10 Best Ways To Propose A Boy [He Will Say Yes For Sure] (2024)

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Every day, you wake up in the morning, and you just know. This is it, he is the one. And it is time. You need to quickly learn how to propose a boy of your dreams, and we’re here to guide you. You could go down on your knees, a rose in your hand, wearing your favorite LBD, and make it as dramatic as it you want. Or you could read this article for some effective tips on how to propose a boy.

Sheena says she was best friends with Nick (name changed) and they were dating other people. Being best buddies since childhood, they shared a comfort level and all their secrets. “I was going through a painful breakup and I was crying on his shoulders. He was single then and he said in jest, “I will not date until you start dating again. You will need my shoulders more often right now, and I am sure my girlfriend wouldn’t like that.””

“Then make me your date,” I told Nick. He nodded and said, “Yes, that’s a good idea.” At that point, Sheena realized she had just proposed to a boy without even thinking about what she was doing. Fortunately, the couple has been together for 6 years now. While this might seem a rather direct way to propose a boy, read on for other ideas on how to propose a boy in a unique way.

10 Tips For The Perfect Proposal

Table of Contents

To help you plan and execute the best proposal and give you tips on how to propose to a boy, this article includes a range of innovative ways to propose to your partner that will help you sweep him right off his feet.

Deciding to commit to a relationship is not easy. It takes two parties to be equally involved and interested. So, knowing the right time and space for both of you is important before you decide to propose a boy. Choose a day that’s special to you both to pop the question that is going to change your life for good. Or you can do it on Valentine’s Day. No matter what day you choose, try and propose a boy in a unique way to make sure it remains etched in both your memories.

Related Reading: 30 Most Romantic Marriage Proposal Ideas

1. How to propose a boy who is also your best friend

The guy’s been your best friend for some time and you have fallen in love with him. You have been hanging out for a long time and you have made a lot of memories together. If you are in such a situation and wondering, “How should I propose a boy?”, I would suggest that you first pick a spot that holds sentimental value for both of you or take him to a place you know he loves. Ideally, you should avoid taking him to crowded places like coffee shops, malls, and theaters.

Next, be precise, because it’s his day and it’s your job to make it all about him. For instance, focus on his favorite hobby and develop your plan around it. Say, your guy is a thalassophile. You can take him to a nearby aquarium and ask the divers to put on a surprise proposal inside their biggest fish tank. They can hold a waterproof sign that says, Will you marry me?” Then get ready to witness his reaction!

2. Great food will do the trick

Food is the way to a man’s heart. If you want to propose a boy, cook his favorite meal. If you cannot, order in from his favorite restaurant. He will know something is up. He can probably read you like an open book by now. What’s important is that he will appreciate the effort.

If you’re in a long-distance relationship, Google a good restaurant near his office or home and have his favorite food delivered to him. These little things can do the trick and make him more willing to say “I do”.

If you are uncertain about his feelings for you and would like to propose to a boy indirectly, then send flowers with the food, along with a card that indicates you have special feelings for him. He would love the fact that you gave the food some thought too while planning the proposal. Check out his reaction and then decide your next step forward.

How do you propose a boy who is a foodie? Well, you could toss up a storm in the kitchen. Add some wine, candle light, and his favorite music, and leave him mighty impressed by the end of it.

Related Reading: 21 Ways To Tell Someone You Love Them Without Saying It

3. How to propose a boy on phone

Sometimes, the situation fails us and we can’t be physically present to propose a boy. Maybe it is due to distance or a hectic schedule, or the weather that keeps you from proposing on a romantic, rainy day. Or maybe you just feel it’s the right time and you can’t wait any longer, because the timing is just so perfect. Sometimes, you just can’t let pesky things like distance, time difference, and work issues stop you. In times like these, if you are wondering how to propose a boy, then we have some interesting ideas below.

For moments like these, when your partner is not nearby and you want to scream your love for him from the rooftops, your phone may be the only answer. But how to propose a boy on the phone and make it meaningful? In order to do that, you need to find a unique way to propose a boy on chat. Luckily for you, we have some great tips.

