210 + Instagram Captions For Girls That Will Make It Look Aesthetic AF! - India's Largest Digital Community of Women | POPxo (2024)

1. Instagram Captions For Girls

1. Instagram Captions For Girls2. Cute Instagram Captions for Girls3. Short Instagram Girls Captions4. Selfie Captions For Girls For Instagram5. Funny Instagram Girls Captions6. Sassy Instagram Captions for Girls7. Sweet Instagram Captions For Girls8. Shopping Instagram Caption For Girls9. Attitude Instagram Captions For Girls10. One-line Captions For Instagram11. Caption For Beautiful Girl Pic12. Classy Instagram Captions For Girls13. Cool Captions For Instagram For Girls14. Instagram Captions For Girls In Hindi15. Inspiring Captions For Instagram

Thinking of a caption that matches the vibe ofthe picture and reads interesting at the same time is no joke. We all struggle with it. Sometimes we want to be poetic and sometimes really quirky. And, the rest of the time, we just want to be ourselves. Well, guess what? If you relate to all that, we have listed some of the most amazing Instagram captions for girls that you can use on your social media handle. Whether you are looking for something funny, quirky, witty, or dramatic, we have it for you.

Table of Contents

  1. Instagram Captions For Girls
  2. Cute Instagram Captions for Girls
  3. Short Instagram Girls Captions
  4. Selfie Captions For Girls For Instagram
  5. Funny Instagram Girls Captions
  6. Sassy Instagram Captions for Girls
  7. Sweet Instagram Captions For Girls
  8. Shopping Instagram Caption For Girls
  9. Attitude Instagram Captions For Girls
  10. One-line Captions For Instagram
  11. Caption For Beautiful Girl Pic
  12. Classy Instagram Captions For Girls
  13. Cool Captions For Instagram For Girls
  14. Instagram Captions For Girls In Hindi
  15. Inspiring Captions For Instagram
  16. Instagram Captions For Girls Smile
  17. Beauty Instagram Captions For Girls

Here are some of the best captions for girls for instagram that you must use on your social media:

Instagram Captions For Girls

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I gotta say that I pay a lot of attention to my girlish captions on Instagram. They can either make or break your pics. If you agree with me, then go ahead and find yourself some cool captions for Instagram for girls.

  1. Sometimes you gotta be a beauty and a beast!
  2. Love me or hate me either way I’m gonna shine.
  3. I’m not short, I’m concentrated awesome!
  4. Money can’t buy happiness. But it can buy Makeup!
  5. Sometimes I pretend to be normal. But it gets boring. So I go back to being.
  6. Be so good they can’t ignore you.
  7. My hobbies are breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  8. Cinderella never asked for a prince.
  9. Talking to you makes my day.
  10. The way you make me feel I love that feeling.
  11. I need vitamin u.
  12. Sunday FUNDAY.
  13. Born to express, not to impress.
  14. Embrace the glorious mess that you are.
  15. Lift up your head princess, if not the crown falls.
  16. Weekend, please don’t leave me.
  17. Be your own kind of beautiful.
  18. I love it when I catch you looking at me.
  19. My favorite place is inside your hug.
  20. My boyfriend still thinks my eyelashes are real. I guess we all have secrets, Don’t we?

Summer Instagram Captions Funny


Cute Instagram Captions for Girls

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I’m just going to go ahead and say it—cute captions can be really fun if you use them correctly. You make a mistake with them, and they will turn out to be the biggest bummer. We don’t want that, right? So, here are some cute captions for girls that will make your social media handle an instant hit. While cuteness is often described with a smile, and if you need Instagram captions for girls to smile, you can always pick cute instagram captions for girls anytime.

  1. Sometimes it’s the princess who kills the dragon and saves the prince.
  2. All I need is Coffee and Mascara.
  3. I love the confidence that makeup gives me.
  4. The sky above me, earth below me & fire within me.
  5. Live for the moments you can’t put into words.
  6. I love looking in the mirror and feeling good about what I see.
  7. I was born to stand out.
  8. Classy & Fabulous
  9. A selfie a day keeps the doctor away!
  10. Behind every successful woman is herself.
  11. Confidence Level: Selfie with no Filter.
  12. This is the most magical pic of your life.
  13. Dream without fear, love without limits.
  14. Sending my selfie to NASA, because I’m a star.
  15. Warning – You might fall in love with me.
  16. I am not trying to be cool, It’s what I am.
  17. Sparkle every single day.
  18. Wakeup and makeup
  19. Be happy; it drives people crazy.
  20. I did NOT wake up like this.

