10 Lines on Save Water for Students and Children in English (2025)

by Prasanna

10 Lines on Save Water: Water is the most precious element in the nature that God has gifted us. It is one of the few elements in the nature that makes Earth the only planet in the solar system to sustain life. Without water, there would be no life on earth. But man has not been able to realise the importance of water and has been exploiting this natural resource to feed his ever-increasing need and greed.

It is said that the next World War will take place between countries for freshwater because of the fact that only 3% of the entire water body on earth that is actually portable and consumable.

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Set 1 – 10 Lines on Save Water for Kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  1. Water is the most precious element on Earth and it needs to be saved at all cost
  2. Without water, there would be no life on earth as we know it
  3. More than 70% of the surface of earth is covered by water.
  4. Only 3% of the entire water on the planet is freshwater which means only 3% of the entire water resource can be consumed
  5. Water is required for various purposes like agriculture, industries, domestic purposes like drinking baking and cooking
  6. Some of the major sources of freshwater are river water, lakes, groundwater and rainwater
  7. One of the most popular and easy ways to save water is rainwater harvesting
  8. There should be educational awareness campaigns on how to use water judiciously both on a domestic level and on a business level
  9. It is predicted that the next World War will be fought for water and the symptoms are already seen between India and Pakistan for Indus water and in the African Nations for Nile river water
  10. There should be a proper International consensus to use the water across borders without having to exploit and drain all of it from the river beds

10 Lines on Save Water for Students and Children in English (1)

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Save Water for School Students

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  1. Water is the important element on Earth which is made up of two molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen
  2. The water on earth falls into three categories which are saltwater, brackish water and freshwater
  3. Freshwater is the only category of water that is consumable by plants and animals
  4. Water is a big issue among neighbouring countries because water has no man-made boundaries and flows across borders, for example Indus river that flows between India and Pakistan
  5. Water issue between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu for Cauvery river has been in existence for the last 40 years in India
  6. There comes a time when we have to choose between using water between agricultural purposes and drinking purposes and cannot afford to do both
  7. Enough resources have to be allocated for research and development to convert saltwater into freshwater
  8. A most popular way to save water is recycling of used water treatment plant set up in local communities
  9. Rainwater harvesting is found to be an important method to save water and recharge the groundwater table
  10. Agricultural practices like sprinkling irrigation should be made use of to reduce the wastage of water in rural area

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Save Water for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  1. Rainwater harvesting is a process of saving water where the rainwater is allowed to percolate into the groundwater table through porous soil and hence helps in recharging the groundwater table
  2. The population explosion, rapid industrialisation, globalisation and economic growth around the world are taking a toll on the limited resources of natural water on the planet
  3. Given the fact that only 3% of all the water on the planet is freshwater, we can’t afford to use this non-renewable resource irresponsibly
  4. There are certain African Nations who are already suffering from drought and desertification because of the irresponsible use of water over the last few centuries
  5. In India, the arid regions of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and parts of Maharashtra and Karnataka are facing drought every year because proper use of water resources is not inculcated among the people
  6. Data-driven centralised servers and technology should be used to keep track of the amount of water used by people in cities so that the pattern of usage can be found out
  7. To save water, the general masses have to be incentivized which means high taxes on the water is one of the solutions to make people use water responsibly
  8. In cities like Bangalore or Hyderabad, which doesn’t have seasonal rivers flowing in, rainwater harvest and building of lakes and embankments should be done so that they become independent from river water usage
  9. The construction of artificial tanks and lakes should be encouraged so that the water collected in these can be used for domestic purposes in cities
  10. If water is not saved today, then there would be no water for the next generation to survive on and the world as we know it will come crashing down.

10 Lines on Save Water for Students and Children in English (2)

FAQ’s on 10 Lines on Save Water

Question 1.
Mention a few methods to save water

Rainwater harvesting and recycling of water through treatment plants are few ways to save water

Question 2.
Why is water bodies getting polluted?

Dumping of toxic wastes, both industrial and domestic is one of the reasons for water pollution

Question 3.
Can saltwater be converted to fresh after?

Scientists are still working on mass-scale production of freshwater from saltwater, but as of now, the technology is redundant

Question 4.
How to save water at home?