Though girls expect guys to make the first move and admit their love, this is 2022 and, as feminists, we are working to break free of all the irrational, old stereotypes. So, proposing a boy on chat is not unusual today. Just remember that if you are looking for a unique way to propose a boy, then you need to gather your courage and prepare what you want to say to him well in advance. You definitely want the proposal to be special. If you are the anxious type, note down the main points of your speech beforehand. This could include stories about how you met, the times you spent together, the fights and the romance, and the moment you just knew he was the one for you.

Make sure that you choose your words carefully so you can let him know the depth of your love. Remember that he can’t see you, so it is very important to let your words and your voice reflect your emotions.

4. Propose a boy over text

Texting can be vibrant and quirky and one of the best ways to propose to a boy cutely. Think of the possibilities! You could propose a boy on text indirectly. For instance, you could add a quote that reflects how your feelings for him have evolved to make him feel valued and wanted. Or you can send him a morning text with a proposal poem dedicated to him.

Say “I Do”

You’re the sun in my shine
The spark in my plug
The heart to my beat
The day to my night
The twinkle in my eye
The hot to my spicy
The yin to my yang
The soul to my mate
Need I say more?
Now all I want to hear from you
Is to say, “I do”

But don’t just text him a proposal poem out of the blue. He might get too surprised to process what happened. When you want to propose a boy on chat, begin by subtly adding hints about your feelings and intentions toward him in your messages. Then work on writing the most romantic textual proposal you can whip up and hit send. Remember to not double text before he has a chance to reply. When you propose to a boy in a unique way like this, you have to give him time to think and reply.

5. Ask your guy with a gift

10 Best Ways To Propose A Boy [He Will Say Yes For Sure] (2)

If you are a straightforward person wondering how to propose to a boy, presents are the kind of souvenirs that would remain a tangible proof of your big day. Gift him things that will take him on a nostalgic trip even years later and allow him to relive his favorite parts of the day.

If none of the ideas above suit your personality and you are still wondering, “How should I propose a boy?”, try gifting him something that will get him really excited. Maybe the latest 60-inch Smart TV delivered to his home with the message: “I want to watch this TV forever with you” stuck on it. Guys dote on gadgets. So, gift him some cool gadget that has been on his wish list forever. Get it delivered, or wrap it in a fancy box and give it to him at a fancy restaurant. He would remember your proposal for life. Do you see now how you can propose to a boy in different ways?

6. Do it on a vacation

If you’re still looking for ways to propose to him, take him on a weekend getaway. It’ll provide him with a break from the world and give you both a place from where to start your journey together, a place decked with candles, an open sky full of stars, endless conversations, and the promise to never give up on one another. How’s that for an idea on how to propose to a boy? It would be very difficult for him to refuse your proposal.

To propose to a boy in a unique way, opt for a fancy resort or a place up in the hills or a beach cottage that he absolutely loves. This will make it a memory for you both to cherish. If he loves to scuba dive, you can make an adventurous sport out of it and propose to him underwater.

Underwater proposals are grand enough to speak for themselves. But when the sound of the rushing ocean is not blocking out what you are saying, it is important to know what to say to propose to a boy in a way that your message is clear and coherent. You are the one who knows him best so you will know what to say when the time comes. But that doesn’t mean you should just wing it!

We would suggest you to take your time with the speech. Take a trip down memory lane with him while proposing. Note all the hardships and all the best parts. Make a personal joke or two — ones only he and you can understand. And then end with a flourish. Declare your love for him and watch him fall in love with you all over again. These are just a few ideas on how you can propose to a boy in different ways.

Related Reading: 6 Clear Signs He Wants To Marry You

7. Propose a boy in a funny way

Looking for something funny? Thinking of how to propose to a boy with a sense of humor? Then doing a funny happily-ever-after proposal could be a good idea. You can make a funny flip book and give it to him, hide a card in a shoebox, tape a funny message on the headboard of the bed, or click a quirky picture, add a few words to it, and share on SM!

