusively used in Christianity to symbolize sacrifice, kindness, and compassion.

The pelican bird is said to pierce its own breast to provide blood (as was done to Christ) if its chicks are starving.

This myth probably arose from the fact that during the breeding season, the birds’ beaks turn a bright red color.

3. Hinduism

The Anahata Chakra

22 Powerful Symbols of Kindness and What They Mean (18)

Chakras are different points in the human body through which universal energy is believed to flow into a person.

Of the primary chakras, the fourth, which is known as the anahata, is located near the heart.

Based on the anahata’s proximity to the heart, it is unsurprising that it represents all the positive emotional states, namely love, calmness, balance, empathy, compassion, purity, and kindness.

Tribal and Mythical Symbols of Kindness

Just like with religion, different tribes and civilizations have various representations of kindness. Some of these representations are:

1. West Africa

The Obaatan Awaamu

22 Powerful Symbols of Kindness and What They Mean (19)

In West African culture, symbols known as adinkra are usually displayed on structures, artwork, and clothing. Each of these symbols carries a specific deep meaning.

One of them, the obaatan awaamu, is usually portrayed as a butterfly and is representative of the comfort, assurance, and relaxation that comes with a mother’s love and embrace.

Furthermore, the obaatan awaamu is believed to be capable of giving peace to a troubled soul.

2. Norse Mythology

The Gebo

22 Powerful Symbols of Kindness and What They Mean (20)

A Germanic rune, the gebo is believed to represent not only generosity but also an equal relationship between giver and receiver.

Additionally, it represents the connection through which a king can share his powers with his subjects.

The Hringhorni

Believed in Norse mythology to be the greatest ship that ever existed, the Hringhorni was the symbol of Baldur, son of Odin.

The ship became a symbol of kindness because Baldur was considered to be the most beautiful and the kindest of all the gods.

3. Rome

The Scepter

The scepter became a symbol of compassion because it is the companion in the depiction of Clementia, the Roman goddess of clemency, forgiveness, and compassion.

4. Europe

22 Powerful Symbols of Kindness and What They Mean (21)

The Strength Tarot

in the tarot cards, strength is represented by a card with the symbol of a woman stroking a lion. This representation is meant to showcase that even the wildest power can be tamed by strength, love, and compassion.

Animalistic Symbols of Kindness

Some cultures view certain animals as symbols of various qualities. Some of the animals seen to symbolize kindness include:

22 Powerful Symbols of Kindness and What They Mean (22)

1. The White Parrot

The white parrot is seen as a symbol of kindness in East Asia because it’s usually depicted as the companion of Guan Yin, the representation of compassion.

According to legend, Guan Yin was once a girl forced by her father to marry and, upon her refusal, was sent away to a temple whereby the nuns were told to mistreat her so she would relent.

Once it became apparent that she was not going to give in to her father’s wishes, men were sent to kill the nuns and bring her back, but she fled away to the fragrant mountains.

Later, when her father fell ill, she anonymously donated one of her eyes and an arm to be used as ingredients for the cure her father needed.

When her father, the king, sought her out to thank her for her compassion, she was transformed into the Guan Yi, with the parrot as her faithful companion, hence the symbolism.

2. The Azure Dragon

In China, the azure dragon symbolizes healing, growth, and harmony. Moreover, being symbols of the Chinese state, they are referred to as “the most compassionate kings”.

3. The Raven

22 Powerful Symbols of Kindness and What They Mean (23)

Raven symbolism is common across cultures, and their depiction can be either positive or negative.

However, in Japan, ravens are seen as symbols of compassion mainly because when a raven grows up, it usually helps its parents take care of its younger siblings.

4. The Koru Aihe

This Maori symbol, which is in the form of a dolphin, is representative of harmony, playfulness, and kindness.

The symbol came about as a result of the respect the Maori people have for dolphins, who they believed were manifestations of gods appearing to help sailors steer the treacherous sea.

FAQs on Kindness Symbols

What is the most common universal symbol of kindness?

The heart.

Is there a person who is considered a symbol of kindness?

There are many, but Mother Theresa is probably the most well-known in the West. The East would probably regard the Buddha as one too.

Is there a herb that symbolizes kindness?

Lavender can be used to cleanse a space of negative energy and as a beacon of love. Roses too can be given as an act of kindness or oneself as an act of self-love. They are said to heal the heart center.

Wrapping Up

Based on these symbols, it is obvious that mankind has been in search of kindness since time immemorial.