Also Read: Late Post Caption

We have more Instagram captions in store, but before that, how about taking a break and checking out some amazing, budget-friendly makeup products?

Short Instagram Girls Captions

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Tips to take better Instagram pictures


Not one of those who are fond of long and lengthy captions? Yes, they are deep and meaningful, but sometimes girls just wanna have fun. If you find yourself relating to this idea, then read these short Instagram girls captions! Also check out this best instagram filters for selfies.

  1. Self-love is the greatest middle finger of all time.
  2. If you are confident, You are beautiful.
  3. Never a failure, always a lesson.
  4. Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.
  5. The most beautiful thing a woman can wear is confidence.
  6. Don’t forget to fall in love with yourself first.
  7. Normal is boring for me.
  8. Behind every successful woman is herself.
  9. Be your own reason to smile
  10. I’m not beautiful like you. I’m beautiful like me.
  11. I’m no beauty queen, I’m just beautiful me.
  12. Know your worth
  13. If you have got eyes, look at me now.
  14. Be yourself, there is no one better.
  15. Quit trying to fix me, I am not broken.
  16. Some call it arrogant, I call it confident.
  17. What others think of me is none of my business.
  18. Love me or hate me either way I’m gonna shine.
  19. I think being beautiful is like taking care of yourself.
  20. Catch flights, not feelings.

Selfie Captions For Girls For Instagram

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Who doesn’t love taking selfies? We do! In fact, we believe that selfies are meant for every situation and purpose. It reminds us of good times. And, if you want to make them even more memorable, then add some terrific selfie insta captions for girls.

  1. Confidence Level: Selfie with no Filter.
  2. This is the most magical pic of your life.
  3. Dream without fear, love without limits.
  4. Sending my selfie to NASA, because I’m a star.
  5. Warning – You might fall in love with me.
  6. I am not trying to be cool, It’s what I am.
  7. Sparkle every single day.
  8. Wakeup and makeup
  9. Be happy; it drives people crazy.
  10. I did NOT wake up like this.
  11. The sky above me, earth below me & fire within me.
  12. Live for the moments you can’t put into words.
  13. I love looking in the mirror and feeling good about what I see.
  14. I was born to stand out.
  15. Classy & Fabulous
  16. A selfie a day keeps the doctor away!
  17. Smile, breathe and go slowly.
  18. You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
  19. Crazy hair, don’t care.
  20. You cannot do EPIC sh*t with basic people.

Instagram Story Ideas

Funny Instagram Girls Captions

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The happiest people are the prettiest people and there are no two ways about it. And, what’s better than to bring a smile to someone else’s face with your hilarious captions?! TBH, it can also make you look pretty cool. Sounds like a win-win to us. So, here are all the funny Instagram captions for girls that you need to bookmark STAT:


  1. I’m in desperate need of a 6-month vacation…twice a year.
  2. I’m on a seafood diet. When I see food, I eat it. Happy girls are the prettiest.
  3. Every woman is an angel, you only need to take her to heaven.
  4. I am dating anyone who hearts my status, that is what the hearts are meant for.
  5. I’m not short, I’m concentrated awesome!
  6. Catch flights, not feelings.
  7. The most beautiful woman is one who puts on a smile as her makeup every morning.
  8. God looked at the boring hairstyle of Adam and said, “Let’s create someone with a more creative head”.
  9. Life istoo short to not wear makeup.
  10. My bed is a magical place, I suddenly remember everything I forgot to do.
  11. When life gives you lemons, use them to make your skin glow.
  12. Believe in pink.
  13. There is nothing so serious about life, we are here to eat, look beautiful then die.
  14. I am not fat. I’m just much easier to see.
  15. The main reason Santa is so jolly is that he knows where all the bad girls live.
  16. Happiness is a new lipstick.
  17. Women have many faces, depending on who is looking.
  18. Inner beauty needs no makeup.
  19. Be You Till Full.
  20. If your dreams appear impossible, there is a wrong man in your life.

Sassy Instagram Captions for Girls

If you are the sassy girl in your gang, you need captions out of the box that are bold captions for Instagram. Here are the best sassy Instagram captions for you.

  1. Success is in my veins.
  2. No this isn’t a dream, this is my reality
  3. Sharing my happy thoughts.
  4. My blood is made of coffee
  5. I wanna be different just like everyone else.
  6. Being happy should be the only motto in your life.
  7. Don’t ever let anyone dull your sparkle.
  8. Hey don’t copy me, you will not pass.
  9. I do not want people to be agreeable, as it saves me that trouble of liking them.
  10. I’d rather die my way than live yours.