Turning off the water tap when not in use, using a bucket to take bath instead of a shower, gardening water using sprinkler methods are few ways to save water at our homes

10 Lines on Save Water for Students and Children in English (2025)


What is the importance of water 10 lines? ›

10 Lines On The Importance Of Water For Kids

If there's no water, life on this planet would be impossible. Water accounts for about 60% of a human's weight. Water is used for showering, cleaning, cooking, etc. The two categories of water on our planet are salty and fresh water.

How to save water essay in simple English? ›

We should join our hands together and take a pledge of using water according to the need without wasting it. We should also avoid the contamination of water by not throwing medicines or oils in water outlets. We should save water from being polluted and avoid the mixing of industrial wastes into the water.

How to save water lines for kids? ›

Water Slogans in English
  1. Pollute water, you pollute life.
  2. Never waste even a drop of water.
  3. No water, no life. No blue, no green.
  4. Hold your grip and stop that drip.
  5. Each one, teach the other one to spread the word and stop the curse. Save water, Save Earth.

How to save water 5 lines? ›

  1. (i) Water is a precious gift of nature.
  2. (ii) We should not waste it. ...
  3. (iii) Always be careful that the water tank in your house does not overflow when it is being filled.
  4. (iv) If we leave the tap running while brushing our teeth, nearly 16 litres of water get wasted.

What is a short paragraph about save water? ›

There is no life without water. Water is not only important for human beings but for the entire ecosystem. Without enough water, the existence of humans, as well as animals, is next to impossible. After fresh air, water is the second most important natural resource for the survival of any living being.

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Paragraph on Save Water 300 Words
  1. We must use water judiciously.
  2. Water bodies should not be polluted.
  3. Water is a very useful natural resource.
  4. Polluting water bodies is an ecological hazard.
  5. We need clean potable water.
  6. Water serves many purposes.
  7. Water is a vital natural resource.
  8. Water should not be wasted.

Why is water important for kids? ›

Water is essential to how the body functions. On average, children ages 1 - 18 are somewhere between 56-60% water. When kids are dehydrated, they can start to lose steam and feel fatigued. Water helps provide your child energy and prevent dehydration.

How to save water speech in English? ›

Speech on Save Water for 1 Minute
  1. Use buckets or take short showers.
  2. Taking a bath saves a lot of water.
  3. While brushing your teeth, turn off the water tap.
  4. Water leaks should be checked and repaired on a regular basis.
  5. Water the plants using a watering can.
  6. Children and kids should be taught not to misuse water.

Why is English important for us in 10 lines? ›

As the primary language of international communication, it allows people from different countries to connect and share ideas. This is particularly important in today's world where many people are working and living in multicultural environments. English is also important for personal growth and development.

How to save water in 150 words? ›

Paragraph on Save Water in 150 Words

Our body also requires approximately 4-5 litres of water every day. Water is not only essential for human beings but also for animals, plants, birds, etc. That is why we need to save water. It is as essential to life on Earth as air.

What is the importance of save water? ›

Using water-saving techniques can save you money and diverts less water from our rivers, bays, and estuaries, which helps keep the environment healthy. It can also reduce water and wastewater treatment costs and the amount of energy used to treat, pump, and heat water.

Why must we save water? ›

Conserving water saves energy. Energy is needed to filter, heat and pump water to your home, so reducing your water use also reduces your carbon footprint. Using less water keeps more in our ecosystems and helps to keep wetland habitats topped up for animals like otters, water voles, herons and fish.

How to save water 20 lines? ›

20 Ways to Save Water
  1. Use a displacement device (a water-filled bottle) in the toilet tank to reduce the amount of water required to flush.
  2. Use toilet only for its intended purpose. ...
  3. Repair leaky taps or toilets immediately. ...
  4. Consider a small capacity toilet when replacing an old one.
  5. Take shorter showers.

How to save water in 100 words? ›

Take short showers. Shut off the water while you are rinsing the dishes. Use the garbage disposal sparingly. Instead, compost vegetable food waste and save gallons every time.

How can we save the use of water? ›

Water is a precious resource and the processing and distribution of water will also result in carbon emissions. By reducing water usage, we can lower our water bills and protect the environment by conserving clean water resources and cutting down the generation of wastewater.

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