Whether you choose these listed symbols or simply choose to help out someone in need, it is highly recommended that you show compassion.

That way, the universe will be sure to reward you with some kindness when you most need it and probably least expect it!

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What are the symbols of kindness? ›

Icons such as the heart, feather, shepherd's staff, endless knot, and lotus flower represent kindness. Deities including Buddha, Guan Yin, and Lord Krishna are known for their kindness and compassion. Animals like the dove, deer, pelican, and raven are gentle, kind animals.

What animal symbolizes kindness? ›

Deer - Love, gentleness, kindness, gracefulness and sensitivity. Deer carries the message of purity of purpose, and of walking in the light.

What symbol represents helping others? ›

A red cross is commonly used as a symbol for medical and humanitarian relief workers in war zones and at the sites of natural disasters. It is also widely used to designate first aid and medical supplies, apart from its use by the International Red Cross, the American Red Cross and other organizations.

What symbolizes kindness and strength? ›

The eagle is revered as a symbol of strength, courage, and kindness, and is often depicted in Native American mythology as a protector of the weak and vulnerable.

What is the color that represents kindness? ›

Blue is often associated with trust, loyalty, and stability. Green is also often associated with kindness. Green is a natural and earthy color that can evoke feelings of growth, renewal, and vitality. Green is often associated with balance, harmony, and generosity.

What animal represents a caring person? ›

The bear is an influential and respected spirit animal in many cultures, symbolizing strength, courage, and protection. It is often seen as a symbol of the mother, representing nurturing and care.

What animal is kind and generous? ›

Penguins. Penguins may be the most famous gift-givers in the animal kingdom. Male penguins will search for a beautiful pebble to present to his potential mate. If she accepts his 'proposal,' that pebble becomes the first of many used to build their nest.

What symbolizes strength? ›

The most common symbols of strength are generally rocks, trees, lions, etc. Here are some of my favorites: Acorn: It is a Nordic and Celtic symbol of immortality. Druids had believed the consumption of acorns would help them to see the future.

What is the symbol of life? ›

The ankh symbol—sometimes referred to as the key of life or the key of the nile—is representative of eternal life in Ancient Egypt.

What is the symbol of hope? ›

The sunrise and a rainbow are traditional visual symbols of hope; a baby is often spoken of as representing hope, but a picture of a baby is not so used. Spring can be an abstract symbol of hope and could be represented by a flower bud or a bud beginning to flower. The winter solstice can also represent hope.

What symbol represents a mean? ›

m (the greek letter "mu") is used to denote the population mean. The population mean is worked out in exactly the same way as the sample mean: add all of the scores together, and divide the result by the total number of scores. In journal articles, the mean is usually represented by M, and the median by Mdn.

What is the symbol of loving and caring? ›

Heart: The heart is a universal symbol of love and affection. Hands Reaching Out: Depicting hands reaching out to help or support someone is a powerful symbol of kindness and love. Doves: Doves are often associated with love, peace, and kindness. Smile: A genuine smile is a universal expression of kindness and warmth.

What is the symbol of loving someone? ›

The heart symbol is an ideograph used to express the idea of the "heart" in its metaphorical or symbolic sense. Represented by an anatomically inaccurate shape, the heart symbol is often used to represent the center of emotion, including affection and love, especially romantic love.

What symbol represents positive? ›

Sacred Symbolism for Positive Energy: Tree of Life, Lotus, Elephant, and Spiral.

What color represents kindness and loyalty? ›

BLUE. Blue symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth and heaven. It is the color of the sky. And it is the color of Compassion.

What is the heraldic symbol for kindness? ›

The dolphin is an emblem of safe travel, as well as kindness and charity. Though the dolphin is now known to be a mammal and not a fish at all, older heralds considered it the king of fish, just as the lion was king of the beasts and the eagle was the king of the birds.

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In its metamorphosis from the common, colorless caterpillar to the exquisite winged creature of delicate beauty, the butterfly has become a metaphor for transformation and hope; across cultures, it has become a symbol for rebirth and resurrection, for the triumph of the spirit and the soul over the physical prison, the ...

What is the symbol of kindness in Buddhism? ›

The popular mantra “Om mani padme hum” is widely used to symbolize compassion and is commonly seen inscribed on rocks, prayer wheels, stupas, and art. Tibetan Buddhist architecture is centred on the stupa, called in Tibetan chorten.

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