If you want to truly shock him, jump off the building only to land on an inflated bed that says, “Will you be my life partner?” on it in huge letters. Or you can pretend you are leaving town forever and be all dramatic about it, before saying, “I will only stay if you stay with me!” If you are an outdoor kind of couple then you have to try a creative outdoor proposal. Let us know what he thought about your proposal, how he reacted, and how it turned into the most cherished memory for the both of you. You just knew how to do a proposal right, didn’t you?

8. Tell him with a love letter

10 Best Ways To Propose A Boy [He Will Say Yes For Sure] (3)

For an old-fashioned way on how to propose to a boy, pour your heart out on that piece of paper. Begin from where it all started and conclude with where you see him and you, ten years down the line. Tell him things you couldn’t say out loud, things that ink and parchment can explain better.

A love letter may seem usual, but you can propose to a boy in different ways by making your love letter a great one. Get some fancy paper or DIY some handmade ones and write a long letter telling him about your feelings. Or write him a short story with him as the protagonist.

If you are the romantic kind and want to propose a boy on text indirectly, drop him a few lines every day for a month, and on the final day, bare it all in the form of a long, passionate proposal letter. While emails and texts have taken over the written word, be different and bring back the lost art of writing love letters and watch your man fall in love all over again.

9. Plan the perfect date

The idea of a perfect date is subjective for every couple. Some couples like to keep it low-key while some like it fancy. And some just want to sit on a bench in a park and talk. The idea is to feel closer and comfortable in each other’s presence irrespective of the surroundings or the location.

If you want to propose a boy, take him to your favorite spot, be it a restaurant or your dingy little dungeon, bend the knee or don’t, roses in hand, maintain eye contact, and then BOOM, propose to him.

To propose a boy in a unique way, you can try some romantic indoor date ideas and plan a beautiful date where you could propose to him. How about arranging some musicians to play some great music, let the champagne flow, and hide a pair of fabulous twin rings in the dessert.

10. Propose a boy indirectly on chat

If you are too shaky to propose directly, then you can take the indirect route. When you are on a chat with a guy, tell him indirectly that you like him and gauge his reaction.If you fear rejection, take it slow to gauge the situation. Knowing how to propose a boy on text indirectly, in this case, may be very important. If I was in such a situation and wondering, “How can I propose to a boy?”, I would start by dropping hints that I like him a lot, have fallen head over heels for him, and want to have a future together.

But before that, I would make sure I am on his radar first and that I am not just staring at him intensely from a distance while he has no idea I exist. Do cute little things for him now and then. Ask him how his day is. Laugh at his jokes. Once you know that he is aware of your existence, you can start dropping hints about your feelings.

If he asks you what you want, be direct. Proposing a boy on chat is a good idea when you are not too sure about his feelings for you. Who knows, he might be deeply in love with you but didn’t know how to tell you. Or if he replies with shock, you can always say you were just kidding.


1. What is the best way to propose a boy?

You can propose to a boy over a phone call, over text, on a date, through a letter, or on a holiday. Or you can be more adventurous and propose to him underwater while scuba-diving. Or arrange for a funny yet shocking proposal that leaves his heart thumping in more ways than one.

2. How do you propose a boy in simple words?

Just be honest and say or write down how you feel. Write how you want to be together with him and how he makes you happy. That would do it.

3. What if I propose my boyfriend and he says no?

This is a fear most people have, irrespective of gender. I think you need to be sure about what the guy’s feelings are toward you before you make a proposal. If you go wrong and he says no, then just take it in your stride and move on.

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10 Best Ways To Propose A Boy [He Will Say Yes For Sure] (2024)


How do you get a boy to accept your proposal? ›

How to Get a Guy to Propose to You
  1. Become his weakness.
  2. Give yourself time and importance.
  3. Give him hints about moving.
  4. Start spending more time with your friends.
  5. Tell him you have options.
  6. Keep the wedding talk on hold.
12 May 2021

What should I text to propose a boy? ›

My days are filled with your laughter and my heart is filled with your thoughts. Promise me we'll be together forever because I love you! I don't want anyone else to have your heart, kiss your lips, be in your arms, be the one you love. I don't want anyone to take my place.