Sweet Instagram Captions For Girls

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Hey Sweety, if you have the sweetest persona, don’t you miss these sweet Instagram captions that will catch all the eyes.

  1. Throwing kindness around like confetti.
  2. Your best teacher is your last mistake.
  3. “Be kind. Be love.”
  4. A girl should be like a butterfly. Pretty to see, hard to catch.
  5. If you don’t have a smile, I’ll give you one of mine.!

210 + Instagram Captions For Girls That Will Make It Look Aesthetic AF! - India's Largest Digital Community of Women | POPxo (12)


Why not to show off your shopping day with these cool shopping Instagram captions girls?

  1. Being a girl is so expensive.
  2. Shopping is cheaper than therapy
  3. If shopping doesn’t make you happy, then you’re in the wrong shop.
  4. Is there more to life than shopping?
  5. I’ve been shopping all my life and still have nothing to wear.

Attitude Instagram Captions For Girls

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Along with pictures when you express attitude through captions the picture gets complete. For the girls to show the right attitude, you need attitude Instagram captions that will speak for itself. Here are some interesting instagram captions for girls.

  1. Quit trying to fix me, I am not broken.
  2. I’m not special. I’m a limited edition.
  3. Don’t follow me, I’m lost.
  4. Impossible is my specialty.
  5. You have to be ‘ODD’ to be number ‘ONE’.
  6. I have reached a point in life where I feel it is no longer necessary to try & impress anyone. If they like me the way I am, good & if they don’t, it’s their loss.
  7. You can’t spell awesome without ME.
  8. My signature, My style, My identity.
  9. I don’t look back unless there is a good view.
  10. Hating me doesn’t make you pretty.

One-line Captions For Instagram

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If you run out of words and time, one-line captions can be great for your picture perfect. Therefore we have brought to you one-line girlish captions for Instagram to solve your word crunch completely.

  1. Laugh at your problems, everybody else does.
  2. My haters are my biggest motivators.
  3. I’m kinda, sorta, basically, pretty much always wanting Bonheur.
  4. Roll out of the bed and show off!
  5. All you need in life is a can-do attitude. It’s the bridge between failure and success.
  6. I was reminded that my blood type is Be Positive.
  7. If you face the sun, you’ll never see your shadow.
  8. I destroy my enemies when I make them my friends.
  9. Whether you love me or hate me, I’m still going to shine bright like a star.
  10. If people have a problem with you, always remember, it is their problem.

Caption For Beautiful Girl Pic

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Hey you beautiful girl, yes if you are looking for a caption for a beautiful pic, here’s what we have for you. These captions stand out a beautiful girl’s pic and so you can pick one to make it hit.

  1. Some girls are just born with glitter in their veins.
  2. I’m shining like fireworks over your sad empty town.
  3. It’s all about the glow.
  4. I’m beautiful because God makes no mistakes.
  5. I’m too Lil butter on too much bread. I’m too many thoughts in too lil head…
  6. My mom told me to be a lady of class, so don’t mind if my attitude hurts!
  7. When nothing better to do just pout and pout again because being lame is my game.
  8. Be a beautiful cupcake in a world full of muffins.
  9. A little girl with dreams becomes a woman with vision.
  10. I pretend I am a princess so that I can try and behave like one.

Classy Instagram Captions For Girls

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What’s classy when you slay your Instagram followers with your classic picture with classy captions. Hence, here are some of the classy Instagram captions for girls.

  1. Sorry for the honesty.”
  2. “I just like to laugh at people who don’t like me.”
  3. “Nobody can hurt me without my permission.”
  4. “Don’t stop when you’re tired, stop when you are done.”
  5. “I’m 97% sure that you don’t like me, but I’m also 100% sure that I don’t care.”
  6. “No Money, No Friends, No Respect only Me and My Dreams.”
  7. “A character is who you are when no one is watching.”
  8. “I may be fat, but you’re ugly. And I can lose weight!”
  9. “Think like a proton, always positive.”
  10. “Stop crying for a bitch, Start struggling to become rich.”

Check out the latest and trending Classy Traditional Look Captions here

Cool Captions For Instagram For Girls

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If you are a person with a cool personality and cool attitude, you can pick one of these cool captions for Instagram for girls as they not only reflect femininity but coolness that you would like to speak about through your insta posts.