How do you say yes when a boy proposes? ›

Some reply ideas include:
  1. "Yes! I've wanted to say that to you for so long."
  2. "Yes, I can't think of anything I want to do more than spend the rest of my life with you."
  3. "Of course I will. Was there ever any doubt?"
  4. "You're the love of my life, and my answer is yes, yes, yes!"

How do you know if a boy loves u? ›

24 Signs He's In Love With You
  • He looks up the movie you've been waiting to see and surprises you with a date night. ...
  • He brings you flowers for no reason. ...
  • He really tries to make you come. ...
  • He doesn't look at his phone when you're around. ...
  • He texts you pictures of inside jokes and things that remind him of you.
5 Jul 2016

What is most romantic saying? ›

1. If loving you is wrong, then I don't ever want to be right. 2. I would love to spend my whole life in your arms.

What makes a man want to marry you? ›

Sociologists researched traits that men tend to want their potential wife to have. These preferences include: Mutual attraction and love. Passion and friendship.

Can a girl propose a boy first? ›

Absolutely! Although it challenges traditional gender roles and gender norms in heterosexual relationships, more women are choosing to propose to the men in their lives than ever before.

How can you make a man want you? ›

12 Simple Tips On How To Make Him Want You – Infographic
  1. Feed His Ego.
  2. Send Him A Picture.
  3. Dress Up.
  4. Use Body Language To Entice Him.
  5. Show Genuine Interest In His Hobbies.
  6. Wear Some Perfume.
  7. Play Hard To Get.
  8. Send Him Little Treats.

How do you say yes in a cute way? ›

  1. Yes.
  2. Ya.
  3. Yep.
  4. Yup.
  6. Totally.
  7. Totes.
  8. Sure.

Is it OK to propose a guy? ›

So if you're a woman who'd like to propose, you should absolutely go for it. “Of course a woman can propose to a man,” says Tina B. Tessina, PhD, a psychotherapist in Long Beach, California, who has been counseling couples for four decades.

How can I win a boy heart? ›

12 Ways To Win A Man's Heart That Have Absolutely Nothing To Do With Sex
  1. Tell him a secret. ...
  2. Let yourself be vulnerable. ...
  3. Encourage him to be vulnerable. ...
  4. Get weird. ...
  5. Urge him to get weird. ...
  6. Make him laugh. ...
  7. Cross an item off his To Do list. ...
  8. Cook for him.

Do men fall in love faster? ›

Contrary to popular belief, women don't fall in love quickly. Actually, science said in relationships between cisgender men and women, men are more likely to declare love at first sight. A new study found men actually fall in love quicker than women, and the reason could be biological.

How does a man fall in love? ›

The key is that when most men fall in love, they are willing to show trust, vulnerability, and love after the initial attraction. This step can come in the form of honest conversations in which the man can open up and share and be emotional.

How can I impress my bf? ›

How to impress your boyfriend
  1. You are lucky, if you are blessed with true love. Everyone crave to have an ideal relationship. ...
  2. Take interest in his friends. ...
  3. Smell nice. ...
  4. Be confident. ...
  5. Express yourself. ...
  6. Look good. ...
  7. Be yourself. ...
  8. Do not say things that will hurt.

What to say a guy to make him smile? ›

Sweet Things to Say to Your Boyfriend
  • I love you for everything you are.
  • I feel so safe with your arms around me.
  • I can't stop smiling around you. You make me so happy.
  • I crave you more than pizza.
  • I love your _____.
  • You're more than my boyfriend. ...
  • Every day is an adventure with you.
  • I'd do anything to see you smile.