  1. I know looks aren’t everything, but I have them just in case.
  2. I’m just a girl, standing in front of her mirror, asking herself why she looks so good.
  3. I’m as single as a dollar and I’m not looking for a change.
  4. She was a rainbow, but he was colour blind.
  5. I’m worth it. Always was, and always will be.
  6. She was simple like quantum physics.
  7. Act like a lady, think like a boss.
  8. Sweet as sugar hard as ice. Hurt me once, I’ll kill you twice.
  9. You look like something I drew with my left hand.
  10. You were my cup of tea but I drink champagne now.

Instagram Captions For Girls In Hindi

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Aise Kaise Hindi Caption Nahi Mila? Yes, we have jotted down Instagram captions for girls in Hindi to connect with your friends and people more friendly. Hindi gives us that apna feeling which you can’t let go. So here are some cool awesome Hindi captions.

  1. Aadat Nahi Hai Pith Piche Vaar Karne Ki,
    Do Lafz Kam Bolti Hu, Magar Samne Bolti Hu.
  1. Ham Ladkiya Beemar Kaha Hoti Hai,
    Hame To Bas Nazar Lag Jati Hai.
  1. Mai Cheez Original Tu Jaalti Note Hai,
    Teri Body Se Jyaada Meri DP Hot Hai.
  1. Har Savaal Ka Jawab Nahi Hota Aur,
    Har Khubsurat Ladaki Ka Boyfriend Nahi Hota.
  1. Tu Mere Sath Nahi, To Koi Baat Nahi,
    Shahjadi Roye Tere Liye, Teri Itani Aukaat Nahi.
  1. Hamari Jab Nazare Uth Jati Hai To,
    Logo Ke Muh Khule Ke Khule Rah Jate Hai.
  1. Mai Thodi Si Fuljhadi Kya Huyi,
    Sara Mohalla Machis Ho Gaya.
  1. Na Kisi Ki Princess Hu Na Kisi Ki Shahjadi Hu,
    Bas Ek Baar Jo Panga Le Le Mujhase Usake Liye Barbaadi Hu.
  1. Jalan Barkaraar Rakhna,
    Mai Jalve Barkaraar Rakhungi.
  1. Mai Bindas Si Ladki Hu,
    Apani Nahi Sunti To Teri Kya Sunungi.

Inspiring Captions For Instagram

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If you think your post on Instagram inspires people or you want to simply inspire everyone with your day today stories then you can use these inspiring captions for Instagram. Here are some of the best picked inspiring captions for Instagram.


  1. Whatever is good for your soul, do that
  2. Even the stars were jealous of the sparkle in her eyes
  3. Stress less and enjoy the best
  4. Get out there and live a little
  5. I’m not high maintenance, you’re just low effort
  6. I’m not gonna sugar coat the truth, I’m not Willy Wonka
  7. Life is better when you’re laughing
  8. Look for the magic in every moment
  9. Vodka may not be the answer but it’s worth a shot
  10. A sass a day keeps the basics away

Instagram Captions For Girls Smile

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A smile is the best accessory girls can wear and when you got a picture of yourself with smiling beauty, then what are you waiting for? Just pick one of these Instagram captions for girls to smile and keep shining.

  1. Be the reason someone smiles today.
  2. Nothing you wear is more important than your smile.
  3. Nothing shakes the smiling heart.
  4. If you are too busy to smile, you are too busy.
  5. Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears.
  6. Smiling is my favourite exercise.
  7. Smiling resets your mood.
  8. A smile is the best makeup any girl can wear.
  9. Whatever comes in my way, I take it with a smile.
  10. The most beautiful curve on a woman’s body is her smile.

Beauty Instagram Captions For Girls

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Every woman is beautiful in her own way and to celebrate the same, whenever you put a picture out there, you need beautiful captions for a girl like you. Therefore, here are the beauty Instagram captions for girls jotted down for you.

  1. Grace always conquers..!
  2. Once a queen, always a queen.
  3. Live in the sunshine where you belong.
  4. Sprinkling kindness everywhere I go.
  5. Your dream doesn’t have an expiration date.
  6. Yes, I’m sexy and I know it.
  7. Take a ride on my energy.
  8. Darling, I’m a nightmare, dressed like a daydream.
  9. Nothing is sexier than a girl who knows how to take control.
  10. Wake up, workout, look hot.

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Hope your social media aesthetic becomes even more lit with these Instagram captions for girls!

Feature Image: Instagram

210 + Instagram Captions For Girls That Will Make It Look Aesthetic AF! - India's Largest Digital Community of Women | POPxo (2024)
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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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