How do I text romantic? ›

13 Romantic Texts To Send Your Partner Just To Say "I Love You"
  1. “It was so hard to get out of bed this morning! ...
  2. “Currently smiling just thinking about you.” ...
  3. “Every time we are together I feel so happy! ...
  4. “You look so good right now 😉.” ...
  5. “Just thinking about you is enough to make my heart race.”
29 Oct 2017

What do men look for in a wife? ›

Like women, men want a life partner who will be trustworthy, faithful and reliable. They want a wife who will stand by their side and, considering divorce rates, it's no surprise that dependability would continue to be attractive.

How do you make a guy miss you badly? ›

8 Ways to Make Him Miss You
  1. Let him take initiative. ...
  2. Don't let him think he has you too soon. ...
  3. Don't say 'yes' to him every time. ...
  4. Make him feel like he can't live without you. ...
  5. Make the time you spend together amazing so he wants you around more. ...
  6. Make him miss you by not contacting him.
17 Jan 2021

How do girls propose to guys? ›

Tips for Women Proposing to Men
  • Consider Your Partner's Stance. Have you had conversations about the idea of marriage? ...
  • Know Thy Mate. By far the most important part of planning a successful proposal is to remember that this is not about your dream proposal, it's about his. ...
  • Choose a Meaningful Location. ...
  • Think Unique. ...
  • Be You.
20 Jul 2020

Can a girl ask a guy out? ›

Yes, Girls Can — And Should — Ask Guys Out. Photographed by Savana Ogburn. It's 2019, yet when it comes to asking someone out on a date, there's still a lot of pressure for women who are interested in men to wait to be asked.

How can I make him chase me again? ›

Make Him Chase You Again Now! - How to Become Irresistible Today

Does ignoring guy get his attention? ›

Ignoring a guy is one of the surefire ways to get his attention, as he would at most times try to win your attention back. However, ignoring alone doesn't put you at the forefront of his thoughts and make you desirable.

How do I romance my man? ›

Touch him often.

Just touch him on his arm, the small of his back, or on his knee when you're sitting together, or give his hand a little squeeze from time to time. You don't have to go into major PDA mode (not a favorite for many guys) to show him that you care about him and that you love being around him.

What to say to marry me? ›

Lesson Transcript
  • "Will you marry me?" ...
  • "Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" ...
  • "Will you make me the happiest man alive?" ...
  • "You are the one I've been waiting for my whole life." ...
  • "I want to be with you forever." ...
  • "Let's spend the rest of our lives together." ...
  • "Having you by my side is what completes me."

What knee do I propose on? ›

Today, it's one of our favourite traditions of a marriage proposal. If you're wondering which knee you should propose on - convention dictates that your left knee should be on the ground, the ring box should be in your left hand, and the box should be opened with your right hand.

Should you propose on her birthday? ›

Pro: There's an element of surprise.

"The element of surprise would certainly be enhanced by proposing on the bride's birthday," she says. In other words, a bride-to-be won't think twice about secretive plans on her birthday, giving the groom more leniency to coordinate a sneaky proposal.

What age should you propose? ›

One analysis of data provided by the National Survey of Family Growth suggests that getting married between the ages of 28 and 32 (and hypothetically, getting engaged about a year beforehand) offers the lowest risk of divorce.

How do you propose love at first sight? ›

How to impress and propose a beautiful girl in 10 tips
  1. Always give out a smiling face. ...
  2. Be extremely gentle and soft in speech. ...
  3. Extend your helping hand if needed. ...
  4. Show equal respect and honor. ...
  5. Maintain a jolly mood. ...
  6. Preplan your ideas to propose. ...
  7. Arrange suitable place and time. ...
  8. Be free, frank and brave in expressing your love.
9 Oct 2012

How do I make my crush smile? ›

Things to Say to Your Crush to Make Her Smile Over Text
  1. Hi Baby / Pumpkin/ Sweetheart/ (other cute nicknames for your crush).
  2. You're Always on My Mind.
  3. I Dreamt A Sweet Dream About You Last Night.
  4. You're The First Thing on My Mind.
  5. You Will Always Be My Love.
  6. How Can You Make Me Be So Happy?
  7. I Never Want to Lose You.
3 Feb 2021

How can I impress my crush guy? ›

Ways to impress your crush
  1. Talk about your passions. If you are passinate about life and career, talk about those passions and goals with your crush. ...
  2. Be a good listener. It mostly starts with a good foundation of friendship. ...
  3. Find common interests. ...
  4. Make them laugh. ...
  5. Be yourself. ...
  6. Dress properly and groom yourself.
18 May 2022

What are some unique ways to propose? ›

From unique gifts to the perfect atmosphere, here are 17 genius ways to propose to your partner.
  • Use your pet. ...
  • Use Christmas lights. ...
  • Use refrigerator magnets or put those little glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling. ...
  • Use a special mug. ...
  • Make them go on a scavenger hunt. ...
  • Put it in the newspaper.
2 Mar 2017

Can a girl propose a boy first? ›

Absolutely! Although it challenges traditional gender roles and gender norms in heterosexual relationships, more women are choosing to propose to the men in their lives than ever before.

How do you propose simple? ›

In an age when seemingly every moment needs to be social media-worthy, many people might feel pressured to make their proposal a spectacle.
  1. Dessert Ask. ...
  2. Marriage Request in Magnets. ...
  3. At a Family Gathering. ...
  4. Ring Inside a Rose. ...
  5. Last Day of Vacation. ...
  6. Make It a Gift. ...
  7. The Peak of a Hike at Sunset. ...
  8. Get Your Pets Involved.
1 Aug 2019

Is it OK to propose a guy? ›

So if you're a woman who'd like to propose, you should absolutely go for it. “Of course a woman can propose to a man,” says Tina B. Tessina, PhD, a psychotherapist in Long Beach, California, who has been counseling couples for four decades.

Can a girl ask a guy out? ›

Yes, Girls Can — And Should — Ask Guys Out. Photographed by Savana Ogburn. It's 2019, yet when it comes to asking someone out on a date, there's still a lot of pressure for women who are interested in men to wait to be asked.

How do you say I love you without saying it in a text? ›

How do I say “I love you” without saying it in a text?
  1. “Smiling so much today just thinking of you”
  2. “Just wanted to thank you for being you :)”
  3. “I hope you know how much you mean to me”
  4. “I'm so glad you're in my life!”
  5. “You are so amazing!”
  6. “You mean so much to me”
  7. Send a sweet GIF.
  8. Send a romantic song.
10 Feb 2014

How do you propose love at first sight? ›

How to impress and propose a beautiful girl in 10 tips
  1. Always give out a smiling face. ...
  2. Be extremely gentle and soft in speech. ...
  3. Extend your helping hand if needed. ...
  4. Show equal respect and honor. ...
  5. Maintain a jolly mood. ...
  6. Preplan your ideas to propose. ...
  7. Arrange suitable place and time. ...
  8. Be free, frank and brave in expressing your love.
9 Oct 2012

Can U Get engaged at 16? ›

Underage marriage in the United States is not permitted unless there are exceptional circ*mstances including consent of a court clerk or judge, consent of the parents or legal guardians of the minor, if one of the parties is pregnant or has given birth to a child, or if the minor is emancipated.

What can a woman offer to a man? ›

Support, nurturing, respect, trust, empathy, companionship, partnership, intimacy, loyalty, fun, adventure, endurance through pain and illness, humility, beauty, family. There are things inside of you that a man wants – that a man needs.

How do you get your boyfriend to marry you? ›

How To Get Your Boyfriend To Marry You in 9 Easy Steps
  1. Step 1: Make sure you are ready for marriage. ...
  2. Step 2: Communicate How You Feel and What You Want. ...
  3. Step 3: Discuss Marriage in a Positive Way. ...
  4. Step 4: Make him feel like he is the only thing that matters in your life. ...
  5. Step 5: Be his shoulder to cry on when he needs it.
12 Apr 2022

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.